Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on January 28, 2022, 03:10:10 pm

Title: Raider Application - Warrior (Tank) - Bwomsandii
Post by: Applicant on January 28, 2022, 03:10:10 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Bwomsandii
Class/Spec: Warrior (Tank)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

My name is Dennis,
I'm from holland and 30 years old. I'm working at a company were i'm responsible for the car-park of 90 cars. I've been playing wow since it came out in 2004. Did some CN progress and a little bit on SOD cuz of not having a decent guild to play with


I'm playing Fury, mainly because i like the spec most. My current ilvl on both arms and fury are 246. I'm confident to play both spec's but always prefer fury. What's better then f-in bosses up with 2 big 2handers

As a fury warrior my main prior stat is mastery. Second best is haste, this i try to keep 20/30%. My rotations starts recklesness-charge and i open with bloodthirs, to get enraged. from that i do wrilwind - rampage Then i use my Kyrian/NF skill, then rampage, then Dragon roar/bladestorm then rampage. Always keeping wrilwind stacks up for AOE packs. and so on.


Lately i've been playing m+ with my hunter. It has 248 ilvl and 2400 io.


My proffesions are engineer, for the ress and skinning for the money. On my alt i have max enchanting

Raiding Experience:

I've been playing CN on my druid, did some bosses as healer, other as boomie. I cleared SOD fully on hc and the first boss on mythic. This is mainly of not having a decent guild. In previous expensions i've cleared all raids on at least HC.

Previous Guilds:

My last guild was Born sinner. We were doing mythic CN and killed 6 bosses. Then the guild disbanned because of fighting officers. Since then i didn't join a guild


I have a normal 9-5 job so in the evenings and during weekends i'm avialeble. I prefer to raid during weekday's or on sunday


My understanding of english is very good, i can listen and talk on discord and i'm not afraid to do so. english grammar isn't 10/10 as you can see in my apply:)

Computer / Connection:

I recently moved to my new house and bought a new pc. Now rocking a 3090 graphic card and 1000mb internet. I consider my system very stable.


I'm writing this from work. When i have contact with any of the officors on Disc i can show any addon/ui + macro they ask for

Other Games:

Mainly wow, sometimes i play single players on my ps

Why Iron Edge?

After checking youre website, you seem like a serious guild and a nice group of people.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer you a valuable player that you can count on. I know my class and i learn fast. Also i'm very active and always ready to help out a guildie with whatever.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I've found the guild on wowprogress.

Last Words?

I would love the change of proving myself. i believe i can be a valeuble asset to the guild and i'm able to swap between specs if needed.

Title: Re: Raider Application - Warrior (Tank) - Bwomsandii
Post by: Rash on January 28, 2022, 03:58:08 pm
Hi Bwomsandii,

Thank you for your app! You ticked the "tank" box but based on what you wrote you are a DPS warrior, correct?

Also do you have any mythic or heroic 25-man experience or Cutting Edge kills? What made you decide to start Mythic raiding now?

Lastly, have you taken any breaks since you started playing in 2004?
Title: Re: Raider Application - Warrior (Tank) - Bwomsandii
Post by: Bwomsandii on January 28, 2022, 05:30:42 pm
Thank you for the fast awnser.

Its correct, i am dps.

I,ve taking several breaks troughout the expansions but played them all. Also did all of the raids from molten core to CN.
Unfurtualy i never had a real decent endgame guild that gave me Cutting Edge.
I have serveral ahead of the curves.
The reason i want to start mythic raiding now is because i would like to play the real endgame in wow.
I,ve always played middle of the pack and its time to start push that.
Thats why i applied to your guild, i want to play with people that know how to push their buttons and actually make kills.
Therefore i would like to get the change to prove myself as an valueble asset for the current raid and those that are coming.
If would like to know anymore, feel free to ask.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Warrior (Tank) - Bwomsandii
Post by: Shimmar on February 02, 2022, 11:58:04 pm
Hi Bwomsandii,

Thanks for applying and your patience while we make a decision.

Unfortunately we won't be looking to take you on at this time.
I think you're better off working your way up rather than jumping in at the deep end.
It is a risky investment for us and not one we would be looking to make at this time.
I wish you all the best and hope you find the mythic raiding experience you're looking for.
