Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on February 08, 2017, 05:11:08 pm

Title: Social Application - Rogue (DPS) - Saltysean
Post by: Applicant on February 08, 2017, 05:11:08 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Saltysean
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Member Type: social

Personal Info:

Sean Casey
unemployed - but assist my mum with admin work from home.


Assassination Rogue - I enjoy the gameplay of assassination over outlaw as I dislike the RNG of roll the bones.


None that matter.


Skinning/leatherworking, haven't payed much attention to them

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Wrath: I started playing a month in to WOTLK as a Paladin, eventually hit cap (which was towards the end of the expansion) and found a small raiding guild which I raided on the casual team. I personally killed four bosses than quit the game for a while.

Cata:I subbed back to Wow and ended up playing an alliance rogue on Tarren Mill shortly after capping I  joined  a guild solely dedicated World pvp and RBGS though I personally didn't progress that far in RBG's, I did enjoy ganking Ensidia members in Tol'barad.

When firelands released I transferred off Tarren Mill to join an IRL friends casual raiding guild, we cleared firelands and I ended up taking a break from Wow for school.

I started playing again mid Dragon Soul and continued to raid until my friends guild disbanded.

MoP: I was inactive for the majority of MoP right until the end, when I started pugging SoO.

Previous Guilds:

Every social leveling guild EU.

Is cool a pvp guild on Tarren Mill
Strawberry Banana Fusion which was my IRL friends Guild on Chamber of Aspects, which Disbanded back in Cata due to the GM's IRL situation and I haven't been in a serious guild since.


I can play most days.


I speak fluent English, I have a microphone and use Teamspeak regularly.

Computer / Connection:

I own a decent computer that runs Wow fine.
I have 40gb down and 10up (nothing special but does the job)


- Standard Elvui setup
- Deadly Boss mods
- Skada

Other Games:

I'm currently learning russian from CSGO (Ranked LEM) but play more faceit nowadays!

Why Iron Edge?

I'm tired of joining the first guild that invites me and would like to join a guild with a sense of community.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer my 'DPS' services in mythic dungeons and I might know a joke or two.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

My friend Rarespawn, who has told me nothing but good things about the guild.

Last Words?

I've run a few mythics with a couple of guild members including Rarespawn and had a blast doing so.

I hope I'm considered cool enough to join the cool kids.

Thanks for your time - Saltysean

Title: Re: Social Application - Rogue (DPS) - Saltysean
Post by: Rarespawn on February 08, 2017, 06:36:02 pm

A good friend of mine, hilarious person and decent at the game.
Met him sometime during Cataclysm and somehow still talks to me :P
Title: Re: Social Application - Rogue (DPS) - Saltysean
Post by: Rash on February 10, 2017, 12:33:28 am
Hey Saltysean,

You can poke me or another officer for an invite. Welcome!