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 [Casual Raid] Death Knight (DPS) - Girt

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June 04, 2012, 04:43:34 pm
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[Casual Raid] Death Knight (DPS) - Girt
« on: June 04, 2012, 04:43:34 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Girt
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Raid: Casual Raid

Personal Info:

Hello there , my name is Alp Bartu.I'm 17 years old and I live in Turkey,Ankara.


    To begin with Frost has always been a passion for me.Even the word ''Frost'' can give me breeze.I've been playing with Frost like ever since,on it's ups and downs we've been together for so long:)I even levelled my character from 55 to 80 in WoTLK with Frost while other players were OPing on Blood.Well why frost...Actually as i said the word ''Frost'' has a spiritual bound with me as well as having a completely viable playstyle and gaming exprience for me.


    Well I've been playing with Death Knight for so long that I feel that my character is myself actually.Death Knights are a meele class as we all know firstly,but they also have ranged spells which are needed to be mastered for maximum usage and benefits.Death Knight's main stat is Strenght;Str. gives us AP and that increases our damage deal.But not only STR is important for a DK,also Haste and Mastery plays a big role on DPS,so if you want to do much DPS,you should be combining them all.I personally prefer haste more than mastery on my reforges depending on my build,however I'm always keeping them on balance.Neither too much of haste that will make mastery useless nor too much mastery that will make haste useless.

    If we speak of priority/rotation;as we no longer have specific rotations,the priority should be based on possiblities and not just a repeating shape ( still because of the lack of talent builds,we don't have much possibilities...however )

    -At first I always try to keep my diseases up on the target as much as possible.Thanks to rime I don't have to waste a Frost rune for a refresh of diseases.Than the priority is;doing crits.As our OB's damage is improved on a diseased target,with Killing Machine proc,it ''is'' really a Killing Machine:)Than comes the Frost Strike,when i lack runes and highly on RP,I use Frost Strikes that saves us from getting our DPS lower.Without the KM,OB is still better than FS,but using OB always causes a big problem of rune cycling even tho it depends on much of a RNG.Still i try not to leave my DPS to chance as much as i can;so i use OB and FS balanced.On other times just going with Rime and Horn of Winter.And lastly...CDs.Using CDs on a Frost DK is not that hard so I try to keep it all up on a cycling way.

    My Gear Level is 393 on Frost.I haven't been playing for 2months so...


    Got a newly 85ed tiny gnome Warlock on Mazrigos server,so he's actually not an alt for benefits :)


    I sorrily don't have benefical professions for raiding.Actually I don't have professions at all.I'll be levelling Mining and Jewelcrafting.They'll be ready in 2 weeks I think:)I wasn't playing for 2months so it was undone.

Raid Experience:

    Well I've been playing for 6 years but as a ''real'' raider for 3 years.So starting with WoTLK:

*Naxxramas:Cleared on time(10man).Also on early ToC time i obtained ''the Undying'' with a PUG group i've had gathered.And on the same week i missed ''the Immortal'' on Thaddius which we left for last because of a druid having DC.
*OS:Cleared on time.
*EoE:Cleared on mid-ToC.
*Ulduar:I stopped playing for some personal reasons.However on mid ICC time I obtained Iron-bound Proto with a PUG group which again i gathered.
*ToC:Cleared on time also got him with 49attempts on HC.
*ICC:Cleared on time.Also downed LK(HC 10) to %11 with %15 buff.

Cata:In early-cata I wasn't playing so much really.

*BWD:Killed Nef. almost new but others are cleared on time on normal.
*TotFW:Cleared on DS :D
*BoT:Cleared on time(Normal)
*FL:Haven't played really much.
*DS:Cleared with %0 buff Normal mode.After my HC Morchok kill i left the game for 2months and now here I am back again.In total I wasn't very active for Cata because it was really below my expectations.However back for late-DS and MoP as a sereious raider.

Previous Guilds:

Mutation Team:In FL times.I stopped playing for a while.
Liberty:GM was really not nice to people.And the raid progress was really slow I mean ''really''
Iron Maiden:We've built the guild with couple of friends however some sereious issues happened with the officers and GM IRL still don't know the details we split up.
Narcolepsia:The guild i'm in atm.However it's a small social guild with friends from Iron Maiden and not much people online :D By the way. UP THE IRONS !

that's pretty much it i think :)

Oh and as I wasn't playing for 2moths I don't have Logs.


I'm available every day any time really :)


I'm a good speaker:) I have TS3 and Microphone with Headphone.

Computer / Connection:

    I don't have the best computer  but it's decent and pretty much enough for WoW.I don't have fps issues ( except sometimes 40man raids and city attacks :D ).I don't lag but sometimes I get DC.s for sure :)


*Tidy Plates
*AtlasLoot Enhanced

Other Games:

Diablo III :)

Why Iron Edge?

    I want to join Iron Edge because I really want to be a hardcore / semi-hardcore progressing raider for full time,but besides raiding doing other activities as Achivement runs and PvP.I want to take part in all challanges from now on,with a highly talented and dedicated group of people.

    I'm actually a really potential player but could never reach my max. performence because I've never been to a guild with lots of people inside it like meyself,so in Iron Edge I want to achieve that and bring great succes to my guild and myself.That's why I choose Iron Edge!

What can I offer Iron Edge?

    I can offer Iron Edge a great raider,an active player ( sereiously ),a helpful and a great friend and also a guy who always brings his potions/flasks and stuff with him :)

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??

Just from Dunemaul.

Last Words?

    My main goal is MoP at the moment so I'd be glad if you evaluate my application based on that.And also that doesn't mean I don't care about DS.

Thanks for reading :)

June 05, 2012, 12:42:03 am
Reply #1

Offline incub0

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Re: [Casual Raid] Death Knight (DPS) - Girt
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 12:42:03 am »
thats a decent application m8, u got good gear tho low exp on DS HC.. but i think that wont be a problem if u look on tacts, read and see the encounters and also face them. a big minus is the fact that u dont have topped your professions cause they really give a great boost u should improve that.. we already got a dk on our group as tank but we always need good and (almost any time) active players. stick around

+ from me

June 06, 2012, 11:06:30 pm
Reply #2

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Casual Raid] Death Knight (DPS) - Girt
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 11:06:30 pm »
nice application.
get those profs fixed.

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