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 [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris

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August 14, 2013, 01:32:24 am
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[Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« on: August 14, 2013, 01:32:24 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Vexxaris
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Raid: Social Member

Personal Info:

Hi, now I'm going to be totally honest here; I'm 14 years old and live in sweden, and when I say that I'm mature for my age I mean it (although that's in the eye of the beholder I guess). I live in the city of "Norrköping" Sweden and I'm attending a nearby school (shocker, right?). That about sums it up about me as a person.


I'm rolling a survival hunter with 514 iLvL. I've played survival since the dawn of time (well, the making of the character atleast) and have stuck with it ever since. I do, however have a beastmastery OS which I'm terrible at playing (just can't seem to make it work).


So, as a survival hunter with only one RPPM trinket and without the meta-gem I'm going with Agi -> hit/exp caps -> crit -> haste -> mastery.

#1 Keep explosive shot on cd
#2 Keep serpent sting applied to your target/targets
#3 Keep BA on cd (if there's two or more targets that will remain in the radius of explosive trap I'll use it instead of BA)
#4 keep glavie toss on cd
#5 keep dire beast on cd
#6 Dump extra focus with arcane shot / multi shot to apply serpent sting (if more than 3 targets)

Use cd's during bl/tw and later on try to time with trinket procs.



Shadestealer iLvL 503 blood dk - cleared forgotten depths
Meranatha iLvL 509 holy priest - downed 2 first bosses
Aqualyn iLvL 485 frost mage - newly dinged alt


I use;
Leatherworking: for the 320 agi gain and cheaper leg enchants.
Jewelcrafting: for the 320 agi gain and to make money

I got the "Stylin' Crimson Hat" which is kind of cool I guess ^_^.

Raid Experience:

Previous raiding exp;

BC: just started playing, didn't raid.
Wrath: Icc 11/12 hc on a shaman healer. (all the chain heal spams)
Cata: 12/12 normal  1/13 hc first tier of raiding, quit at the release of zandalari hc's.
MoP: Came back to the game in 5.2 raided Msv normal and first boss hc, first boss in HoF and all of ToES. Most recently I've downed the first 6 bosses in ToT, the reason why I currently don't have more progress is beacause I've had alot of stuff going on in real life and therefor haven't been able to commit to raiding. NOTE: I'm applying to this guild as a "social" for the very same reason. I will not commit to raiding, you just seemed like a nice guild and also I've got some friends there. (Shaabi, Nexuzsavior)

Previous Guilds:

Wrath: Now this is embarrassing, I can't remeber the name of the guild... It was on executus - horde though, it just disbanded at cata because the GM and multiple members where tired of WoW as a game in whole and were moving on with their lives.
Cata: Devildrivers, a nice guild. Reason why I left them is because I needed a break from the game later to turn up mid-MoP.
MoP: Raided with "Forged By Fury" for a while until it switched owners over night. ( still don't know what happened)


I'll be available most evenings/afternoons unless there's an "exam" coming up.


I would like to claim that I am indeed, proficient in English and can thus listen. I have both a working mic and TS3 installed.

Computer / Connection:

My parent's are divorced so I'm using two different computers and networks, but I'll link the specs for both.

#Computer/network 1
 intel I7 3770k
32gb RAM
4 TB storage
200mbps internet connection.

Never experienced any lag/connection issues whatsoever on this computer, EVER.

#Computer/network 2
intel I7 3770k
8 gb RAM
1 TB storage
30 mbps internet connection

I've never experienced lag, however I sometimes (rarely) get lagspikes.


Just going to link my UI here

Addons NOT shown : MSBT and DBM.

Other Games:

I play Heroes Of Newerth occasionally.

Why Iron Edge?

You seemed like a nice community with like-minded people having fun together, I want to be a part of this! Also if there's an alt raid (or something like that) I'd love to give my guns a try.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer Iron Edge a Social, friendly player who doesen't mind helping people out. Also if we are to raid together I'll bring a positive attitude, more then one braincell and the capability to move out of that ever so shiny fire. (Also, I do the deeps, sort of.)

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??


Last Words?

I hope you take my application in consideration and not judge me by my age, but instead by who I am. Any questions will be happily responded to.

August 14, 2013, 01:39:37 am
Reply #1

Offline shaabi

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Re: [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2013, 01:39:37 am »
A nice guy that i have been friends with long enough to know he would fit in here thumbs uo from me!  :)

August 14, 2013, 10:59:28 am
Reply #2

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2013, 10:59:28 am »
Looks good to me.

Very interesting ui, looks very strange :)

Bears like alts!

August 14, 2013, 11:13:31 am
Reply #3

Offline erraswe

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Re: [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 11:13:31 am »
Very interesting ui, looks very strange :)

I'd prefer the term "interesting". Joke aside It's one that I've made myself which I really like. I feel like it has great functionality. (Also most of the stuff is grouped up in the middle which grants me both a greater overview of the fight, but also requires me to look around less which increases my focus.) I hope this clears it up.

// Erik

August 15, 2013, 08:07:23 am
Reply #4

Offline Auja

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Re: [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 08:07:23 am »
This is such a good application, i liked a lot. It might even be an example for "raider applications". Hope to see this guy in the guild.
Manga freak, free spirit, deist, chain smoker, Activist and Protester, #occupygezi, 34 and still getting older! (Astrild)

August 15, 2013, 07:20:06 pm
Reply #5

Offline Rash

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Re: [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2013, 07:20:06 pm »
Jesus, which parent bought you a GTX690? Clearly that one loves you more!

Nice application, a friend of Shaabi is a friend of ours.  Poke an officer for an invite.
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

August 15, 2013, 08:12:45 pm
Reply #6

Offline erraswe

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Re: [Social Member] Hunter (DPS) - Vexxaris
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2013, 08:12:45 pm »
Jesus, which parent bought you a GTX690? Clearly that one loves you more!

Actually, saving and working for that computer in about two years is what I did. Put tons of work into making that computer!

This is such a good application, i liked a lot. It might even be an example for "raider applications".

Why, thank you!   :)


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