Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => PvP Recruitment => Topic started by: hamilcar on January 22, 2013, 10:28:08 pm

Title: Hamilcår - PvP Recruitment
Post by: hamilcar on January 22, 2013, 10:28:08 pm
Name:Iskender Görkem içerler


Occupation: Ship captain/ 2nd mate

wow pvp history

i always played as a feral I was a casual pve player but on this patch started rbg's and played some matches with ur guild thats the reason to apply ur guild

max 2v2 rating 1820 and current rbg rating is 1612

I will start to play some 2v and 3v also i hope to find some players from ur guild to play with cause i cant find any good players for PvP lately ..

Title: Re: Hamilcår - PvP Recruitment
Post by: hamilcar on January 23, 2013, 02:18:46 am
also my pve history ..

Im started to play in frostwhisper just lvling there  then I migrate the dunemaul joined to insane guild and I do all raids except bt and sunwell with them after insane disbanded Im joined to the redemeer guild I did extra some bt bosses with them til WOTLK Patch
When Im reach lvl 80 joined root guild for a 2 week then we create a hyborian guild with my irl friends I stay there as a druid class officer and we did naxx 10 25 with them till I leaved.I leaved hyborian cause of bad progress (we coundt do ulduar) and I joined to impurtiy guild.I did ulduar bosses in there (we worked for first kill in server)till I brake up the game for summer holiday @june

after I Started to play again my guild impurity was disbanded all raiders moved to catastrophe guild and I applied to so what guild as a social and start to play as a feral dps till 2011 october .I stop playing 2011 october and gone to container ship as a 2nd mate(captain) for 9 months. 30 august 2012 i quit to work on ship and start to play 1 month later i did some pve got 489 pve i lvl but i decide play as a pvp player now cause I dont want a serious pve anymore cause I cant play all patches i just want to rated bg 's with good team.

 here is my armory link (sometimes u can see me in pve sorry about that :( )
Title: Re: Hamilcår - PvP Recruitment
Post by: Rash on January 28, 2013, 11:45:43 pm

Your rating isn't really up to par with what we expect from our dedicated PvP members, and your application doesn't really make it very compelling for me to make an exception. Especially considering 80% of your application is your PvE history.

Of course you're always free to poke me if you'd like to join for some casual RBG's. We usually play them on Sunday evening at the moment. Maybe you can prove your PvP capabilities there.

Hope to hear from you on Sunday!
Title: Re: Hamilcår - PvP Recruitment
Post by: hamilcar on January 30, 2013, 02:29:57 am
ok then see u sunday on rbg's