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 Weekend Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Feat

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August 23, 2017, 08:35:43 pm
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Weekend Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Feat
« on: August 23, 2017, 08:35:43 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Feat
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

I'm Joe. I'm 22, currently living in Wales, UK and I'm an electrical and electronic engineering student.


I'm an unholy DK and have been throughout the expansion, through its highs and lows. It's a specialization that I feel flows very well this expansion and brings a good deal of burst aoe and sustain damage to fights, along with utility spells such as death grip. My gear level is currently 912.

Mastery > haste (to 20%) > crit/versatility.
My single target rotation involves applying outbreak to the target, building up festering wounds using festering strike, then bursting those wounds using clawing shadows (talented)/ scourge strike (untalented). My AoE rotation involves spreading my plague using outbreak, using epidemic to burst the plague sores for aoe damage, and dropping death and decay while spamming clawing shadows for aoe damage.


I have multiple 110 alts, but none are geared to a point of raiding.


Engineering provides utilities such as nitro boost
Alchemy because I got that Vial of the Sands recipe booi

Raiding Experience:

I've never been in a guild, I've pugged every raid tier however. I downed Garrosh Normal (now Heroic), Imperator Normal, Archimonde Heroic and have recently downed K'J normal, all via pugs.

Previous Guilds:



Currently available 24/7, will be back in college late September however where I will be studying two days a week (wed/thu most likely). Sundays are perfect for me for raiding.


English is my native language, I can communicate via Teamspeak 3 (Discord is better tho js)

Computer / Connection:

i5 4550k O.Cd to 4.2GHz
16GB Ram
Nvidia GTX980
I often have latency issues during the daytime if a couple of people in the house are watching Netflix, but post-9pm my internet is stable and there is no latency.


DBM - Necessary
Shadowed Unit Frames - Unit frames I like the most
Grid - Raid UI
WeakAuras - To keep track of CDs, buffs, debuff on target etc
Bartender - To set up my bars

Gyazo of my UI:

Other Games:

Overwatch, Hearthstone, GTA V

Why Iron Edge?

I'd like to join a raiding guild for the first time in my WoW career and Sundays are perfect for myself. I also love the name of the guild.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Dedication, hard work inside and outside of the raid, UH DK utility, a repair mount

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Trade spam (Xormageddon)

Last Words?

"My mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught, your unbridled fury... Is it truly righteousness that drives you? I wonder." - The Lich King

« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 09:29:57 am by Rashkebab »

August 24, 2017, 12:24:34 am
Reply #1

Offline Tutan

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Feat
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 12:24:34 am »
Hi Joe/Feat,

I'm a Celtic brother from North of the border, that one time a sheep comes along and you are tarred with that brush forever!

I've got a couple of questions if you wouldn't mind answering?


From you application you show you understand the haste point to be aiming for yet your armoury shows you r character has 35% haste, is this the lowest amount of haste you can have with your current gear level or have you equipped with higher ilvl without worrying about haste?

Can you go a little deeper in detail around your talent choices?  Your description of rotation lets us know you take Epidemic, Clawing Shadows and Defile for your current build (I'm assuming that's because of your Legendary head).  What about your other talent choices?  Are you aware of other talent combinations and why you would take them?


How many Legendaries do you have on this character?  Are the head and ring your only ones?  Fairly good luck with the head, not so much with the ring.

How has the AP grind been for you?  Have you got Concordance yet?


Is this an alt or your main?  Your wow progress has an Alliance (Eww) Druid called Scabbard logged as your main.

Raiding Experience

I remember how hard it was when I first started out raiding; trying to pug constantly is a nightmatre.

Your armoury has noted the number of times you've killed each boss.  For the majority of encounters you've killed each boss once, some twice and occasionally 3 times.  Apart from Garrosh HC where you have 28 kills, you must have really wanted the Tusks of Mannoroth!

Previous Guilds

Now this is the part Id like to ask you about the most in your application.  Early on in your application you say you have never been in a guild while later it says you have never been in a raiding guild.  I'm a little confused here, can you shed some light on the situation?

Wowprogress has you listed as having joined 10 different guilds since June 2013; the most recent of which, Konvict Gaming, you left around 1900hrs on 23/8/17

Whats the deal?  You've been in guilds before but say in your application you've never been in a guild.  If you have hopped around as a social why not say you have hopped around as a social?

Lets go with that for just now!



August 24, 2017, 01:48:44 am
Reply #2

Offline Feat

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Feat
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 01:48:44 am »
Hey Tutan,

Thanks for taking the time to respond and to thoroughly read through my application.


The haste on my armory is not accurate - my haste in game is 24.52%, which is still above the 20% breakpoint but that's because the gear I've recently obtained has been good enough to justify going above the breakpoint. Here are my stats in game -

My talents are the way they are because I've recently been running mythic+, and so I've gone for an AoE build. I'm aware that Dark Arbiter and Pestilent Pustules are optimal in a raid environment as they provide single target burst damage and sustain damage, respectively, and I'd typically be using them in a raid.


I currently only have Sephuz, Death's March and (sigh) Aggramar's Stride, all at 970. I probably have so few because of how little actual content I've run so far this expansion, I run plenty of M+ but as far as daily caches, heroic raiding, and weekend events go, I've farmed relatively little. I guess this is because I've had no reason to farm these, as I've had nobody to play with on a competitive level.
I have indeed obtained concordance and I have 54 traits.


This character has been my main throughout Legion, that Druid was created a couple of months ago to play with some irl friends on the alliance, but we just use our alliance characters to pug ToS or run m+ when we have some free time, we are not in a guild and we are not committed to a raid schedule.

Raiding Experience

While Feat has been my main throughout Legion, this was not the case in former expansions - I have mained fury warrior, frost/fire/arcane mage, and resto/feral druid in past expansions. During 7.2 onwards to legion I mained my warrior órctioneer-kazzak, who I think was my most accomplished character for WoD.

Previous Guilds

You know when you're guildless and you get spammed with invites from random guilds? Those are the guilds that I've joined on Feat in the past. I have never played in a guild where I have raided with other guildmates. Apologies if I made it seem that I was trying to pull off something shady when I said I've never been in a guild, but what I meant was I've never been in a guild where it feels like a guild and not just some collection of players just joining for the +20% mount speed or other bonuses. I left that guild yesterday because I wasn't aware of this recruitment process and thought I'd get /ginvited to Iron Edge to have an interview or whatever, I'm not really familiar with formal guild recruitment, as you may have guessed!


August 24, 2017, 09:29:20 am
Reply #3

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Feat
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2017, 09:29:20 am »
I suspect you clicked the wrong button and that this was supposed to be an application for the weekend raid. I'll switch the title so it's a bit more clear.

I'll get Xormn in here and take a look!
Rash - Holy Priest
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Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

August 24, 2017, 12:20:37 pm
Reply #4

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Feat
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2017, 12:20:37 pm »
Hey there, Joe.

I like how you handled Tutan's questions. Shows you know your class pretty well. Saturdays we try to get a normal run with a few people that still need normal loot. Maybe you can join that for some tier pieces?

Either way, I'd like to give you a trial. You can poke me or any officer for an invite! Also, feel free to join our discord server. I'll post the hours of the normal runs there.
Ba dun tss!


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