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 Tanking, Unholy Death Knight looking for Spot in A-Team.

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April 18, 2009, 05:19:24 pm
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Offline Croeer

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Tanking, Unholy Death Knight looking for Spot in A-Team.
« on: April 18, 2009, 05:19:24 pm »


Name: Jimmy. (Sorry, but last name is a secret till further).

Age: 23 years old. (Birthday - 11.10.85).

Location: Sweden, outside Gothenburg in a nice a quite village.

Occupation: At this moment I'm working as an car styler and developer, and working the same daily shifts as everyone else. Monday-Friday, never weekends what so ever.

All week days, and whast time I'm avaible:
Monday- Working - 16-17:00. Able to raid 18:00 - 00:00 (+).
Tuesday- Working - 16-17:00. Able to raid 18:00 - 00:00 (+).
Wednesday- Working - 16-17:30. Able to raid 18:15 - 00:00 (+).
Thursday- Working - 16-17:00. Able to raid 18:00 - 00:00 (+).
Friday- Working - 14-15:00. Able to raid 16:00 - 04:00 (+).
Saturday- Day off. Able to raid 12:00 - 04:00 (+).
Sunday- Day off. Able to raid 12:00 - 00:00 (+).

This is the times were I most likely be able to raid. It might happen some time that I need to work over, or miss the raid due to some other reason, but in this case a raid leader or a Officer will of course be conserned.

Abit information about my computer, and connection.

CPU - Intel (r) Pentium@ Dual-Core 9.4 GHZ.
Motherboard - ASUS P5GC-MX/1333.
Graphic Card - NVIDIA GoForce 9400 GTS. (2560x1600 resolution).
RAM - 6GB.

My Connection? Here's some information about that.: I can't remember exakly what kind of connection I have, but it's a very stable one. I keep a very stable latency, and not many Dissconnections. Not often dissconnected in raids, might happen some time, but it doesn't repeat more then once. And I've never, never ever been dissconnected during a boss fight.

I think I have 100 MBT or something equals, not sure as I said.


Name, Race & Class? Buggles. Level 80 Blood Elf Death Knigt.

She is currently remaining on the server "Tarren Mill", and got transfer ready on Friday 24th of April.

What is my Professions?

Inscription 450/450. (The best Shoulder Enchants avaible).
Herbalism 450/450. (Rerolling Mining for Health bonus asap).
First Aid 450/450.

Average amounts of hours I play each week? Well, I can't tell for sure, since it might vary due too how my work times are. But I assume I play about 6-7 hours a day on working day, max. And about 10+ hours on weekends, and I'd say an avrage of 35-40 hours a week maximaly. This of course can vary every week from.

Anything that can influence my playtimes? Complaining from my girlfriend that we don't go out might happens. But she's okey with me playing, so basicly there's nothing that can influence my gametimes, exept maybe if I'm going to a Party, or dinner with my girlfriend, but as I said before then a Officer or Raid Leader will of course be conserned the situation.

And sadly no, there's nobody I really know in Iron Edge that will give me vouch, but who knows.

Why did you choose us? You seems like the most mature, and progressing guild on Dunemaul. As I've been edmire your team work in the movies I've followed by Devlin, it has impressed me very much. You seem like a very deadicated team of players, that want to progress very quickly, and not only this you include a very great teamwork, and communication. The players I've been speaking to is very friendly, and love to chat with other players, which is a very huge plus for a hardcore raiding guild. Since if you ask me, without communication the guild doesn't exist. I've seen experience, deadication in every Iron Edge member I've been speaking with. I choosed you because I want to be in a so called "hardcore" guild again which I was in Vanilla world of warcraft, as well in TBC, and it's a great feeling to go into a raid with a hardcore group, and feel the relief when a encounter hits the ground.

What do I expect from Iron Edge? I expect a very progress willing team of players, that actually don't give up after a few wipes, since my self don't give up until it's finished. I want experience, and deadication including in this. Also of course the most important thing in the guild, is communication. I expect people to wamt to start chat rarely on a Saturday when you're bored on Ventrilo, or after work just too talk about how's your day been and other equal stuffs. I want to be able to speak about pretty much everything I want, therfor I expect mature members. I want active people, not only on scheduled raids, exept also on days off etcetra I want to see some members online maybe want to do a 10 man fun raid.
Including all this, I want experienced members that don't really say 2 seconds before pulling boss "Can someone please explain tactics, I've forgot".
One thing, almost most important I want people that are motivated to raid, therfore don't show up an half an hour before raid "Ahh, sorry guys.. it's my brothers birthday, so I can't raid". I also expect you to give me a fair trial, and not getting treated like a scum.

My previous guilds. Well, I can't say much about them, since it was a very short amount of time I was a member. The mostly guilds I left due to immaturity, and very bad experience of the leaders. My first guild when I dinged Level 80 on the character I joined, the Raid Leader (Guild Master) actually asked in Raid chat. "Anybody can explain tactics? I've done before, but don't remember." .. then I thought that's it. So I left the server, and went into another guild, which wasn't any diffrent really, so I took a free migration to Tarren Mill, where I'm still, and in the guild called <Fallout>, which basicly doesn't fill up my requires.

This is my History, in World of Warcraft: I've done pretty much everything in the PvE section of the game. I started playing wow in June 2005, when I bought World of warcraft. I started off with a Rogue. I leveled this Rogue to 60 in about a month (Yes I was slow back then). After I dinged 60, I started directly too pick up dungeon equipp to get ready for the raiding. I did Stratholme, and Blackrock Spire as well, the raid back then. I came over a few pieace of Dungeon set 2, which is an update of dungeon set 1. I were finally ready to enter the PvE world. I joined a guild after I was finished equipped, and started raiding Zul'Gurub and Molten Core pretty quick I came through these two raids, with the guild. I accomplished to equipp the Rogue with almost full Tier 2, and also full Epic equipp, then I got a bit bored of this character so I quited playing on him.
I instead created a Shaman on the PvE server "Kul Tiras", and started leveling. I came to level 60 very quick here, just a few weeks, and much faster then with my Rogue. I quickly after I dinged 60, joined the guild named Behind my Camel which was a guild progressing throught Blackwing Lair back then, and I managed to enter it with dungeon gear. They equipped my Shaman fast (Restoration) in Molten Core, and Zul'Gurub so I came into Blackwing Lair with Tier 1, and Molten Core epics. We quickly got throught this raid with me (Haha. =P). Then we got into server first, and went into Ahn'Qiraj (40), and progressed a bit slow in the beginning but we cought up pretty fast, and managed to down C'thun actually. Then Naxxramas came, we got into it, and cleared the bosses within a few months, althoguh a few exeptions of bosses we didn't complete untill later. It was a few days till TBC when we downed Kel'thuzad finally, game over some said, and left the game.
When Burning Crusade came out, I quickly managed to get to Level 70, and started raiding Karazhan asap, in Tier 3 equipp and got Tier 4 pretty quickly. We did server first on Gruul the Dragonslayer, and later Magtheridon a few weeks after that. When finally The Eye, and Serpentshrine Cavern came out we did pretty fast progress and did server first on Lady Vashj and of course Keal'thas. It took some time, but finally Black Temple and Hyjal Summit came into the game, and we cleared it (Not as fast as I said) but we did clear it. And after Illidan Stormrage kill, we thought finally, game over! But...what we didn't know was days and days of equipping with Tier 6, and good gear and PvPing and crap.. then Zul'Aman came. We all got outselves a Amani warbear, and continued with Black Temple/Hyjal Summit every week. Then Sunwell Plateau came out and we did a fairly quick progress to Twins, and downed them prenerf, and then we killed M'uru prenerf, but Kil'Jaedan we actually downed after nerf. Then Wrath of the Lich king came and you pretty much knows the rest I assume.

Important stuffs to use in raid?I always use comsumables, such as Flasks, food buffs etcetra. Maybe even for Heroic instances sometimes, but mostly for raids. And I don't have any problem at all getting them, so of course not a problem bringing them.

If you wonder if I do theorycraf about my class/character? Yes. I actually do. I check patchnotes and checking after what is getting nerfed/improved with my class. And I actually test diffrent speccs, untill I decide which one too use. Experimenting of my class, speccs for Pvp, and PvE etcetra.

Thought you want to see honest? Scale myself from 1-10 (10 being awesome) Well. I know how to play correctly, and what to do on bosses and know everything I pretty much need to know. So I'll have to put a 7.

Not quite sure if you want, but thought I'd write down my diffrent keybinds. These might change from specc.

T- Deah Grip.
E- Dark Command.
1- Icy Touch.
2- Plague Strike.
3- Pestilence.
4- Obliterate.
Z- Death Coil.
Y- Rune Strike.
Shift+ 3- Death Strike.
Shift+ 4- Blood Strike.
Left Ctrl+ 1- Blood Boil.
Shift+ 2- Blood Tap.
R- Death and Decay.
F- Enpowered Rune Weapon.
G- Chains of Ice.
Shift+ X- Anit-Magic Shell.
Left Ctrl+ B- Bone Shield.
Shift+ 5- Icebound Fortitude.
Left Ctrl+ R- Death Pact.
Left Ctrl+ T- Strangulate.
Left Ctrl+ Y- Path of Frost.
Alt+ Q- Summon Gargoyle.
Num-Pad 1- Blood Presence.
Num-Pad 2- Frost Presence.
Num-Pad 3- Unholy Presence.
Shift+ H- Trinket 1 Pop/Use/Equipp.
Shift+ G- Trinket 2 Pop/Use/Equipp.
Tab - Horn of Winter.
Alt+ H - Health Stone (Warlock comsumable) Pop/Use.
Alt+ C- Mount - Ground Mount.
Left Ctrl+ V- Mount - Flying Mount.
Shift+ A - Raise Dead.
Left Ctrl+ D- Raise Ally.
Alt+ A- Army of the Dead.

Exept these keybindings I also have keybinds for all markings, my armor (CG), and equals.

Here is a Screenshot of my currently using User Interface:

I am aware of that it's a high latency in on the screenshot, but it's only due to I'm at this moment downloading 20 episodes of Two and a Half Men, and a few movies as well which raises the latency abit.

NOTE --- The name of the character is not Sqaar. That was before I moved to Tarren Mill ! --- NOTE.

Here's a Armory Link of my Character. Feel free to come on to the server, or ask me for a in-game inspection, if armory doesn't work.


Anything else you'd like to tell us? Well. I can tell you abit about my self. As you know, I'm a 23 year old male from Sweden. I live with my lovely girlfriend, Nathalie which I darely love and respect more then anything. I also have my pearl in my life, the second pearl, which is my car. A Volvo c70, which I've emproved pretty much, and styled with body kit, neon light, and hoof scoof, and some nice costumized paint job. This I've done on my sparetime. Now due to the recession it's not much to do at work, not many cars to style etcetra.
On my sparetime exept wow I play some Guitar Hero, or Rock band on my Xbox 360 with my friends or my self. I also try to learn how to drift correctly, progressing in that good as well, hehe.

Well, enough already, haha. =P Done a long a well done application if you ask me. If I missed anything feel free to contanct me on my E-mail ( I require you to type who you are else I'll denie it. You can also reach me in-game.

Well, I think this is good enough. Thank you for your time reading my application.

Last Words from me?

1- As I've seen on many, Delling. You like colours, good enough for'ye? =P
2- Contact me if anything is needed.

Be imbah.

Best Regards,

Jimmy "ACA" Buggles.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 02:45:27 am by delling »
If the tanks dies, it's the healers fault.
If the healer dies, it's the tanks fault.
If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault.

April 18, 2009, 05:31:57 pm
Reply #1

Offline Spuzi

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fucking PRO APP! GL !
but we don't DK officer atm :(
Spuzile :-)

Da li cete ikada svoju pesmu imati?
Ili cete kao uvek nase pevati?
Postavlja se pitanje, a to vec znaju svi kompleksi su neizlecivi NaNaNa...

April 18, 2009, 05:55:38 pm
Reply #2


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Holy crap, colours!

But, CPU - Intel (r) Pentium@ Dual-Core 9.4 GHZ?    9.4? I might not be the biggest expert on computers. But isn't that.. impossible?  The Intel i7 Extreme only reaches 3.33 max?

April 18, 2009, 06:31:40 pm
Reply #3

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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damnit inphy beat me to it :P

Bears like alts!

April 18, 2009, 07:27:38 pm
Reply #4

Offline Thoramon

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Hello there Jimmy or Viktor or whatever your real name is . I must notice you spend some time and did very good application , but seems you missed some very important corrections from your last application  you did just 1 week ago on 12 Apr 2009 at . There your name is Viktor , you are 20 years old , saying that you have been in 2 of the top Magtheridon guilds "flatline" and "used to could" , transfering to TM , and alot other different things which could bring only one logical thought - ebay . I hope you can explain . Good luck with your application .

April 18, 2009, 07:37:10 pm
Reply #5

Offline Ryuga

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And apparently he moved from Karlstad to Gothenburg since last week :)

April 18, 2009, 07:45:24 pm
Reply #6

Offline Croeer

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Dear Thoramon,

The reason for this is. When I dinged 80 with the Death Knight, and got geared I wanted to try out some other adventures, which was moving to Magtheridon, which is a very good PvE server. As after I came, I recent joined flatline. A few days later, I happend to come into a argument with the guild master, as lead to a kick. There was no really reason, it was basicly that I was sitting there with a couple of friends, screwing around in real life, and happend to say a couple of "chilish" stuffs in Guild chat, that lead into this argument. Later on I happend to hear about that used to could needed a active Tanking Death Knight, so I gave it a shot. After joined, the day after I was out. I started to speak with the leader of used to could, and it seemed like the guildmaster of flatline, was still pissed so.. well.

After that, I didn't want to play wow, I got sick of it.. bored. So I gave it away to my good friend Viktor, who transferred with free migration to Tarren Mill, and later joined Fallout in his name etcetra.
A few days I came, saying.. that I wanted to start play again, and he suddenly started talking about that he didn't want to play Death Knight, so he gave it back.

Hope it gave you the answers needed?


If the tanks dies, it's the healers fault.
If the healer dies, it's the tanks fault.
If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault.

April 18, 2009, 07:57:50 pm
Reply #7

Offline delling

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Great application.

But your timeline is a bit odd?

TK and SSC were in the game at TBC launch...

Sunwell came out at the same time as ZA?

And your whole Viktor/Jimmy thing is just a little bit weird...

Now I run a tech website.

April 18, 2009, 08:03:31 pm
Reply #8

Offline Croeer

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Hello, Delling.

Would there be anyhow a possibility we could talk in private, and let me explain everything?

1- The timeline, yes.. in wow history it sounds like I started 2 days ago, but no.. it's not like it looks, it's more.. well, hard to explain. But no, Sunwell Plateau came after, pretty long actually etcetra. When in the history I said "And then came The Eye...".. it means that the guild started to progress.

Hope it cleared it, post back to me if you can arrange a private chat.


If the tanks dies, it's the healers fault.
If the healer dies, it's the tanks fault.
If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault.

April 18, 2009, 08:06:14 pm
Reply #9

Offline delling

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Feel free to send me a PM, but we prefer these kinds of things to be public :)
Now I run a tech website.

April 18, 2009, 08:13:19 pm
Reply #10

Offline Croeer

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As I said up there, is the reason why Fallout applicant is named Viktor, and now it's Jimmy, as I gave it away after I got bored of wow, but now I'm back!

The history is a bit quickly going throught, but as I said when it said in the actual History "and then came The Eye"... that means the guild started progress, as well as the other raids. Yes it sounds like Sunwell and Zul'Aman came at the same time, but we all know that's far from true, so it's just my bad doing some misstypes in the application.

Please, let me know if you want corrections.


If the tanks dies, it's the healers fault.
If the healer dies, it's the tanks fault.
If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault.

April 18, 2009, 09:23:36 pm
Reply #11

Offline Supremacy

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Not sure how many applications iv seen in all these yrs of playing wow, and so so many have the "well quieted and i gave my acc to my friend, and after i came back"

What if u join IE, we gear u up ect, ect and u quit again and give ur acc to ur "friend"?

"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall"

April 18, 2009, 09:27:42 pm
Reply #12

Offline Croeer

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Well, Supermacy. As this was only questioning a couple of days, a week. I got sick, because it didn't work out. Mad somehow, but I won't be quiting as far as I got something to stick around for. =)


If the tanks dies, it's the healers fault.
If the healer dies, it's the tanks fault.
If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault.

April 18, 2009, 09:50:23 pm
Reply #13


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ok, who makes the tea/coffee today?

April 18, 2009, 09:52:44 pm
Reply #14

Offline Croeer

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Thané. What exakly do you mean with that?

You might can understand my confusion, as I am pretty new to Forum of Iron Edge.


- Jimmy.
If the tanks dies, it's the healers fault.
If the healer dies, it's the tanks fault.
If the DPS dies, it's their own damn fault.


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