Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Hortlam on August 04, 2010, 10:19:49 pm

Title: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Hortlam on August 04, 2010, 10:19:49 pm
Hello their Iron Edge. I'm Hortlam. I've decided to make an application here at Iron Edge due to the fact that I'm looking for some dedicated raiding. Now you might be wondering why I'm not applying at the A-team. But that is due to the fact that I probably don't have good enough gear.

Personal Information
My real name is is Jesper. I'm 15 years old, been playing World of Warcraft for 4 of those years.

Character Information
I'm arcane specced mage. And I've got dual talent specialization which is at the moment just something I play around with. I'm willing to respecc it if you want.
Here is a link to Hortlam's Armory. ( ( )

None I think. Just guessing that the phased part at ICC doesn't count, then none. ;)
Currently I'd be able to raid any day of the week. If anything should come up I will notify whoever is in charge of the raid that day.

More specific times:

Mondays: Whenever it is needed.(Or well not from 08:00-15:00 later on depending on when I get off and so on)
Tuesdays: Whenever it is needed.
Wednesdays: Whenever it is needed.
Thursdays: Whenever it is needed.
Fridays: Whenever. (Unless I'm at a LAN(Kinda goes for the whole weekend. But usually it is Friday-Saturday)
Saturday: Whenever.

Gaming and World Of Warcraft history.
Well it all started back in the days of 2005... Where I've been playing (Abit) on my big brothers account and I was so fascinated by the game that I had to be able to play even more. So I went to stores got my own account and from there I made my first character and which I played until Wrath of the Lich King came out. There I decided to reroll(Hunter to mage) because I had the feeling for trying something else. (Note: The only alt I had was a bank-alt) So when I played the mage. I fell in love and I'd wish I started playing mage earlier though.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Well since I've been looking for some dedicated progressive raiding(Which PUGs aren't) I thought about which guild on Dunemaul in my 4 years(Which is still alive) is that. And that is where I thought of you and therefore I decided to apply.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
I can offer a social guy who is friendly and got a sense o' humor. Also I believe I'm good enough for your raids. (If you should think of this as an insult then don't.).

Last words?
Well all I can say is I hope you pick me.
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Kilizion on August 04, 2010, 10:57:20 pm
Good luck.
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Hugman on August 04, 2010, 11:16:38 pm
Gear, gems and enchants are all bad.  >:(

Some mage give him some pointers please.
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Daekesh on August 04, 2010, 11:28:54 pm
Damn b-raid!
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Sertth on August 05, 2010, 01:29:47 am
A rare gem and no tailoring embrodier at a 264 ilvl back is no good. Your meta gem also sucks.
Pointers (
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Abyiss on August 05, 2010, 01:32:14 am
if its not a tank ... i dont know shit about wow :D

looks fine to me ! LOL!
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Archz on August 05, 2010, 01:36:54 am
I think I can save you some time and safely say that you're way too undergeared

I don't know if the B-raid application-post is outdated, but we are in fact on LK heroic now (yay)

Our gear requirement should almost match the one for the A-raid
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Daekesh on August 05, 2010, 01:55:15 am
if its not a tank ... i dont know shit about wow :D

looks fine to me ! LOL!

Then why do u post? :(
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Yoica on August 05, 2010, 07:25:55 am
Thanks for your application, but your gear and experience just isn't enough. Good luck with your guild hunt.
Title: Re: Hortlam - Mage (57/3/11) - B-Team.
Post by: Cinn on August 06, 2010, 12:15:50 pm
you honestly must have a complete wrong idea of the B raid when you made that aplication

we're currently @ 11/12 ICC25 Heroic, and apart from not even taken the effort to get your easy to obtain t10 set you didnt even know how to pick the right meta