Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Doomfate on February 16, 2009, 11:50:01 pm

Title: Death Knight Application
Post by: Doomfate on February 16, 2009, 11:50:01 pm

Hello Iron Edge,

I am Marco Beemsterboer, i am dutch, 35 years old and i work full-time as an accountmanager selling presentation materials such as ringbinder, suitcases, registers etc.

I have been gaming many years now, playing games as civilization..., warcraft..., anno..., dune and many rpg's.

I really like to join IE, because i enjoy playing with my friends and i cannot join them when they are playing with IE, which has occurred many times now.

Also the fact that i hear many tales about IE, most of the time nice ones , is counting for me.

My Character:

This character I played a couple of weeks after the launch of the lich king. I really enjoy the DK, although many people play them right now.

I also have a level 71 mage and 60 level lock, which i dont play atm. My mage has btw jewelcrafting 444/450, my DK mining and skinning for the money.

I started wow at the beginning, but stopped for a period of 2 years.

I am a casual player, every day online, but lacking the time to be a fanatic raider, due to sports which i do 3 a 4 times a week. ( tennis and volleyball )

MY sponsor:

My sponsors in the guild are Martin, known as Dontpanic, Ibuprofen and Molly
Margriet, known as Foof, Candle
Ruben, known as Oxazepam, Morbid

He is not a sponsor because he cant vote, but he is also a RL friend and in Iron Edge, Richard, known as Ikslajenu.

Then from the past i know Mike, known as Cyryx. He played a rogue before this character and i was in the same guild.

I hope i can join IE, to learn a lot from you experienced players, and contribute a little to have fun in the guild and joy in the game.

I am looking forward to your reactions.



Title: Re: Death Knight Application
Post by: delling on February 17, 2009, 12:07:41 am
Thanks for the nice application :)

I am sure we can find place for you!
Title: Re: Death Knight Application
Post by: Morbid on February 17, 2009, 01:03:05 am
Hey Beamie, finnaly you made an application :)

Well what can i say, i know him in RL for like 20 year or more now and it would make me a happy camper to have him in the guild.

The only bad part of him will probably be the /random part since in computergames and boardgames he always tend to win dice rolls  :P


Title: Re: Death Knight Application
Post by: Ikslajenu on February 17, 2009, 10:49:35 am
Holy moly,

Unfortunately i am in no position to vote because in any case i would ofcourse vote against.

On a side note i think it would be fun to see him in the family and friends run(s) as a guildy:P

I hope ya make it mate.

Title: Re: Death Knight Application
Post by: Doomfate on February 17, 2009, 10:46:56 pm
You dont have to worry about dice, i throwed one time really awsome with a boardgame, and they remember only that time. The rest has been forgotten very easily. ;)
Title: Re: Death Knight Application
Post by: Shannaro on February 17, 2009, 11:24:50 pm
hahaha awesome, is morbids name Ruben! Imba! :D
NIce application, hope you get in! Good luck!
Title: Re: Death Knight Application
Post by: Kendoki on February 18, 2009, 07:12:15 am
So gonna use that against him!