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 Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - oregara

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June 24, 2018, 09:59:15 am
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Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - oregara
« on: June 24, 2018, 09:59:15 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: oregara
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Hi my name is Zvonko and I am 22 years old. I come from Slovenia, i am currently pausing my college and need to finish 3 more exams and a diploma and am working as a student for half a year now as a QS in a company named ELRAD. I like playing games, watching sports (mainly football) and watching TV shows like Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Westworld etc. and movies like the dark knight trilogy and inception.


I currently play frost as its stronger then unholy and also cuz i dont have the perfect 4 set for unholy as the 2 bis legendaries occupy 2 set piece items (shoulders and chest). As for blood i've never tanked on mythic ever, i did some of it on hc and normal and alot of it in m+ and i do realy enjoy the spec. Out of all the specs i mainly prefer unholy but i will always play the stronger spec.

As frost i mainly go for haste then crit then mastery
My rotation as frost: i start of by popping pillar of frost and remorsless winter i then use obliterate twice to get 5 stacks of razorice and if all my other damage buffs are up (concordence and fallen crusader) i use sindragosa's fury i then continue using frost strike on 5 stacks of razorice until i have 2 runes left i then use oblitaration and after that i continue the same throughout the fight . I always try to make the full use of my CDs, meaning that i dont use them when i know i will have to move away from the target in the next few seconds.


I have a 950 vengeance demon hunter all other toons are below 945.


My professions are jewelcrafting and mining.

Raiding Experience:

I've always mainly played as a DPS but i do enjoy playing as a tank in dungeons. I first raided in mythic back in WoD in HFC as i joined a guild that were progressing gorefiend and i was immidietly given the releasing souls job. We made it to mannoroth where our best pull was a wipe at 0%. In legion i was 4/7 M EN, 5/10 M nighthold, 3/9 ToS and 4/11 antorus. I was switching between frost and unholy always played the stronger spec in each tier. I also played warrior in ToS as we hade our legendary run of 150 wipes on HC KJ. I was promoted to the rank of council and i was mainly in charge of determining who we take to mythic raids, but i rly didnt have many coices as we hade like 25 people turn up and like 8 of them were undergeared. I was also mainly in charge of tactics for the mythic fights (which our raid leader and the rest of the council mostly didnt not agree with and so we proceeded to spend weeks and weeks on bosses mainly cuz we were always doing some impossible tactics). Before WoD i raided a little in MoP but only on normal difficulty, and i also played WOTLK and cataclysm on private servers (molten,warmane,MGA).

Previous Guilds:

I joined One man pocket raid's in july 2016, and have raided with them since (In the time from then to march 14th i took 1 break for school reasons back in nighthold), I've been wanting to leave for a long time to seek bigger progress but i just got too attached to the people in the guild and didnt want to leave. Alas as i complained for about a year about our loot delivery system, which was the council members vote for the played that recieves the piece and in the end the votes didnt rly matter cuz our guild leader who was also our raid leader realy just gave the gear to who ever he wanted which was mostly his IRL friends. I only recieved 1 piece from mythic and that was a bonus roll in antorus and then on mach 13th i hade enought as our leader decided to give a hc legs tier piece item to a rogue who alredy had ilvl 945 tier legs while i hade 930. The next day i left the guild and the guild has no falled to hc coven progress


I always work the morning shift 8:00 to 16:00 i might be unavailable at the start of september as i have my remaining exams to finish. It could also happen then i cant attend cuz of lightning storms.


I've been speaking english since i was 10 and i believe i handle it i do have TS3 as we used it back in my previous guild, i do have a mic and i can use it

Computer / Connection:

I have a Intel Core i7 2600 CPU, 8GB RAM (am looking to upgrade it soon) and a AMD radeon R9 380 series. I have an optical connection 100mb up/100mb down. I dont have FPS problems.


For raiding i use DBM, recount and weakauras. My UI is set up with ELVUI.

Other Games:

I mainly play wow as i enjoy m+. Otherwise i also play FIFA its a game i've always enjoyed as i am also a big fan of football. I also play CSGO.

Why Iron Edge?

To challange myself and progress further on the mythic raiding scene. I also realy like that mythic transmog.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I've always been a very competitive player i always try to be the best i can. I study boss mechanics mainly through fatboss guides and the dungeon journal. I always play the stronger of the 2 dps specs but am willing to play tank in m+ or maybe even in raids. I also watch players like tegu who raids in future and is one of the best dk's in the game.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

it was through your mythic raider walithria who i used to raid with in my former guild. He and i started playing wow at about the same time back in wotlk we played on private servers and have played the game togehter ever since.

Last Words?

I thank you in advance for looking over my (probably not the best) application. Also Eden Hazard > leo messi any day.

June 24, 2018, 10:21:52 am
Reply #1

Offline Wali

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - oregara
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 10:21:52 am »
A good player willing to put in the time and effort to play his class the best he can.

June 25, 2018, 04:42:26 pm
Reply #3

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Death Knight (DPS) - oregara
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2018, 04:42:26 pm »
Hi Oregara!

If you're a friend of Wali, you're a friend of ours. I'd love to offer you a trial for BfA.

You can poke me or another officer for an invite.

Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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