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 Social Application - Monk (DPS) - Nyndrenn

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April 17, 2018, 07:05:34 pm
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Social Application - Monk (DPS) - Nyndrenn
« on: April 17, 2018, 07:05:34 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Nyndrenn
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS)
Member Type: social

Personal Info:


First off, thanks for taking the time to look into my application!
I used to be a very hardcore PvPer a couple of years ago, focusing mainly on high-end Arenas and RBGs!
(Un)Fortunatly Uni kicked in and it's been hard to keep up with everything that's been going on in the game!

I am back though (not as hardcore as before of course), and although i still really love the game, I do miss the warmth of social interaction and human behaviour! That being said, I am looking for a guild with a fair amount of banter, nice people to hang out with and most importantly to have fun!

I used to multiclass a lot and I don't mind swapping specs and classes according to the needs of the group! I have NO XP on PvE whatsoever. Still, having been a PvPer I am a fast learner and I would like to take a scoop at the PvE world. Mythic plus has been a blast since the start of Legion and it's really made me curious at what the raiding aspect of the game might involve.
I do have some of the competitive edge I used to have, and I can see myself, if engaged into the guild environment, to be a potential viable recruit for more serious content such as progression. What I need is the right amount of motivation to participate!

I've been wandering around guildless for quite a bit and I really miss the days when played the MMO part of this RPG, hopefully you can help me with that!
I am a musician IRL, I'm currently studying in Lisbon both violin and lyric singing. Schedule can be quite nerve-racking and some my activity can turn a bit skeptical. Still, I feel like i can commit enough time into the game to appreciate being part of a guild once again.


Currently working on my monk! I've mained WW since it came out back in MoP.

However, like i said before, I used to multiclass a lot. Sometimes it becomes kind of a problem, but especially since i've been guildless most of the game for me has been about picking up a character, getting into the minimal gear for that tier and learning the playstyle. I play the different classes because they are fun, and most of the times I can have fun with any class. I honestly don't give a shit for the viability of the class xD unless, of course, I'm asked to fill a specific role!

Main has been Monk, I am also quite handy with Warlock, Druid (boomy and feral) and Shaman (Ele and Enh)

Would really like to look into healing and tanking at some point if given the chance and the knowledge!


On horde side there isn't anything too relevant yet since I just started playing again after a break.

I will give you the main names that come to mind though

Nyndrenn-Kazzak (used to be my main Nethelor, transfered and renamed him recently)
Muthael-Kazzak (still lvl 90 but will be my new Warlock, old warlock is Nolrande-Outland)

These are the characters that I see myself possibly playing before and into BFA. We never know when my whimsy alteholism will kick in though xD


I am a hobo

Raiding/PVP Experience:

No raiding XP

I have quite a bit of PvP XP though and although my achieves don't show it, I have played with quite a few really good players and learnt a lot from them

2v2 - 2k
3v3- 2.2k
RBGs - 2.2k

I hit 2.2k on RBGs on a time when HoTA was only like 2.250. It was a really fun time for me!

Previous Guilds:

There were only 2 guilds that really had an influence on me

Blackfall - The RBG guild back in MoP. We were 9th best world-wide. The leader had quite a temperament im affraid and eventualy disbanded the guild. Really good memories from those times though.

Mortal - Really fun bunch, we were PvPers as well, and after Blackfall i stick with Mortal inspite it not being very good in terms of progression. I was a valuable asset though since I was one of the best players around and could give really good feedback. I have experience at leading on those scenarios and was eventualy recruited into the guild council. Unfortunatly there were some issues between a couple of members on the community and the council was torn apart. It resulted in me leaving because I couldnt follow some of the principles that were orienting the guild. I just could not be helpful in taking the guild where it wanted to go. Although all of this happened, I still keep contact with a few members including the Guild Master. Like i said, they were a fun bunch :D


Im a musician so I never know when this might occasionaly change!

The times I will be stating are Server times:

-Mondays I can only play really late into the night
-Tuesdays only after 21h00 im affraid
-Wednesdays sometimes i get to play on the afternoons, sometimes i don't. Worst case scenario i can usualy be in WoW at 19h00
-Thursdays is my free day! hurray! :D
-Fridays between 18h00 and 19h00
-Saturdays and Sundays i'm usualy free


I am proficient in English, who the fuck used teamspeak?! Discord yo! (I will install Teamspeak, don't hurt me!). I do have a mic :)

Computer / Connection:

everything is good except for a couple of REALLY LONG loading screens, fucking hell....


Raid specific addons I use Deadly Boss Mods and Skada

All my keybindings are hidden but I use everything from 1 to 5 and then QERFCXZTGV and respective shift and ctrl variants :)

I also use my mousewheel for rolling on the floor.... yeah

Other Games:

Oh boy... Here it comes.

Casually i play Black Desert, For Honor and Minecraft (Have played with Legos since was a little kid. I like building, leave me alone!)

Played a lot of League of Legends on Season 3 (don't do it anymore, it's bad for the heart...)
As well as a few classics like Skyrim, Oblivion, Diablo.... The list goes on....

Why Iron Edge?

Well, I came across your post on the forums and looked you up on wowprogress.

Talked to Promega and asked for a bit of feedback on what you were and so on.

He seemed happy... So yeah! Gratz!

From what I can gather, it seems like a guild where I might thrive as a competitive player, never losing the sight that the main concern should be having fun!
Also, like i said before, I want to get into PvE... I'm hoping you will give me the starting knowledge I need to start kicking some pixelized butt.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I am an experienced player on almost every class and spec, with the potential of becoming reliable in everything I do ingame.

I say a joke now and then....

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Forums, Wowprogress and promega :)

Last Words?

Jesus christ!! Are these my last words???

April 19, 2018, 06:24:03 pm
Reply #1

Offline Rash

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Re: Social Application - Monk (DPS) - Nyndrenn
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2018, 06:24:03 pm »
Hi Nyndrenn!

I like your application. You can poke an officer for an invite. Welcome!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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