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 Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!

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March 15, 2012, 03:57:56 pm
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Offline Palmar

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Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« on: March 15, 2012, 03:57:56 pm »
This is the Power Rank thread. This ranks people in Dota2 based on their power level. The order on this list is not an opinion, but a fact. I use complex algorithms and tried and tested methods to determine the top players every week in our group. If you do not agree with my rankings, you're wrong. In addition, every week there will be a shit tier nomination for incredibly bad play.

This Week's Power Rank!

1. Vorte

What can this man not do? Not only did he win 5 out of the 6 games considered for this edition of the Power Rank, but he did it on 5 different heroes! His delightful Shadow Shaman mid play against pluug-pudge stands out as a highlight of the raw skill this norwegian possesses. Remember when someone who wasn't Vorte tried to mid against pluug-pudge? That's right, PLuug went 21-4 that game. Against vorte he went 10-9 and lost the game.

But not nearly a one trick pony, you can't help but remember his great moments as Sven, Venge, Enigma or whatever else he fancies playing. This kid brings everything to the table, he's a leader, the face of your franchise. The best player in Iron Edge without a doubt.

2. Pluug

The crazy man from Montenegro is second in this edition of the Power Rank. Despite his best efforts he couldn't quite lead his team to victory in the same way Vorte's done, but it wasn't for the lack of trying.

In an unusal fashion, even if Pluug lost 3 and won 3 games, his score in only his losing games is 36 - 28. Pluug doesn't give up. Pluug kills you repeatedly when he's winning, and even when he's losing you're not safe from his wrath.

As for his special moment, I think the Dire team that played against his Pudge had nightmares of hooks this last night. He completely dominated that game.

3. Arches

The list today is norwegian heavy. And for this once selfish solo player turned support that's a good thing. Arches only lost one game, but won three in the last 2 weeks. His strong Witch Doctor and Venomancer play makes him a very flexible support that can always pick up a strong and useful hero for his team.

It's surprising as that's not really the role anyone expected to see arches end up in, but once he gets his ward timings down he seems to have the potential to become one of the best support players in IE.

He certainly did help his teams secure three wins for this week's edition.

4. Palmar

Yes that's right Bitches, up at number four is myself. This is mostly because I am an awesome human being that makes other people look bad in my presence.

I managed to play a grand total of 2 heroes through the first 5 games we had (namely 3 WR games and 2 SK games), and then I finished up with a Puck game. That means I soloed the suicide lane 4 times. I won 4 games for 2 losses in these last 2 weeks, often either taking up the mantle of suicide laning and helping with play calls as much as I could.

The brightest moment was of course the first game in the series where I basically play called our way to a strong victory supported by Kawe's excellent sand king play.

5. Grishnag

This last spot was a close call between Ghost (3-2) and Grishnag (2-0), in the End Grishnag's strong Gondar play in a game where he went 14-3 won out. Ghost's downfall from he list comes from the fact that unlike pluug he was not a factor at all in the games he lost, going 8-8 total in score those games.

Both of them have excellent statistics, but in the end it's winning that counts and winning is what the Dutchman does well.

Congratulations to the people who got onto the list! Notice that this is the first completely brit-free version of the list.

Some interesting statistics!

  • 5 out of the 6 games were won by the Radiant. Dire favored my ass.
  • Sand King and Windrunner were picked in 5/6 games each. More than any other hero.
  • Brits were on winning teams seven times. Brits were on losing teams 14 times.
  • Norwegians were on winning teams 9 times, Norwegians were on losing teams only twice
  • Ghost (22-3) had the most stompy performance as morphling over those last weeks.

Shit Tier: Sintlol

Sintrael didn't have a good two weeks. He didn't have it good at all. Sintrael won 1 game and lost 5. That's right. He lost more than anyone else these weeks.

And Sintrael certainly contributed to his teams losses. His overall score in these games is 17 kills for 48 deaths. And the only reason it even looks that good is because he had a good windrunner game (8-2) with Ghost and Grishnag stomping everyone's faces. Without that game it'd be 9-46 which is a pretty impressive sum.

The only other person to get an honorable mention for shit tier this week is Globox, who had an astonishing 0-19 game on Vengeful spirit.

That'll be it for this week's power rank, stay tuned!

1. Sint

His boats and hooks may be as likely to hit as his attention is likely to remain in one place for more than 10 seconds, but no one can deny the effectiveness of our resident ADHD kid. This last week he won every single inhouse game, at least the ones I played in.

2. Ghost

He may have lost his first place, but last week's king did not fall far. He played some good dota when he wasn't being owned by serbians or push strats. Most memorable is probably his ridiculous farm fest on anti-mage where he instructed his team to be passive while he pulled them out of a hole.

3. Cwave

That's right. Cwave's blackholes have carried him a long way in the IE community. He lands those babies like a complete boss. His other win this week came from playing shadow shaman. My theory is that heroes with channeling spells suit him well as they allow him to go afk after casting the spell.

4. Toastcleaner

Kawe drops down 2 spots in this week's power rank as a punishment for nothing in particular. His wins came as Lina on pluug's team with a 9-0 score, and then in the infamous ghost-ragequit game as venomancer. Kawe is known for abusing kids verbally in public games. Shame on you.

5. pluug

Even if he only played one game... that game was one to remember. He completely raped the game he played in as shadowfiend and carried his team to a relatively easy victory.

Shit Tier: Palmar!

Yes, that's right. I'm in shit tier myself. On wednesday I made a spreadsheet with my proficiency at various dota heroes. The doombringer section had "welcome to the feedlane" in it. Next game I played with IE I somehow thought picking Doombringer was a good idea. I did not disappoint ending up at 2-9 with like 6 deaths in 15 minutes.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]But no really, this list is half-jokingly a list of success in the previous week, I might even start checking win percentages and such. No point playing well if you don't win! And playing a lot helps too.

1. Ghost!

Ghost handily takes the first spot in this first version of the IE power rank. He has bascially carried almost every team we stick him on to a pretty solid victory. He plays a pretty good repertoire of heroes and it seems to not matter if he's on chen, shaman, magina or whatever else he fancies, he is able to lead them to victory. Should probably start triple stacking against him.

2. Toastcleaner!

Resident bald streamer of the IE community has had some pretty solid games recently, securing him the number 2 spot on the list. I distinctly remember good recent performances on lina, queen of pain, sand king and pugna, which is enough to secure him that hard-fought-for second spot on the list!

3. Grishnag!

The crying dutchman takes the third spot. He seems to surprisingly often quietly be on the winning side of IE games, rarely shining as his team's brightest star, but quite often playing a vital and understated role in allowing his team to win games. He's recently played very good games on windrunner, mirana and enchantress. In addition he last hits like a boss with those ranged heroes.

4. Tyler!

Old man himself gets to grab the 4th spot on this week's power-rank. Tyler always manages to churn out a good chunk of wins for his team, both with his solid support play, and the occacional carry game tend to have at least a good chance of coming out ahead. In addition he's probably the best team leader in IE.

5. Inexicutus

Your mechanics may be shit, your hero skills may be limited and your decision making may be questionable, but one thing is certain, Kili provides wins. He has probably the most wins out of anyone besides ghost in in-house games this last week, maybe it's because he's always on ghost's team, but who cares. His warlock play is stunningly-not-terrible.

Shit Tier: Vorte!

Seriously, who the fuck doesn't take windrun on Windrunner. I mean, delling gets an honorable mention for casting shallow grave at the beginning of a fight, and surim for the worst ward in history of Dota, but this one takes the cake.

Stay tuned for next week's power-rank![/spoiler]
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 12:53:27 pm by Palmar »
Trolls are awesome!

March 15, 2012, 11:38:35 pm
Reply #1

Offline Fulskar

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 11:38:35 pm »
So erm...

March 15, 2012, 11:39:06 pm
Reply #2

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 11:39:06 pm »
Why did you show a picture of evilblaze instead of kili?

Bears like alts!

March 15, 2012, 11:48:08 pm
Reply #3

Offline Lycanus

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 11:48:08 pm »
*You guys are taking this way to seriously!*

March 16, 2012, 12:01:14 am
Reply #4

Offline Cojche

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 12:01:14 am »
Why did you show a picture of evilblaze instead of kili?

Both arabs.
High functioning sociopath.

March 22, 2012, 05:40:07 pm
Reply #5

Offline Palmar

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2012, 05:40:07 pm »
Trolls are awesome!

March 23, 2012, 01:39:50 am
Reply #6

Offline delling

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2012, 01:39:50 am »
Woohoo, at least I'm not in the Shit tier.
Now I run a tech website.

March 23, 2012, 12:05:12 pm
Reply #7

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2012, 12:05:12 pm »
hehe , coool
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 11, 2012, 12:33:36 am
Reply #8

Offline Pluug

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 12:33:36 am »
Palmar stop slacking, i need some fun read for tomorrow morning:)

emo? >3

April 11, 2012, 12:53:57 pm
Reply #9

Offline Palmar

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 12:53:57 pm »
Trolls are awesome!

April 11, 2012, 01:04:23 pm
Reply #10

Offline Hugman

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2012, 01:04:23 pm »
This is highly entertaining even without watching the games.

Good Job Palmar, keep it up.

April 11, 2012, 01:05:42 pm
Reply #11

Offline Pluug

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2012, 01:05:42 pm »
Im just loving it :)

emo? >3

April 11, 2012, 07:45:54 pm
Reply #12

Offline Archz

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Re: Iron Edge Dota 2 Power Rank Thread!
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2012, 07:45:54 pm »


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