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 Weekend Raider Application - Priest (Healer) - Flappybear

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July 20, 2018, 02:42:09 am
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Weekend Raider Application - Priest (Healer) - Flappybear
« on: July 20, 2018, 02:42:09 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Flappybear
Class/Spec: Priest (Healer)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:


My names Joe, most people call me by my in game tag of Flappy. I'm 21 currently working full time at a boring job. I'm British born and raised. I've been playing WoW since pretty much classic on and off, most of the time it was as an aspiring PvP god but that never worked out. Me and some friends had a crack at raiding during WoD and I like to think we did okay but life happens and the guild died but I still have a hunger for raiding and that's why i'm here.


I should say that I took a break from the game for the best part of legion as I just didn't have time for it ( Now I do).

I'm typically a healer whore, I have experience on every healer apart from the Mistweaver.
Currently my main is a Priest and I happily switch between the most effective specialisation however I would have to give Disc the edge as the play style is solid.

As I said i've taken a break from WoW so my gear is from early EN and even then it's PvP stuff, but I always aim to keep all three specs at a raiding level.


It may have changed from when I last played but i'll give it the best shot I can, please don't judge me badly.

For Disc it would be PW:S on CD with tanks being the priority or a specific person for boss mechanics, followed by Penance on CD. And then its keeping attonement up on as many characters as needed.

Holy was more of a renew spam and when not renewing flash healing to get either Sanctuary spell of CD that bit faster.

For both specs CDs will be held for the crucial boss mechanics and a careful eye for those juicy life grips that save lives.


On Kazzak I also have a Paladin (110) and a Shaman (110) that will be leveled for BFA they are normally set for healing but I feel an urge to try my hand at tanking on the paladin at some point in hopefully a more casual environment as i have little experience at tanking.


I normally only focus on the professions on my main character which is Herb/Alch for the money and the ability to help out with flasks and pots for those guys to poor to afford them. (There was always one in my last guild!!)

Raiding Experience:

So for the most part I played Healer in all of my raiding experience however I did play Spriest for a short spell late in HFC Mythic.

As i said I took a break in legion so I have no current progress to boast, however I cleared all of WoD content on HC and I believe I got up to Archimonde Mythic but ran out of steam before we felled him.

I'd like to add that we managed to get Archimonde HC down the day before his big nerf (It was a big deal back then)

Previous Guilds:

The only guild of note that i've been in was Aptitude. It was a guild me and a few friends started and it blossomed however due to some personal lifestyle choices I was unable to keep playing and took a break, unfortunately the guild did not survive Legion which is why i'm looking for a new place.


Well i'm no longer a student I work set hours normally late shifts in the week ( 2pm - 10pm ) GBT
and every other weekend, however Sundays I finish early and will be home in time for raid night.
I'm pretty much a massive nerd and dont have much of a social life so you can be assured i'll be that guy who never misses a raid without a good reason.


My English is solid, I hope the correct punctuation is giving me some brownie points towards my application.

I have TS3 download and use it daily with friends I also have a high quality Headset + Microphone. ( Corsair Vengeance )
I can be a pretty chatty guy when you get to know me, but I still take raiding seriously and shut up and focus when its needed.

Computer / Connection:

I have a custom build PC if you are interested in the stats I can get them to you, but I never DC or lag and can run 80 fps consistent in most raiding environments.

My internet is reliable it's never let me down before.


So for addons its pretty standard list - DBM , Tell Me When, RC Loot Council ( That's what my old guild used ) , Angry Assignments, Quartz, Skada, Mythic Plus Timer, and then any boss specific things like Iskar Assist for example.

I like to keep my UI rather uncluttered so I do use a lot of the base UI options. The only difference from the screen shot is that I will have Quartz cast bars a little bit above my action bars.

Other Games:

I dabble about but at the moment I play a bit of League of Legends even though its in a crappy place right now (Mid Plat that helps my cause). Players Unknown: Battleground, A bit of Warhammer, Assassin Creed Black Flag.

Why Iron Edge?

Well the first thing that caught my eye was the perfect raiding times, but before I filled out this application I took a look around. Your guild seems to have a relaxed and fun time atmosphere which is a bigger deal breaker to me than progression. Which is something that I really want to be apart of.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm a reliable cool headed nice guy, i'm always ready for a laugh. But saying that i'm also down to earth and happy to do whatever it takes to keep my character in the best place to help the team get them bosses down.

Plus I love to heal, its a passion which drives me to be the best I can, and that spans across multiple characters so i'm always ready to fill whatever need the guild has.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I was just looking around WoW forums and came across a post from Xormiez.

Last Words?

I'm sure you lot are bombarded by applications at the moment, most in a situation like me, having taken a long break and want to get back in the game. All I can say is that my personal life has settled and i'm ready to clear content. Just give me a chance to prove it.

Thanks for taking the time and reading my application, I hope i answered everything to your satisfaction, looking forward to hearing from you.

Your Newest Healer Dude - Flappybear

July 21, 2018, 01:00:46 pm
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Priest (Healer) - Flappybear
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2018, 01:00:46 pm »
Hey there Joe.

We're currently sitting on 5 healers and 2 tanks (including myself).
I've come to the conclusion that tanks need to be 100% reliable and we cannot afford to have them very absent.

Would a dps role be suitable for you?

Looking forward to your answer.
Ba dun tss!

July 21, 2018, 04:10:58 pm
Reply #2

Offline Flappybear

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Priest (Healer) - Flappybear
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2018, 04:10:58 pm »

Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I'd be willing to take a dps role, however from what i've seen Shadow Priests are in a bad place at the moment in BFA so I would probably take my Shaman as main and potentially play Elemental if that suits the team.

July 21, 2018, 05:30:57 pm
Reply #3

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Priest (Healer) - Flappybear
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2018, 05:30:57 pm »
Hello again.

Range suits any team. Don't give up on SPs yet. They'll kick ass in 8.1.

Regardless, if it suits you, you can poke any officer for an invite! Welcome!
Ba dun tss!


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