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 Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)

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January 17, 2010, 01:24:49 am
Reply #15

Offline Hugman

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Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2010, 01:24:49 am »
Hi there.

 You have made a good application. Your experience is ok, and your gear is decent; though you should replace the cloak when you can.

 Now for a bit of shaman nit-picking. Your build is pretty standard, with the exception of no Elemental Focus, and no points in Improved Stormstrike (even just one). Glyph-wise you may want to look into glyphing Fire Nova, as it is a decent part of our damage and rotations these days, especially when you spend five points talenting it. Shame about the Orc thing 8).

I Saw somewhere that people was posting their dps and such and just for notice i would say that i should do 7k+ dps in raids with the average buffs, flasks and such.

Got any Raidlogs/Screenshots of damage meters to show this?

 As for the B-raid, Shaman-wise we have two extremely stable Shaman, Myself and Grillyret (Enhance and Resto), and are looking for a 3rd, good dps, Elemental Shaman.

  However, since I loath passing by a potentially good raider, just on the fact we don't currently need the spec he is, I would still like to trial you, if you are unsaved to ICC 25 man this week. This will give you a chance to prove you can do what you say, and are up to our standards. If you do well, we will look into getting you a spot in our raids as enhancement (maybe myself or Grilly will go Elemental).

We raid 19:30pm-00:00am, Mondays and Tuesdays, and have various 10 mans other days of the week (optional), just so you know.

Let me know if you are unsaved.

January 17, 2010, 07:33:06 pm
Reply #16

Offline Hazenrage

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Re: Hazenrage - Enhancement / Resto Shaman (B team app)
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2010, 07:33:06 pm »
Hey, sounds very good :)
I know my cloak isn't that good, i'm looking into getting the marrowgar cloak from icc10 which would also give me the expertise for changing the t9 hands into t10 :)
I havn't chosen the mentioned manaeffeciency talents due to not needing them.. Keeping shamanistic rage on CD i don't go oom in bossfights.. (I do sometimes on lowHP trash though, i'll look into the pros and cons of the talents)
Towards the glyph you might have a point, i'll run some simulations and see if i got the global CD's to get any effect of the glyph.

I'm not saved for ICC25 and will make sure to be online and ready at the mentioned raidtimes.

I'll contact you ingame or how does the trialling thing work?

I forgot to answer the dps question, i don't have any screenshots as it is, but i'll show you in person if i get to raid with you :) (the dps is not overall, it's for boss encounters like koralon or saurfang, meaning that usually the dps is a bit lower than that.. lets see, since it's been some time since i last had all the good buffs i'm not really sure what numbers i generate atm)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 08:21:06 pm by Hazenrage »


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