Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Hazenrage on January 13, 2010, 01:38:39 pm

Title: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 13, 2010, 01:38:39 pm
Personal Information
My name is Peter, i'm 18 years old and have been playing wow for some time. Hazenrage is like my 5th char, but i fell in love with him and have been playing him ever since. For further personal information, feel free to contact me, i just don't want anything to be puplicly available :)

Character Information
My gear can be seen here: (

I originally played restoration shaman but as i progressed through ToC i have been collecting enhancement gear and as soon as i had enough gear i respecced and have been playing enhancement since. I'm available for respeccs if nessesary (can run with resto as my dualspecc), but prefer playing enhancement if possible.

ToC10: Cleared
ToGC10: 3/5
ToC25: 4/5
ICC10: Cleared
Ulduar: I can't remember really... But i know the tacs for most bosses, and can easily read up on the rest.

Any raid before these i have cleared, either with this char or with one of my other chars.

Currently i'm in the last semester of my school and having alot of upcoming examns i won't be able to garuantee much, but i should be able to play most days after 18.00 as long as we don't raid every day ;) Just for the sake of homework :P
In weekends i can play all day if nessesary :)

I should be able to run with 80%+ attendancy

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history
I've been playing WoW ever since classic. I was a noob when i first dinged 60 and the most i ever did in classic was clearing MC.
In TBC i proed up and began running with better guilds and at some point i became raidleader, leading MH and BT progress for TYCA on Ravencrest Alliance.
Have been playing very casual for the beginning of WoTLK but as of the release of ToC i returned to more serious raiding, although mostly 10 man raids with some guys from my class in a smaller guild. I moved to Dunemaul Horde as a part of being able to play with my freinds and now i would like to get back into the endgame, even though i don't have time for raiding with an A team.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
I have been playing with more than a few Iron Edge players through my time on this server and found their high spirits enlightening. Also i admire the professionalism of the Iron Edge members and believe that it would be a pleasure raiding with you guys.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I'm a nice and intelligent guy who says things like they are and enjoys some humor while i raid. I have a good understanding of the game and the mechanics behind and usually get to an understanding of different encounters very fast. I'm also good at explaining my discoveries to others.
I have been playing this game for a long time and believe that i know what i'm doing with my class.

Last words?
I Saw somewhere that people was posting their dps and such and just for notice i would say that i should do 7k+ dps in raids with the average buffs, flasks and such.

Feel free to ask me if you feel that anything i missing in the app ;)
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Ameliorate on January 14, 2010, 01:43:36 am
Not a bad application but it would be nice to know a bit more about you as a person.  Five chars is quite a turnover, why so many?
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 14, 2010, 02:58:36 am
When i first started playing wow i was playing a rogue. It got to about lvl 30 and i rerolled a priest. This priest was my main through classic and TBC, as i was playing in TBC i missed having a char to PvP with and lvled my rogue. That's 2.
In time i decided that i wanted to try dpsing as a caster, having always healed on my priest and finding that the mechanics of shadow dps wasn't that interesting i lvled a mage for caster dps. My 4th char was a warrior since i wanted to try the last role of the game, tanking.
My shaman, which is the last one i made, was actually a bet with a freind and i fell in love with the shaman mechanics.

As to me as a person... I'm 18 as said, studying Mathematics, Physics and Chemestry in a school which works as a preparation for university. This school is for 3 years, me being in the last half of the third year. Going to the final examns in June.
I live in Denmark at my parents place together with my sister. I party in weekends or join up with freinds to play either WoW or Dota :)
I speak english very well for a person who has english as a secondary language, if i have to say it myself ;)

I have always been playing in a community, first with Battlefield2 and later in WoW. This being with smaller groups of freinds and up to guilds and societies with more than 1000 members. I'm used to the tone in such a community and respect others personally as well as proffesionally.

Again, feel free to ask any questions ;)
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 14, 2010, 03:01:04 am
As a sidenote, i guess you figured but when i wrote cleared on ICC10, i meant the first 4 ;) Last week i was saved to a half bad pug at Saurfang so never even got to see the new bosses.. :( Better luck for this week i guess :)
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Blackwhale on January 14, 2010, 03:05:28 am
Gogo elemental instead?
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Kilizion on January 14, 2010, 03:12:21 am
Gogo elemental instead?

Was going to say this since we have a resto and an enhance already. Anyway good luck with your application.
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Sertth on January 14, 2010, 04:12:17 am
what 'bout vimpel, he failed?
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Supremacy on January 14, 2010, 06:13:15 am
Gogo elemental instead?

Was going to say this since we have a resto and an enhance already.

And the Enhancement shammy is a TROLL!
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 14, 2010, 12:49:51 pm
I do not have the gear for elemental, sadly.. (I could use most of my resto gear, and i do have some ele parts as well, but i'm far from hit cap and such)
I would prefer joining as enhancement as mentioned earlier, but i can play as whatever you need :)
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Sparrowhawk on January 14, 2010, 02:52:04 pm
what 'bout vimpel, he failed?

Vimpels baddie! This guy looks promising IMO. Take him b-raidars
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on January 14, 2010, 04:12:27 pm
check raid stats and see if vimpel failed...
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Sertth on January 15, 2010, 10:17:32 am
raid stats tells me that he is not competent, armory tells me he is poor to replace rare gems...
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 16, 2010, 05:24:02 am
I'll just bump the thread hoping for a commanding officer to leave some kind of response in here towards my chances ;)
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Vorte on January 16, 2010, 01:52:06 pm
Odds are you'll get trialed!
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 16, 2010, 06:24:44 pm
Nice :P I assume that further info will follow in this thread :)
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hugman on January 17, 2010, 01:24:49 am
Hi there.

 You have made a good application. Your experience is ok, and your gear is decent; though you should replace the cloak when you can.

 Now for a bit of shaman nit-picking. Your build is pretty standard, with the exception of no Elemental Focus, and no points in Improved Stormstrike (even just one). Glyph-wise you may want to look into glyphing Fire Nova, as it is a decent part of our damage and rotations these days, especially when you spend five points talenting it. Shame about the Orc thing 8).

I Saw somewhere that people was posting their dps and such and just for notice i would say that i should do 7k+ dps in raids with the average buffs, flasks and such.

Got any Raidlogs/Screenshots of damage meters to show this?

 As for the B-raid, Shaman-wise we have two extremely stable Shaman, Myself and Grillyret (Enhance and Resto), and are looking for a 3rd, good dps, Elemental Shaman.

  However, since I loath passing by a potentially good raider, just on the fact we don't currently need the spec he is, I would still like to trial you, if you are unsaved to ICC 25 man this week. This will give you a chance to prove you can do what you say, and are up to our standards. If you do well, we will look into getting you a spot in our raids as enhancement (maybe myself or Grilly will go Elemental).

We raid 19:30pm-00:00am, Mondays and Tuesdays, and have various 10 mans other days of the week (optional), just so you know.

Let me know if you are unsaved.
Title: Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
Post by: Hazenrage on January 17, 2010, 07:33:06 pm
Hey, sounds very good :)
I know my cloak isn't that good, i'm looking into getting the marrowgar cloak from icc10 which would also give me the expertise for changing the t9 hands into t10 :)
I havn't chosen the mentioned manaeffeciency talents due to not needing them.. Keeping shamanistic rage on CD i don't go oom in bossfights.. (I do sometimes on lowHP trash though, i'll look into the pros and cons of the talents)
Towards the glyph you might have a point, i'll run some simulations and see if i got the global CD's to get any effect of the glyph.

I'm not saved for ICC25 and will make sure to be online and ready at the mentioned raidtimes.

I'll contact you ingame or how does the trialling thing work?

I forgot to answer the dps question, i don't have any screenshots as it is, but i'll show you in person if i get to raid with you :) (the dps is not overall, it's for boss encounters like koralon or saurfang, meaning that usually the dps is a bit lower than that.. lets see, since it's been some time since i last had all the good buffs i'm not really sure what numbers i generate atm)