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 Weekend Raider Application - Monk (Healer/Tank) - Tèmpy

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November 17, 2019, 10:02:53 pm
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Weekend Raider Application - Monk (Healer/Tank) - Tèmpy
« on: November 17, 2019, 10:02:53 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Tèmpy
Class/Spec: Monk (Healer/Tank)
Member Type: Weekend Raider

Personal Info:

Maja, 33, Croatia, 7-15 and 13-19 work hours with the occasional Saturday


Main spec brewmaster with offspec mistweaver.
Ilvl for tank 445 and for healing 441. I prefer to play as a tank but I also enjoying healing.

For my tank spec I'm going for Socket > Item Level > Critical Strike >= Versatility > Mastery > Haste > Agility.
My rotation is keg smash,blackout strike, rushing jade wind (keeping that up) as well as keeping breath of fire up for mitigation, with occasional tiger palm so my energy isn't caped. Also keeping my Iron skin brew up and refreshing it so I always have 10-12 seconds of it and using putrefying brew on high stager to clanse.    


Blood Deathknight Silvany ilvl 444, tank DH Iliryana ilvl 427, healers druid ilvl 414 and holy pala ilvl 424. I have lots of alts and most of them are tanks. Currently I'm lvling a warrior nad it's lvl 102.
With a bit of boost some of my alts can be Mythic raiding ready  and I am willing to try to dps but it would take a bit of time to chose a class and to learn everything :)


On my monk I have leather working and alchemy, since they are from BFA on I don't have anything note worthy

Raiding Experience:

Mythic EP 6/8 Tank. And I was a HC raider back in WoTLK and Cata, took ka break and was playing wow on and off as a casual till the end of legion when I came back to the game with my BF, and since BFA we have been raiding. I started as a healer in Wotlkk and ended the expac as a tank and never looked back. I  was an officer and a raid leader in Cata and being a tank really helped while RL.

Previous Guilds:

Rowyna and I came back to WoW at the end of Legion and at the beginning of BfA we made our own guild with our friends that were also returning to wow, due to the guild being small we merged with another guild that was lacking players that was during HC/Mythic BoD 4/9. That guild later merged with another as again it was struggling with members for progression in Mythic EP. And that guild Rowyna and I left as it lost the warmth and it stopped being a community it turned into a factory conveyor belt where each week you had 5 new members in the raid as the leadership team of the guild became single minded on progress, where if they saw a new trial that was 5% better then the member they had you were replaced. For me that became to stressful and the game stopped being fun. As I always saw the guild I was in as my in game home, with people that were my friends even if I haven't met them IRL. We tryed another guild after we left the mythic 3 day raiding one but the guild wasn't very active.  


During the week before or after work, weekends and holidays I'm available to play  


yes I have Discord, I am proficient in english and I have a microphone and I'm not afraid to use it, as most people are shocked to hear a woman tanking and issuing command and calling things out.

Computer / Connection:

Yes I have 2 decent computers (during the weekend I am at my BF Rowyna's place ,he's also applying) and during the week I'm at my place. The internet is good and stable, there are no fps issues,no lag and a low ping, no I do not disconnect every hour.


DBM, wa, details, bartender, quartz. I use them as they are helpful, they provide me with all the information I need to react accordingly  

I have a razor naga so it's a split between the keyboard and the side buttons on the mouse.

Other Games:

started to play PoE, a bit of LoL, to relax Sims4, and got back to OW a little bit.

Why Iron Edge?

You seem like a good guild with a good community witch is what I'm looking for. You remind me of the beginning of wow and the first guilds I joined, a fun and strong community that still progresses

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A friendly positive attitude and willingness to help the guild and guildies in anyway, I also have a fast learning curve so I pick up on tactics quickly

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

I am a full on tank, and there isn't a tanking class I can't learn and handle, and I can tank for another team if I don't get into the weekend team. I take the time to learn and study my class, watch YT guides, read forums and go by my gut feeling since I've been playing wow for 12 years. I really would like to join IE as I think I would be happy with you guys and you with me, and were the  community is strong which is what I'm looking for.

November 19, 2019, 07:25:21 am
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Monk (Healer/Tank) - Tèmpy
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2019, 07:25:21 am »
Hello there!

Was waiting to see if other people have anything to ask, but you guys pretty much covered everything with your detailed apps.

I'd like to offer you a trial.
Please poke an officer for an invite.

Ba dun tss!


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