Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => PvP Recruitment => Topic started by: bamboknight on November 29, 2012, 06:30:43 pm

Title: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: bamboknight on November 29, 2012, 06:30:43 pm
-Mark Simihanidis
-18 years old
-Profesional football player
-from Greece

-Iam playing wow for 6 years but only 3 years official.
-Right now i play as Holy Paladin but in Cata i was playing ret.
My highest rating in 2v2 is 1700 and in 3v3 is 1737 as Holy both of them with shity comps like holydin-rog and pala-priest-mage.
Last expansion i wasnt doing any RBGs because there wasnt any teams looking for dps,but i am an expert in bgs you can see that also from my bg achivments.

The reason i want to join Iron Edge is because you have a serius pvp session and i have many real friends in the guild like sephiroth,checku,ansiel and paxos we live in the same town.My contribution in the guild will be my pvp skills as holy paladin for some RBGs or as an Arena Teamate.I dont play pve because i dont have the time to farm and also farming isnt fun for me.

This is my armory ... I also want to say that my schedule is not very steady and i am almost always away in weekends because i play football in a profesional team..

I hope you will like my application..
                    My respects to the guild
                       Mark Simi(Bamboknight).

Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: Tanispaxos on November 29, 2012, 06:53:58 pm
Its Spaxos retard :D he is a decented player on pvp hope you like him !!
Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: RomeoMustDie on November 29, 2012, 07:47:17 pm
he told me, paxos is gay..
Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: bamboknight on November 30, 2012, 06:52:46 pm
haha..spaxos told me romeo is gay..
Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: Rash on December 01, 2012, 02:40:30 pm

Thank you for showing interest in Iron Edge! Unfortunately, your rating isn't really on the level of what we expect of our dedicated PvP members. However, since you have many friends in the guild, you could try to get in as an F&F. I'd recommend you get all your friends to vouch for you in this thread.

I don't decide if F&F's get into the guild, though. That would be up to Graxlos. I'll make sure he knows about your application.

Good luck!
Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: bamboknight on December 08, 2012, 10:26:28 am
my rating is now 1580 in RBGs
Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on December 08, 2012, 11:15:21 am
Bambo are you interested in joining as Friends and family member? This will not guarantee you a spot on Therashs rbg teams.
Title: Re: bamboknight pvp Recruitment
Post by: bamboknight on December 08, 2012, 11:27:48 am
yes i am intrested