Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on August 23, 2015, 05:12:22 pm

Title: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Applicant on August 23, 2015, 05:12:22 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Snaximus
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS/Healer)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

My name is Svein Harald aka sveini (nick name) im from a little town in Norway called Haugesund. Im currently attending school to become a car mechanic but that wont keep me from making the set raid scheduels ofc :)


Im maining Enhancement shaman and my offspec is restoration, i prefer to be dpsing as enhancement but if the guild would need me to go elemental i would have no problem doing so. i prefer enhancement because i like the high numbers they can put out if you play it correctly and it's super fun to play melee imo. My enhancement ilvl is 709, resto ilvl 705 and elemental ilvl 706 i believe.

Ok so for shaman enchancement you want to aim for 50% haste then you want to go for mastery as the 2nd stat then rest into multistrike. For my ratoation for enhancement depends so much on the different procs i do get but i atleast start with the burst dps which is popping Acendance/Feral spirit/ Fire elemental and Berserking(racial) and then the normal roation comes which i want to get 2 stack of elemental fusion which increases my next shock dmg på 40% each stack, then i cast Unleash Elements that also increase my next firespell my 40% more so my flame shock ticks for the maximum, also for aoe based fights i spread the slame shock to all nearby targets with Lava Lash and then use Fire nova to do insane aoe dmg. for my single target roatation which i mentioned the flame shock other than that i just spam Stormstrike of CD and Lava Lash of CD (tho that depends much on if i see if there is any adds comming then i would ave it for that to spread the flame shock propperly). also i swap on talent depending on the bossfight if there is much adds all the time or if it's pure singletarget.


not right now but im currently working on gearing my druid, currently 687 ilvl as resto.


Blacksmith and Engineering, i chose blacksmith for the pure reason of money making and iv'e had engineering since beginning of MoP.

Raiding Experience:

My only noticable raiding experience is during Siege of Orgrimmar, which i cleared 14/14 heroic in. Was in a hardcore raiding guild till i killed klaxxi then i had some IRL stuff which prevented me from raiding so much so i had to step down from that guild. But other than that iv'e been raiding casually during all the different xpacks, tho i cleared dragon soul heroic after some nerfs tho but i still believe spine hc was still hard then.

Previous Guilds:

Unknown Entity - Lightbringer.
I left then due to too much raiding and i had to step down as a raider due to IRL stuff.

Progress Denied - Kazzak
I was in this guild when we killed garrosh heroic and then i took a break in the begining of WoD and just recently came back and then guild had disbanded.


well im available everyday after 16:00 that's for sure and i live alone so noone to nag me to do stuff either :)


I do, last time i checked :)

Computer / Connection:

I have no problem with my fps and neither my internet connectiong i rarely dc and have around 30 ping on kazzak, (internet speed)


I use Bartender, WA, Exorsus raid tools, ExtraCD, Iskar assist, Quartz, Tidy plates and skada.

Other Games:

Counter Strike:Global Offensive

Why Iron Edge?

Decent progress and want to get into raiding again propperly.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Dedicated, on time, reliable and allways prepared.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

not really :)

Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Bendie on August 23, 2015, 05:31:14 pm
Haugesund :O Hype.  Good luck with app. i would love to see a good enha shaman in the raid.
Felt i had to comment since i was born and raised @Vormedal :3
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Phoenixflame on August 23, 2015, 05:57:05 pm
Hello Snaximus,

your application is a little shorter than I'd like, on the other hand it contains most of the relevant information. Could you give me a little rundown on which talents you use as an enhancement shaman and why?
Also, can you show us some logs of you playing dps? Maybe from your time in SoO or perhaps from the casual raids you have done this expansion, that would be great.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Snaximus on August 23, 2015, 06:45:07 pm
Ofc my friend, here is the logs : you can find everything iv'e done since SoO there if those logs still exist :pp

Talent use and why? ok here wer go :)
Level 15 talent: Astral shift - Survival talent as the others but this one gives me 40% less dmg taken for 6 sec most usefull imo.

Level 30 talent: Windwalk totem - Best for this raid i fell like since it removed every movement imperial effects for all raid member within 40 yards.

Level 45 talent: Totemic projection or Totemic persistence - I would use Totemic projection where there is alot of moveing it's pretty usefull to move the totem closer to the place we are currently standing at, and i use Totemic persistence for fight with little moveing since you can use more of the same totem type at once like earth elemental and earthbind totem.

Level 60 talent: Echo of the Elements - Gives me two charges of the 3 spells which is super important for enha shamans like Stormstrike/Lava Lash and Fire nova, makes the ratation more reliable and better.

Level 75 talent: Ancestral Guidance - For the next 10 sec, 20% of my dmg and healing, included multistrike is converted to healing on upto 3 nearby injured party member.

Level 90 talent: Unleashed Fury - Simply because it increases my lightning bolt dmg på 30% for 10 sec everytime that is used and Increases multistrike for 5% for 8 second and it can be casted every 12.5 sec so only 2.5 sec downtime on 30% stronger lightningbolts if i can click it everytime off CD.

level 100 talent: Elemental Fusion - Because it it increases my next shock dmg på  40% and that stack twice and when it's used with unleased elements i can apply a superstrong flameshock on the target which is good dmg over the entire bossfight.
Tho if there is mostly a pure add fight like "hellfire assault" i would use Liquid magma since it's better for aoe dps.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Atlanteans on August 23, 2015, 06:55:46 pm
Hi snaximus, thanks for your application. I have a couple of concerns I'd like to ask about if that's okay:
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Snaximus on August 23, 2015, 07:00:05 pm
Well i have very good explaination to that :)
I got all spells i need to use on the easiest binds for my likeing those unbinded i dont use or rarely even touch.

For my health bar i dont need it closer to the middle since i have raid frames right over my spellbar with all the names there including mine so i have no problem seeing if i drop in HP :)

And for the legendary ring as i stated i came back from a break so i dont have the legendary ring yet but i only need 17 tomes and then i got it :)
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Rash on August 23, 2015, 08:09:28 pm
Hi Snaximus!

Do enhancement shamans have no use for ghost wolf? I'm genuinely asking because I always see them moving around very quickly but I didn't know it was completely useless for them.

I don't really agree with your choices of UI/placement and having no unit frame addon, but if you can make it work I won't criticize it.

I think our biggest concern right now is that we are pretty melee-heavy in the raid and I have a shameless bias against melees. We'll be clearing heroic a couple of more times but on mythic it's gonna be a while before you'll be able to compete with the others I fear. Would you be alright with being on standby fairly regularly on progress fights until you can compete with the others?

What else do you do in your free time besides WoW?
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Snaximus on August 23, 2015, 08:30:09 pm
So i would get to join the "farm" bosses which you have allready killed? :)

I dont do much in my freetime besides wow haha
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Rash on August 23, 2015, 08:48:01 pm
Yeah, if Phoenixflame were to take you on as a trial we would prioritize gearing you on farm bosses as much as possible. But if you can't compete with other players on progress bosses yet, we'd have to swap in people with higher DPS regularly until you can.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Phoenixflame on August 25, 2015, 01:41:33 am
How would you feel about going elemental by the way? Our roster is very heavy on melee at the moment and with the recent dropping of ranged raiders, we cannot afford another one.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Snaximus on August 25, 2015, 07:53:26 pm
yeah but then i would need a trinket before i could do better dps tho
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Snaximus
Post by: Rash on August 26, 2015, 02:10:07 pm
Alright, let's give you a try!

Poke an officer for an invite.