Iron Edge

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Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Broteus (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on June 01, 2024, 05:07:23 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Broteus
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

30yo, Serbia, working in IT


Survival Hunter.  354 ilvl.
I am playing it cuz it was my main back in the day. It is simple and strong.


No alts on this server, have a few on other servers that i do not play.


Herb/Alchemy (Elixir master)

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Raided all expansions and tiers (Retail, Private and Classic). Only missing last tier of WoD, everything else i cleared when it was relevant. (Curve - no CE)

Previous Guilds:

Fresh char on this server.


Can raid every night unless something is urgent 99% of the time.


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Computer / Connection:

Yes. No issues. Stable internet.



Other Games:


Why Iron Edge?

Looking for a guild that will clear current content.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Strong player who doesn't mind filling out this application of 15 questions :D

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

In game.

Last Words?

Firelands when?

Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - NA (XR)
« Last post by Narco on June 01, 2024, 10:58:52 am »
Hello Wayne, thank you for your app. I'll be in touch shortly and will get you all sorted on discord. Welcome aboard!
Raider Recruitment / Raider Application - Demon Hunter (Healer) - peezey
« Last post by Applicant on June 01, 2024, 05:34:04 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: peezey
Class/Spec: Demon Hunter (Healer)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Victor, 30, Denmark, self emploryed as a SoMe content and ads manager.


Current I'm speced as vengeance, i don't mind runnig as Havoc but i'd prefer staying as tank. The role is more comfortable for me I have a bigger overview of Raid and Party limits,  Cds, and whatnot that way. It's a new toon so in the proccess of gearing up currently Ilvl is 433.

Stat Prio:
The faster i can do my abilities the more i can heal and the harder i hit the bigger the healing... quite simple. Mastery doesn't do enough unless i have Spikes up.
I run spirit bomb and Focused Cleaves in dungeons and extra mitigation for raids, such as the talent Extended spike or Calcified Spikes, there are few more things you can tune out depending on the boss but talents like chaos nova becomes useless for example.


Ludy-Kazzak Hpal/Protpal preffer tanking as well well but did ~2k in arenas back in shadowlands adn 2.2 in rbgs, so very comfortable as a Hpal.

Eezey-Kazzak, My previous main got Mythic Xavius down back when it was Curve as holy priest, it's only lvl 60 for now.


Not on my DH and i'm unsure of the new system, as of writing this application i've returned from a pretty long break from Warcraft. Pretty unsure how the proffession systems works at the moment, so not too concerned with that as well.

Raiding Experience:

TBC - Gruul's Lair and Karazhan
WotLK - Everything during progress except for Ulduar
Cata - Didn't play too much and mostly pvp'ed
Mist - PvP'ed only
Draenor- Big hiatus
Legion - Mythic Xavius (as healer) and Gul'Dan, I forget if it was normal or HC.
BFA - Only Pvp and a big hiatus
Shadowlands - Nathria HC and then break until now.

Previous Guilds:

Last one was in Shadowlands and i quit the game for personal reasons. Don't even remember the name TBH


Evenings are fine anything after 6 pm is ok.


I'm fluent in 5 different langueges and english is one of them, i migght not be a writer but i'm more than comfortable speaking and understanding speech.

Computer / Connection:

I have and 2016 MSI comp, it's a little bit old but i don't have any issues. Internet is very stable as well.


I mostly don't use them but I do have WA, Details!, DBM, the m+ map one and Macro toolkit

Other Games:

I don't. WoW is time consuming xD

Why Iron Edge?

Looks like a super fun community and i've missed that since Wrath, playing with friends.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Loyalty, percistancy and patience. A lot more of course, but those three I would say are the big ones.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Guild Finder

Last Words?

I don't want to die, yet xD

Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - NA (XR)
« Last post by discuit on May 30, 2024, 10:12:24 pm »
Who lives in Scotland! ;) but thanks pal!
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - NA (XR)
« Last post by Daekesh on May 30, 2024, 10:09:24 pm »
Discuit is a top aussie!
Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - NA (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on May 30, 2024, 10:07:25 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: NA
Server: NA
Class/Spec: Warrior (Tank)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Wayne (discuit)
Work at the University of Edinburgh in Systems Support & Project Management







Raiding/PVP Experience:


Previous Guilds:



After 5 and on weekends.


I am a native English speaker and use discord 24/7.

Computer / Connection:

I have a modern gaming PC that runs most games very well.



Other Games:

Blood Bowl 3, W40k Gladius, W40k TTS & a large variety of other games.

Why Iron Edge?

I have gamed with daekesh (Matt) for almost 2 decades in various games, and he has always spoken highly of the community. I have recently started getting back into all things Games Workshop and he advised that there is a very active group of IE members engaged with this content. As such, I'd love to also get involved myself.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

An easy going personality who generally gets on with most people and who loves engaging in social interactions, if this can be combined with gaming then all the better!

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I think Daekesh and Grishnag mentioned it to me as far back as 2010? Though at that time my work and personal commitments did really align with joining a guild.

Last Words?

If listening to an annoying Australian accent doesn't bother you, then I think I'll be a good fit. :)

Raider Recruitment / Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Cõld (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on May 30, 2024, 08:58:19 pm »

Application accepted.

Whisper an officer for a guild invite.
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Babidii (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on May 30, 2024, 08:44:19 pm »
Hi Rayan.

I'm sorry to say that your application got declined.

Goodluck in searching for a guild.
Hi Enes

Application accepted.


Pm an officer ingame for an invite
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Priest (Healer) - Biskuvi (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on May 30, 2024, 08:42:33 pm »
Hi Can.

Application accepted.


Pm an officer ingame for an invite
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