Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Off Topic Discussion => Computer Chair Film Appreciation Club => Topic started by: Starbrow on December 08, 2007, 01:10:47 am

Title: Torrent troubles
Post by: Starbrow on December 08, 2007, 01:10:47 am
As this is our "movie" forum and we all know where we get our movies from, I thought this to be the proper place to complain about my problems. It is in fact quite simple. I simply can't get torrents to realise that data is available to them so they can start downloading (I think). There can bee thousands of seeds, but nothing happens, and continues to do so even if I just leave them to themselves to fix for a while.

Attatched here is a picture of how my torrent client looks when it's been allowed to sit and do it's own thing for a while:

( (

Concerning trackers, I've updated those lots of times, added lots of different torrents with the same file to get more trackers, and if you're thinking "Hmm, firewall?" I've also looked into that and I can't really find anyone activated anywhere, and not in our router either, so I guess that means that there isn't any.

In short, wtb help :(
Title: Re: Torrent troubles
Post by: Comrade Nox on December 08, 2007, 02:21:17 am
Have you set up NAT/UPNP?
Title: Re: Torrent troubles
Post by: Starbrow on December 08, 2007, 02:27:54 am
Have you set up NAT/UPNP?

At this point I should probably add that I'm an utter nub in these things. I've installed a torrent client and I know where to find torrents. That's it. Kindly be more specific :P (that'd probably be a no then?)
Title: Re: Torrent troubles
Post by: Comrade Nox on December 08, 2007, 02:36:48 am

OK, so I have a pretty simple tool for testing if whether UPnP is set up or not. However, filefront is being homosexual, and I therefore cannot upload the program (It's  a really small file, < megabyte). If you PM me your mailadress ill send you the program for testing it. The program comes with a "Test" button, and a link on  how to fix eventual problems. It's a no brainer of a program. If everything on your PC is set up correctly and its still not working (torrents not downloading), you should probably go look for a UPnP friendly router, or talk to whomever gives you access to the interwebz and complain that you're gonna miss out on Heroes because of them.

EDIT: Found the link for it, weo weo.

Easyer then tanking as a druid. Haha.

Title: Re: Torrent troubles
Post by: Starbrow on December 08, 2007, 03:01:52 am
Right, I've run that now, it started failing at number 2 and then all after that was failed aswell. I've now gotten passed untill 7, and he there writes that if you're connecting via a USB device, you're fucked. Which I am. I guess I'll go buy a looong LAN cable on monday, drill a hole in my floor, and pull a cable under our house (we have a crawling basement) from my PC to my router.

I also played a bit with portforwarding and discovered that no ports were forwarded at all. I have also fixed this now.

It should be noted that the torrents have started running slowly now, but it's better than not at all! Time to sleep.
Title: Re: Torrent troubles
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on December 08, 2007, 03:31:02 am
if your ports are forwarded it should be fine.