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 Micho's Dota guide

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October 27, 2008, 09:56:45 pm
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Offline Spuzi

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Micho's Dota guide
« on: October 27, 2008, 09:56:45 pm »
If you are playing a hero that is expected to gank regularly, for example Crystal Maiden or Vengeful Spirit, try to gank when you can. If you have a wish to farm some level or some item before starting to gank then let the discussion go on Ventrilo or in Allied Chat. Tell your allies your intentions and take advice from them.

Use TP-scrolls with any kind of hero to help your allies. This is a cheap way of saving an allied life or even get a double or triple kill when someone tower dives your friends in an other lane.

If you are playing heroes which are "spell farmers" like Tiny, Lina, Queen Of Pain, Twin-headed dragon consider your usage of spells in lane control. There will sometimes be other heroes in the team (Visage, Spectre, Gorgon, Bone Clinks, Drow Ranger for example) that don’t stand a chance farming if you take all the creeps in the lanes. Think about if the team benefits more from Lina getting a Scepter or Spectre getting a Radiance. If you play support heroes, then support the late game heroes.

Any hero in a game can get wards, because its something that benefit a complete team, and there is no hero that can say that they do not intend to buy wards. However, when you play a game of competitive DOTA you can take advantage of team play, and in each game see what heroes should be responsible for ward buying and placement.

For example:
Pugna, Lina, Tinker, Twinhead, Visage
In this team I would suggest Pugna and Twinhead to be the main ward buyers. Lina and Tinker can actually farm themselves pretty decent for late game.

Lina, Gorgon, Lich, Spectre, QOP
In this team however Lina has to go help Lich to get the wards, The other heroes in the team benefit more from farming, and Lina+Lich should go for support this game.

This does not mean the other heroes can get wards, but the main ward buyers should take the responsibility of getting the map warded. If they fail to do this they need to ask their team for help. Sometimes it is enough if someone else can buy the wards, or place them. In a rough game QOP is much more suited for placing the wards then Zeus is.

You should always try to keep track of the enemy heroes from your lane. There are a lot of ways of winning a lane, and one of these is to make good calls. With or without wards, calling your lane early will help your allies a great deal, and could prove decisive in a solo lane. For example if your laning mid against Tinker, Zeus, Shadow fiend or some ganker like that, always make sure to get wards and also call if they are missing.

Item choices can be tough, sometimes item choices are crucial to the game.
For example if one team has Warlock, and the only farmer in the other team is Furion, then he might have to get a diffusal blade to counter his ultimate.
Other situations might be if you play against SA and you need a necrobook, or if your playing Sand King you will definitely need a dagger.
Some items are close to "Mandatory" in games. Do not hesitate to get these items. The idea with this league is that it should have some class, and some items/heroes might end up boring, but some things have to be done each game. If for example, there is a twinhead getting a blink after his necrobook, or a lina getting a dagon after her Euls. aso aso. Just remember that when you pick a hero, or get assigned a hero from the captain, this hero needs to do what they are supposed to do for the team, and if this kind of play style or hero does not suit you, then do not play it.
Spuzile :-)

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