Iron Edge

Archive => World of Warcraft => Dunemaul General Discussion => Topic started by: kundrak on November 16, 2010, 12:02:31 pm

Title: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kundrak on November 16, 2010, 12:02:31 pm
I have a question regarding blink... for some reason when I'm dueling, my blink sometimes carries 2mm forward from my initial spot.. ??? Is there something that I can do so that it becomes more reliable or am I doing something incorrect.
I would be like: "Ha ha, take this you big bad warrior, Ima blink outta here, eat my dust", then I smash down on my blink key and I move like 2mm. Then he's like " Mage girly, I open can of whoopin" and boom he smashes down on my head.... Blink is costing me alooooot of aspirin.. hahahahah

God bless!
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Skymunken on November 16, 2010, 12:20:08 pm
Objects, hills, or small spikes in the ground layer renders you invalid to teleport further than to the point where you encounter these. Its a known bug, and blizzard is working on it. I imagine it will take as long as it took to do something to Vanish.
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Destro on November 16, 2010, 12:21:32 pm
Did you blink into a hill? I find that jumping before the blink solves everything.
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kundrak on November 16, 2010, 12:34:45 pm
Ahhh ok I understand what you mean... thanks for this.... I will try jumping before. If i understand correctly, warriors have the same problem with charge sometimes.

God bless!
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Daekesh on November 16, 2010, 12:56:19 pm
Jumping before blink can make you go backwards.
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kundrak on November 16, 2010, 12:58:34 pm
oh? Do you think that it may confuse the opponent a little? Although it is an accident?

God bless
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Yathezai on November 16, 2010, 01:06:57 pm
Jumping before blink can make you go backwards.

I have literally never seen this happening, unless you mean it puts you back in the spot where you jumped from, instead of blinking backwards. If that's the case you're right, but it can only happen when you jump-blink into an object / bugged place / height difference, not when it's just a wide open area with no height differences. Actually, there is a way of blinking backwards, there's some macro for it, but that's not what this is about...

And no, it might confuse the opponent for 0.1 second, but that doesn't make it worth it compared to the weird position you'll end up. :P

Charge is a bit different, it's possible to jump away right before the Warrior charges and then he will charge to the spot where you stood, usually a few yards away. For example, if you blink just before a Warrior charges you, he will charge to the place you were standing before you blinked. You will switch places pretty much.
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kundrak on November 16, 2010, 01:40:54 pm
yeha i noticed in underbelly, tht little height difference between the water and the thre platforms has an effect on your blink. Although the height difference is real small. but yeha like you all said it is bugged.

Thanks for the help!

God bless

Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Rash on November 16, 2010, 02:42:28 pm
God bless!
God bless!
God bless
God bless

Your religious blessings scares me a little  :-[

I've seen mages blink backwards sometimes. Keep in mind that you sometimes have to blink a little sooner when jumping than when you think you're actually at the highest point in your jump. Lag might delay it abit!
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kagemoth on November 16, 2010, 02:45:50 pm
God bless!
God bless!
God bless
God bless

Your religious blessings scares me a little  :-[

I've seen mages blink backwards sometimes. Keep in mind that you sometimes have to blink a little sooner when jumping than when you think you're actually at the highest point in your jump. Lag might delay it abit!

God Bless the holy Lag.
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kundrak on November 16, 2010, 02:47:49 pm
whahahhah.. na Therash im not THAT religous.. just a way of saying take care... ;D

Watch your six..

God bless the wowiniacs

Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Daekesh on November 16, 2010, 02:57:40 pm
oh? Do you think that it may confuse the opponent a little? Although it is an accident?

God bless

The ultimate confusion was the Archmage Vargoth staff from Netherstorm.  Have that and blink in a macro and pow, u disappear and weird ghostly npc is in your place! 
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Rash on November 16, 2010, 03:09:23 pm

The ultimate confusion was the Archmage Vargoth staff from Netherstorm.  Have that and blink in a macro and pow, u disappear and weird ghostly npc is in your place! 

holy shit that's cool, when did they remove that guy?
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Yathezai on November 16, 2010, 03:10:40 pm
They didn't. :P
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Vorte on November 16, 2010, 03:19:06 pm
It's the oldest trick in the book or a bug. Blinking is made impossible due to the smallest obstacles at times, this is a bug as old as the game supposedly without a fix.

If you however are refering to "the vanishing blink" here is a video describing what to do.
  now this isn't a very tricky thing to execute, but as shown in a pvp movie which I can't recall the name of as of now, he puts some math into it.

If you blink so that you land behind your oponent, slightly to the right of him, he will spend more time looking for you than if you blinked slightly to the left of him. The normal course of action when searching for someone inside wow is to spin your camera 360 degrees, in your left direction.

That's the mage lesson of today!

Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kawe on November 16, 2010, 03:28:53 pm
Haha, that's cool. I guess it's to do with most people being right handed andit being more natural/easy to move your mouse away from the keyboard.

God bless!
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Cojche on November 16, 2010, 04:16:43 pm
to spin your camera 360 degrees, in your left direction.

Haha, that's cool. I guess it's to do with most people being right handed andit being more natural/easy to move your mouse away from the keyboard.

God bless!

If u are right handed and u want to spin left, how is that moving your mouse away from keyboard?
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kawe on November 16, 2010, 06:34:41 pm
Uh oh
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: Cinn on November 17, 2010, 07:58:09 am
all the funzy replies at the side, in general, deciding to NOT use blink on a stun is a bad choice in 80% of the situations. In vanilla things were different cause there were less stuns, whenever you'll be vs a decent team in WSG i doubt mage tricks will work, so save your blink for a stun.

regarding the not blinking forward, its usually caused by little differences in height in the location, or f.e when you're blinking towards an object.

i cant remember exactly what the INZAAANE blink macros were but in tbc i simply bound caps lock in the keybindings section to rotate the camera. all you needed to do after that was right click + blink

Kundrak, youll notice btw that since 4.0.1 blinking became even worse in many locations, where before you could blink without a problem, but now your blink just bugged.

(only entered icc once after 4.0.1 but pretty much the entire instance was blink bugged for me)
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kundrak on November 17, 2010, 08:28:05 am
WOW... all these responses... im getting info overload.. an lovn it! hahahahha
I think this is awesome that people are up to sharing info.

G bless
Title: Re: To the frost mages or basically anyone with the knowledge....
Post by: kawe on November 17, 2010, 06:36:26 pm
Cinn, you need to find a nice post along the lines of

which you can just link. I had that set to a macro in wow, /r 

Saved a lot of time and effort. So much HOW DO I DPSED BOSS