Iron Edge

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Apply to Iron Edge

Apply to the TOT Raid
Currently full
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Always open to exceptional players!
Apply for the Weekend Raid
Looking for DPS!
Apply for Cataclysm Classic or Social
All are welcome apply to join IE
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With several of our guys on holiday this week we decided to take a shot at 10m heroics.  In about an hour, we downed Alysrazor (after some 50% wipes in 25 last reset.)  Then we moved on to Baleroc.  He took a little while longer, but we got a kill after our kitty learned not to Torment the raid.  Then we 1-shot Rhyolith for kicks.... lol he's easy on 10m.

Good job everybody!

Just a reminder that we're still recruiting for Firelands!

We're currently looking for Retadins, a Disc Priest, a Rogue, a Resto Druid, possibly a Hunter, a Mage, Resto Shaman and maybe a Warlock.  We will consider any decent application!

Didn't take too long to get this spider down.  Seemed a fairly easy fight once we got the spiderling aoe sorted, to be honest!

Just a reminder that we're still recruiting for Firelands!

We're currently looking for Retadins, a Disc Priest, a Rogue, Boomkin/Resto Druids, possibly a Hunter, a Mage, Resto Shaman and maybe a Warlock.  We will consider any decent application!

After a few gruelling weeks of wiping on Lord Rhyolith, he finally died tonight!  Congratulations to everyone <o/

Our 25m hardcore raid (4 days/week) is still recruiting for Firelands.

We're currently looking for resto shaman,  resto/boomkin druids, retadins, mages, warlocks and, possibly, rogues and hunters.  We'll consider any exceptional application!

14 Jul 2011 - Shannox Heroic Down!

After just 2.5 hours of 50 dkp minus, we managed to kill Shannox Heroic in 25m!  Good job everybody.  Lets see if we can get another kill tommorow! :D

With Ragnaros slain on the first pull Tuesday evening, we can move on to heroics this week!

Our 25m hardcore raid (4 days/week) is still recruiting for Firelands.

We're currently looking for healers, hunters, rogues, retadins and a tank.  We'll consider any exceptional application!

Our Hardcore 25m raid is recruiting for Firelands! - With our recent kill on Cho'gall, and soon to be dead Sinestra, we are looking to go into Firelands with a stronger raid than ever. We're looking to fill a number of gaps in our membership - healers, ranged dps and melee dps are all welcome! (except warriors :/).

Raiding times are: Monday-Thursday, 19:30 to 24:00 Server Time.

Apply now to be part of the best international guild on Dunemaul!
The only person that managed to fraps the kill was Infested (discipline priest), so here is his point of view of our first Nefarian 25 Man Heroic kill! The video gives a good overview of the fight.

I picked the music, so if you wanna bash someone for loltrance then don't aim your anger at Infested :D

Vaishiyas - Trap Check
Neelix - Give Them Free

Download link

12 May 2011 - Nefarian HC 25m Dead!

After the initial troubles of the 25m group, our hard work finally paid off when, last night, we downed Nefarian HC after only 3 pulls, with the first pull of the night a near 1-shot, wiping on just 6%.

That kill brings us up to 9/13 HC.  Our next target is Cho'gall.  Hopefully we can get a kill within the next week or two!

We are still recruiting for our 25m HC progress raid.  We are in need of healers (any class), a rogue, a death knight, and a shadow priest.  Any other class/spec with a strong application will also be considered.  Unfortunately, we are really, really full on warriors and tanks.  We raid 4 times a week (Mon-Thu) from 19:30 to 24:00.

Apply on our recruitment forum. Good luck!

Awwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaah.
Very soon -- in a matter of days, or perhaps even hours -- a whole range of original, exciting content will begin to appear on the Iron Edge homepage.

There will be WoW-related stuff of course -- class discussion, boss strategies -- but there'll be lots of non-WoW stuff too. News and stories about SC2, L4D, Civ 5, HoN, LoL, or any game that Iron Edge plays, will find its way to the IE home page.

We'll also post our most recent WoW boss kills, and generally keep you up to date with everything that's going on inside the guild.

You can use the 'forum' button at the top of the page to jump straight to the forum -- or click here.
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