Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Off Topic Discussion => Computer Chair Film Appreciation Club => Topic started by: Ameliorate on May 27, 2010, 11:29:36 pm

Title: Unthinkable
Post by: Ameliorate on May 27, 2010, 11:29:36 pm
Plot: Somewhere in the United States, three nuclear weapons are about to detonate. Younger (Michael Sheen) has hidden the devices and the authorities lead by FBI agent Brody (Carrie-Anne Moss) with the help of H (Samuel L. Jackson), an interrogation specialist, must find them before time runs out. How far will they go to get the information they need and will they do the unthinkable?

I enjoyed it, worth a watch, not at the cinema though.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Daekesh on May 28, 2010, 12:10:44 am
Downloaded this the other day.  May have to give it a watch tonight.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: shankski on May 28, 2010, 12:25:58 am
Samuel L..... im game
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Daekesh on May 28, 2010, 01:54:03 am
Good film.  Michael Sheen does a very good performance.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Archz on May 28, 2010, 08:44:38 am
Good movie! But slightly.. mindfuck xD
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Karga on July 15, 2010, 08:23:08 pm
very nice one, thrilling. Reminds me "Rendition" which was a worth watch aswell.

 I respect the fact that somehow some director's can turn the pointer to themselves as the source of guiltiness. (which is rare for a western)
There is sure a reason to torture the person in this movie. AT least as the audience, u find yourself saying "yeah , what else can they do". Where is a real threat against USA.

But the thing which thrills me most is something that most of u won't understand. Since the beginning of the war in iraq. There has been about 1million of cassualties.
No i am not talking about a movie. i am talking about real life. Every day, hiddenly the government supports those actions(tortures, missing persons). Sometimes it spreads to youtube or some media! Like Ebu-garib or the torture plane's. But the truth is mostly unrevealed. So you can consider that u just know about 1/100 about what's going on there. There is a massive murder.

They told that iraq had nuclear missiles, but there was no nuclear shit.
Now they keep telling that persians are a threat because of nuclear powers, but guess what ? No one even noticed that France is still keep testing 8000 Kilometer ranged nuclear missiles. (the last one i read was 5-6 months ago) And yeah, brittans, germans, etc.. did not even noticed that France was doing that. AND even if they heard about that, they do not consider that as a threat ! People don't understand the other, the different, the mouslim. And they keep being afraid of them. it's because that the Western's  are mostly ignorant and biggoted. Most of them have never been in Middle-East ! They do not know about their religion, they do not know about their life style, their beliefs, traditions, etc... i am not saying that East is better.

Anyway, it's not personal. U can consider yourself as the bright side of WEST. if u travelled, read, experienced a lot. Some people keep doing that, and they really have the spirit to feel, understand the different !
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on July 16, 2010, 11:55:00 am
France has had nuclear weapons for decades. You are never scared when your allies have WMD's.

It is common knowledge now that Iraq didnt have shit when the us invaded, the UN had people dismantling their weapons programs since 1991 and were obviously successful.

Would the US really have invaded if there was weapons of mass destruction that they could have thrown at europe? Probably not.

I think the movie is interesting but it has some holes in the story, and I dont really believe all the characters (Carrie Ann Moss is a shit actor imo).

I would have liked the movie more if it had actually shown a situation where torture didn't make sense. I'm sure thousands of innocent people have been interrogated/tortured during the war against terror, make movies about those.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Karga on July 16, 2010, 01:01:51 pm
Agent Helen Brody was like shit. And the end was also the weakest point of the movie.

The thing is, Westerns invaded a country. They raped them for no reason. And that is a potential threat against the human beings in East. For every single innocent child, man, student or whatever. Even if you are a persian, arabian, after realising that it's not peace but the sources what they want,  you start thinking that every Middle-Eastern should start being a threat to scare them off. Because West will never stop killing, raping, stealing one after another...
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on July 16, 2010, 01:30:31 pm
I hope when you say west you mean USA.

They showed evidence to the UN that he(saddam) had weapons of mass destruction, fake evidence that is. Which made some european countries join them, denmark too which was decided by a minority of the population.

Are you saying that you think terrorism is a way out of it? Terrorism is the only excuse the USA has to run wars atm...

Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Karga on July 16, 2010, 02:53:57 pm
Terrorism may look like an excuse , but it's not.
if there won't be terrorism, they would create another excuse.
So i mean, the reason of this war is USA. Not terrorists or whatever. THey always wanted control over Middle-East.

BTw, actually when u rape mothers in the front of their kids. When you kill fathers in the front of his family. And when those children turn into futureless, senseless people. it's not terrorism. It's a sin of West, where the price is being paid by the innocent !

(Ah btw, when i am saying West. it's mostly USA & Britain! but not only...)

"The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on July 16, 2010, 03:24:25 pm
is it also the wests fault when muslim countries stone women to death, for being raped.

And every suicide bomber is the wests fault, by not being muslims?

and people living in Iran not agreeing with the government getting killed or jailed is ok.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: delling on July 16, 2010, 03:28:40 pm
I love it when Islamic terrorists blow up other Muslims, like in Indonesia. Such pros!
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: kawe on July 16, 2010, 05:25:07 pm
Yeah, totally the west's fault for Islamic fundamentalists. Also our fault for the amount of murdering and suicide (especially both at the same time) that goes on in the name of, "Your interpretation of the Islamic faith is slightly different from mine. Let's sit down and talk about our different points of view and learn from each other YOU MUST DIE", right?

The idea of pointing fingers at the west and saying it doesn't tolerate or try to understand other cultures, when then talking about some of the most intolerant and conservative cultures on the planet, is pretty striking.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Kilizion on July 17, 2010, 12:14:46 am
Let's agree that they're both bad, the majority of muslims condemn suicide bombings and believe any act of suicide regardless of the reason is against the religion. Some people are misinformed and use the negative minority to group the entire religion under one umbrella of a stereotype. People throw around the word Jihad and have no idea what it actually means in the arabic language or an islamic context. There are roughly 1.2 - 1.6 billion muslims on the planet, if they all thought in the way this tiny minority of extremists that don't deserve to be labeled under islam did, i'm pretty sure we'd know about it/have a problem on our hands.

I wouldn't really group the west either a lot of westerners are intellectual enough to know that these people are a minority and a lot of people living in the west disagreed with the war on Iraq and the conflicts in other parts of the world. I think it just goes to show that a minority sometimes let the majority down and that governments/societies/organisations don't always speak on behalf of who they claim to represent or control. Some might argue they have hidden agendas be it oil, control whatever. It doesn't really matter, fact is it's bad mmkay?

Just my two cents, coming from a very liberal and agnostic person!
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: delling on July 17, 2010, 01:08:29 am
That was quite well said, Kili!

Anyway, just watched the film. It was... OK! Samuel L Jackson was excellent, as always. I didn't think Carie Anne Moss was THAT bad. It's not her fault that she looks all old and wooden... I thought her acting was pretty darn good (they must've cast her for some reason, no?)

Billy (of Ally McBeal fame) looked a bit old with that beard, yeesh!

Where do I know that Spanish-looking torturer from? Dollhouse or something?
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Daekesh on July 17, 2010, 01:19:10 am
Just my two cents, coming from a very liberal and agnostic person!

Bad apple spoils the bunch and so forth.  Trouble is, how do u define which are the bad apples?  Coming from an outside perspective and hearing that some of x group of people like to blow themselves up, it's understandable that people are wary of the whole group, because they simply don't know who the bad ones are.

Personally, I don't really know anyone who vehemently believes in any religion, be it islam, christianity or whatever, so I kinda paint all people who are strongly religious with the same brush.  Every religion has people that will kill you for not thinking like they do.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: delling on July 17, 2010, 02:04:15 am
Kesh speaketh wisely!

Vehement religious zealotry is always a bit of a warning sign.

_Every_ religion, whether considered flawed by modern standards or not, is designed as a grouping of rules that will improve the quality of your life.

That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. Follow these rules and your life will be better. You want your family to have a better life, so you encourage them to live by the same rules. That's as far as religion should extend: you offer it as an alternative set of rules to people you care about.

(I have more to say, but I'm struggling to put the words together -- it's too late. Will continue... later. I'm aware that I didn't get to the point of what I was saying :P)
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Kilizion on July 17, 2010, 02:30:09 am
I agree I mean it's hard to tell who the bad apples are and you're right about every group having bad apples. I think it's best to keep an open mind and decide on your opinion of individuals whenever you might have to deal with them in life, rather than as groups from what you've heard from third parties. I think you have a choice of who to like, may as well exercise it yourself based on your own experiences.

I find a bad person is usually just a bad person, religion comes into play when they use it as their reasoning for whatever actions they may partake in, to provide themselves some kind of reassurance, to justify their actions, to convert other vulnerable, gullible or weak minded individuals to their way of thinking or whatever really. This then gets labeled as extremism or fundamentalism attached to some religion and you get your bad apples. Usually down to misinterpretation or choice interpretation of religious texts, beliefs, ideals etc.

I've met people from many religions and really enjoyed their company, some of them are still good friends today. Truth be told most of my friends aren't religious but those who are respect my choice beliefs and I respect theirs, simply because they're good people and nothing else.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Karga on July 17, 2010, 04:42:50 am
is it also the wests fault when muslim countries stone women to death, for being raped.

And every suicide bomber is the wests fault, by not being muslims?

and people living in Iran not agreeing with the government getting killed or jailed is ok.

dull talk grax. womans getting stoned in a mouslim country does not mean it's a common muslim act. it's a rare, very very rare situation in rare places and times, in some some country i never ever been in.
K.K.K, Inquisition, burning a house of minorities, are/were also ways of braindamaged fanatics in West. And sometimes they can have an effect on a very big authority. But suicide bombers is another story.
 i still believe that only a person without a future, without a family can kill himself for a reason. But what if u take it away from them ? i mean their family, their freedom, their legs or whatever, Every single person can turn to a terrorist. And yeah sorry but, west is very good on turning human beings into monsters. Killing someone can not fix the past for sure ! Especially if the one you'll hit for revenge is innocent aswell, it may bring more pain. But sometimes, some people do not think that way.
Easterns are not economically strong, they have no big army's to slap them back. Amlost all of them  beg for mercy, lay in silence, hope for a peace. But some, a very little minority(like %999999) can'T forget the pain, can'T deal with it. and fight back with what they can. A bomb, a gun, a plane or whatever !

 I am not saying that all terrorists have reasons to act that way. But the fact that WEst has killed 1 million of civilians during the war can turn every single man to a terrorist. And i am sure that west will never accept that they are the origin of sin by invading and killing. They'll just forget about what they did and use those angry/disabled persons as an excuse to strike the next one. (may be water or oil, time will show)

Mouslims are mostly welcome, nice, tolerable persons. And even the most religous persons are nice. But bad persons, like Kilizion said always exist. And act bad !
The fact is while the bad people are brainless terrorists in IRaqi, The other bad people are leading some countries in West. How pity !
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Föötmunch on July 17, 2010, 09:59:12 am

Where do I know that Spanish-looking torturer from? Dollhouse or something?

he was jack bauers friend in the latest 24 season right at the start :-P
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: delling on July 17, 2010, 01:04:57 pm
Ah yes, 24! Good call :)

Did you notice the terrorist's wife was also from 24...?

So basically, we've all agreed that there are bad people, and their affiliations are completely unimportant.

Bad Muslims = terrorists
Bad Westerners = war mongering freedom destroyers (or something)

So... we should hate bad people, rather than Westerners or Muslims, right?

If only it was that easy.
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Daekesh on July 17, 2010, 02:58:25 pm
So, when were you recruited, Karga?
Title: Re: Unthinkable
Post by: Kilizion on July 17, 2010, 03:32:26 pm
I agree it's not easy for some people to just change how they see the picture!

Anyway I would like to add I've actually seen this film, thought it was entertaining (got to love slj). Not his best film though to be fair, by a long shot. Interesting story and idea, just too long, poor supporting actors and not enough action in my opinion.

I'd give it a 5.5/10.