Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on March 12, 2015, 09:58:18 pm

Title: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Applicant on March 12, 2015, 09:58:18 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Livt
Class/Spec: Druid (Healer)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Name: Matthijs
Age: 22
Location: the Netherlands
work: Sound engineer
school: Event tech


Main speccing resto, offspec is guardian atm, but not geared for that.
Resto Ilevel 675

I try to find Spirit on the trinkets / rings and neck, because Druids dont get awesome mana regen spells, so that i can last through longer fights without mana problems.

My main stats besides that would be Haste, Mastery, Intellect.
The main spells i use are Rejuvenation, Germination(second rejuv), Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Wild Mushroom, Ironbark, Natures swiftness and when specced for it Wrath (Dream of Cenarius), Natures Vigil and Cenarion Ward.





Raiding Experience:

Tanked in TBC till Tier 5 then stopped playing when WOTLK came out.

Previous Guilds:

Tectonic Shift, some Drama bs i got involved in, and i did not feel like that cuz i just wanted to raid without fighting around.


I'm always willing to raid, but as i am Freelancing i can't always tell in advance when i have to work.
Most of the time i would know atleast 1 day before tho.
Other than that im always willing to raid.


I do believe my English is good enough, and i use TS3 + Mic.

Computer / Connection:

Decent gaming rig, with 40 ms ping, no DC's and no lag.


Addon List: GTFO, Masterplan, Recount, Skada, Tellmewhen, Vuhdo, DBM, OmniCC.
I use these as tools to keep me updated of what is going on while i dont lose focus on the fight, and some irrelevant Garisson things.

I have some keybinds on my mouse buttons / keys around wasd for spells that i use.


Other Games:

I generally play games that are new, right now im playing Cities skylines besides WoW.

Why Iron Edge?

From what I've heard its a decent raiding guild, and thats what im looking for.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

a committed restodruid

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Tank from old guild

Last Words?

I hope i provided you with all the information necessary.

With kind regards,

Matthijs / Livt

Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: safire on March 13, 2015, 01:06:43 am
In what situations do you feel like Dream of Cenarius is better than Nature's Vigil?

How does using Cenarion Ward benefit you better than Ysera's Gift in PvE?

And why do you go for haste rather than mastery?

Sorry if I ask a lot but I'm curious. :)
Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Livt on March 13, 2015, 01:42:29 am
In what situations do you feel like Dream of Cenarius is better than Nature's Vigil?

How does using Cenarion Ward benefit you better than Ysera's Gift in PvE?

And why do you go for haste rather than mastery?

Sorry if I ask a lot but I'm curious. :)

Natures vigil vs DoC, depending on fight, mana consumption, damage distribution (raid / tanks ).
as DoC heals a single person and NV has the ability to heal nearby friendlies.

Cenarion ward vs Ysera's Gift is purely depending on the fight, wether i would want the extra hot or passive healing.

Haste has the benefit of making your hots tick faster, reducing your GCD, and reducing your cast time.

Mastery is a straight up buff to your healing.

those stats are close together in prio.
so if the option is there, gear with both stats is like ideal.

Dont worry about asking a lot, im willing to answer anything to my knowledge.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Vennie on March 13, 2015, 03:11:14 pm
Is there any chance of you linking some logs from this tier that the guild could look over to determine gameplay level?

Slightly concerned the fact that your UI shows no bindings for the majority of your spells. :/

Could you explain which fights in BRF you would change out your talents for to better heal the encounter? (if you do)
Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Rash on March 13, 2015, 04:28:30 pm
You haven't played WoW at all through Cataclysm and Mists?
Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Vejeta on March 14, 2015, 08:21:12 am
Has the Druid always been your main as you say you tanked til tier 5 yet have no boss kills till tk? Potentially there just farm kills aswell. If that's the case you missed some fantastic raids, but does mak me wonder as tbc was a great expansion raid wise and you quit than. In today's wow you don't get many raids that are great like karazhan, black temple, sunwell and ulduar so would you just up and quit again?

I only ask as we are raising mythic so it's limited spots and we only want the best that can attend all the time.

Good luck on your apply.

Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Rash on March 14, 2015, 09:23:04 pm
Achievements didn't exist in TBC Vejeta, Armory didn't log those kills
Title: Re: Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Livt
Post by: Vejeta on March 14, 2015, 09:56:49 pm
Hindsight its a marvelous thing, i stand corrected.