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 Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Jldeèeèèeeh

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April 16, 2017, 11:57:52 am
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Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Jldeèeèèeeh
« on: April 16, 2017, 11:57:52 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Jldeèeèèeeh
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Name: Feras Alhamwi

Age: 26

Location: atm in Lebanon/Syria , on September I`ll be in the UK

Work/school: Doctor of Clinical Psychology/Surrey University.


My main spec is Elemental, I just love this spec it`s so much fun to play and great in ever encounter (can be a bit annoying in heavy movement fights but if I`m lucky with procs or cds it will be fine).

My Offspec is Restoration, I use it if I`m needed as a healer.

898 main spec ilvl and 894 off spec.

ok to start of with talents:

Since I go with Ascendance build I go for these talents

Path of Flame: +10% on lava burst dmg and it spreads the flame shock to a close target which is really awesome in spreading the shock without wasting any gcd and more flame shocks = more procs on lava burst.

I use Gust of Wind or Wind Rush Totem: both are great for movement mobility , one is selfish the other is for the raid, I would normally go with Gust of the Wind unless the guild needs the totem since it really helps me improve my position in heavy movement encounters.

I Ancestral Swiftness: since it`s the best option in almost all situations except if we are in a damage/dps check fight then I use Elemental Mastery.

I use Elemental Blast since it`s amazing with Ascendance and with the mastery, if it does an overload I get 2 buffs instead of one. In addition to that which is most important is that I have [Eye of the Twisting Nether] so when I cast it it gives me the buff for all elements so I have the dmg increase almost always.

I use Echo of the Elements: it`s simply the best in all situations except really heave AOE fights then I go for Liquid Magma Totem but still does not really prefer it since I already have chain lighting and Earthquake specially after the addition of the new artifact trait Seismic Storm.

Finally I use Ascendance: I just love this spell, a huge burst, sadly I still don`t have Pristine Proto-Scale Girdle or Guldan trinket but with the ring It`s still really strong and Imagine with the these items.


For the stats: I`ll go for a mastery of 87% and then crit, it`s just to like kinda make sure that I will have overload on almost every spell and the crit since it increase lava burst dmg and any crit effects like elemental focus.

Alts:  Warlock 900 ilvl

I got a DH 865 ilvl.


enchanting: to disenchant.

Engineering since it help with speed boost/slow fall etc.

I`m not a big fan of professions since they removed any huge benefits from it like the hand engineering enchant previously or having a big gem for you if you have jewelcrafting or the rings enchants etc..

Raiding Experience:

Warlock-Agamaggan server

I was a noob back playing the game in the same way I play GTA just following people and trying to kill them.

The Burning Crusade:

Warlock-Agamaggan server

played the beta a bit and in this patch I was really getting what the game is about and how to play/enjoy it but sadly only got some of the raid kills but not all.

Wrath of The Lich King:

Warlock-Agamaggan server

My faviourite patch,however I stopped a bit and came back befor Icc release by like a month or 2 week not really sure and cleared all the raids befor it.

cleared Trial of the Grand Crusader 10/25 and ICC 10/25 Normal and Heroic.


Moved to Auchindoun with an in real life friends called Girls Gone WoW.

We went hardcore in FL cleared normal 7/7 first raid togther and then did 5/7 hc but some friends stopped playing for different reasons so the guild stopped raiding for some time and we killed Ragnaros later on.

BWD did 4/6 hc, BoT 5/5hc very late.

Dragon Soul we came back to play together and we went hardcore at start that we got the kill of first 3 bosses before envy by like 1-2 min and I got a photo to prove

If I`m not mistaken about the nerf times, I did 6/8 hc prenerf and 7/8hc later.

Mists of Pandaria:

In Pandaria I started raiding a bit late through the content so go 6/6 normal fast and 6/6 hc later on. was raiding on priest too so some of the progress is there.

HoF cleared 6/6 normal and 4/6 hc on both warlock and priest.

ToES clear 4/4 normal and 3/4 hc.

ToT cleared normal and did 6/13hc was playing serious pvp got to 2.4.

SoO cleared normal and did 11/14hc on Warlock, 5/14 hc on priest and some normal clears on alts.

Challenge Mode Gold 9/9

Wod: HM 7/7hc and 10/10hc & 2/10 mythic BRF , HFC cleared it all on hc and mythic with top logs even got ranked 22 world on demo locks, could have got rank 1 but the guild used to do a tactic which we should stop dpsing -.-

In Legion: We made a guild as irl friends Disciples, I started as DH in EN did 7/7 hc and then played warlock did 2/7 mythic. did 3/3 hc TOV and 1/3 mythic and later 2/3 mythic. For the Nighthold killed Guldan on the 2nd week if I`m not mistaken went hardcore witht he guild Cutting Edge (Old Disciples) but sadly after killing 3 mythic and getting in the top 500 world some problems happened between the players and it got disbanded sadly and I`ve been pvping and looking for a 2 days raiding guild with a good progress to raid with since then.

Previous Guilds:

Oh sorry I mentioned everything in the previous section.


I`m just simply not available from 8 am till 5pm because of work/school.

For the exams I can not honestly just say when I will have because I can`t really choose the date :P but  can provide you with info before 1-2 weeks.


yes to all ! :D

Computer / Connection:

I keep my desktop fully updated and upgraded with all the best specs like 1080x etc..

In addition I have an ASUS rog 752 laptop just in case :P

My internet connection is pretty awesome since I pvp a lot so I know if it is or not :P and I rarely disconnect .


Bartender: easier to keybind and move bars.

DBM: for raid warnings and encounters.

Skada: check dps/hps/what dmg I took etc..

WeakAuras: It`s a great addon to keep a track of whatever u want (trinkets,dots,procs, etc..)

Doompulsecooldown: a very nice addon that just shows you that a spell came off cd in a very nice and not annoying way.

The rest are what the guild might use like EPGP,RCLoot.    , It`s pretty simple I like to keep it clean and clear.

Other Games:

Overwatch, DOTA2, Hearthstone, HoN.

Would be awesome to have more friends to play these games with them.

Why Iron Edge?

Because any guild that raids 2 days with such progress, it shows that you are really good in the game in addition to enjoying it in different way since I saw that you do recruit pvpers which I`m really interested in that too and the weekend raid which I already have an alt that is more than ready for it.

So overall I know that I would enjoy playing with you guys.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A great player with knowledge about different classes in PVE or PVP specifically warlock/shaman.

A free psychological evaluation ..jk :P

I`ll teach arabic :P

And a gamer that you can play different games with :D

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Here is my btag in case you wanna contact me in game Syrian#2368

Other than that I really prefer talking to the people/officers/gm in the guild after applying it`s just a better way to get to know the guy that is applying or the people in the guild I`m applying to.


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