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 Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Earthshocked

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February 18, 2022, 12:53:42 pm
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Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Earthshocked
« on: February 18, 2022, 12:53:42 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Earthshocked
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Hi there, my name is Nikola and I come from a small country in the middle of the Balkan peninsula.
Anyways, I'm a fun, loving guy that likes to solve problems, hang out with friends, and learn to become better in at least one new thing today than yesterday. I also like to get to know a lot of cool stuff and stories from everyone's experiences and share mine with everybody else ✌

In my free time, I like to go on recreational runs or cycling, go on my favorite hiking trips, hang out with my friends, code some interesting stuff for my personal satisfaction, or of course, play World of Warcraft.


Starting from 9.2,  I've decided to play enhancement shaman as my main for raiding and elemental as m+ push strategy. Why I decided that, is because while playing it as an alt during 9.1.5 it felt really challenging and exciting class to play. My gear at the moment on this char is 248ilvl (Enhancement and Elemental) equipped for the stat priorities. Link:
Warcraftlogs Link:

At the moment my main was my rogue and lately, I've been sifting through classes to see how they behave in raiding, mythic+ and to see and learn how they react to certain mechanics on boss fights.

As for my main at the moment, it has a very flexible build but mostly is a single target spec which is meant for pushing boss damage and cleaving off the rest of the ads if there is any. For 9.2 there are a lot of new changes going forward for the Enhancement shaman that are really going to improve the way the spec behaves and there is a lot of stuff that this spec will bring into the raiding environment

The utility that the Shaman brings during the raids is the Windfury/Tremor totem which is a great addition for raiding and big addition to the overall melee DPS.

The Astral Shift is the spell that usually saves the shaman from most of the heavy boss mechanics alongside the Earth Elemental conduit which gives 34% more HP for survivability.

Ghost Wolf is also an ability that is a big movement speed increase for the class enabling you to move faster and be on your designated spot when the raid is expecting a big area of attack from a boss.
Wind rush totem as everyone knows is the go-to talent for raiding that helps the raid group move faster and be more efficient in the middle of a boss fight.
Purge, Cleanse Spirit also respective abilities that have a big impact if the boss/adds have and Enrage or they are doing a curse debuff on players.

The Door of Shadows as Venthyr is also very effective in avoiding certain mechanics and the same goes for the Soulshape from the Night Fae covenant.
Going forward into 9.2 Shamans will be swapping between these 2x covenants depending on the AOE/ST content that everyone will play. With both legendary slots there and the lava lash spreading flame shocks to 5 targets they will be an awesome AOE class to play with a passive cleave and strong ST on the bosses and ye most probably people will be amazed how far Blizzard came to understand that they are a class worth fixing :)

I'm well aware that sometimes shamans are not providing the best raid buffs but still, they are a very reliable class to have in the raid setup.

As for gathering information, first of all, I watch detailed videos about the boss's fights beforehand so that I know what abilities they are using and which time during the encounter is critical for pushing phases or delaying them.

Regarding my class, I usually watch PoV videos of some shaman players and do research on warcraft logs to see how they are engaging the boss abilities when they are using mitigation and when are they usually using their hard defensive, soaking, and offensive abilities.

Also while progressing with a raid group I'm always trying to extract most of warcraft logs to see where the raid is struggling with target priority important stuff that needs to be focused on so that I can help anyway I can in the name of progress and killing the boss. Logs always come when everyone is ready to pursue them and they are feeling confident about boss abilities.


06. Links to the Alts



At the moment I'm playing my shaman with Engineering + Herbalism.

Raiding Experience:

Mists of Padaria:
SoO (14/14)

Warlord of Draenor:
Highmaul (7/7)
BF (9/10)

EN (7/7)
ToV (3/3)
Nighthold (10/10)
ToS (9/9)
Anthorus (11/11)

Battle for Azeroth:
NYA (12/12)

SoD(7/10) - cuz I stopped raiding for a few weeks and my guild got 9/10 :(

Previous Guilds:

I've been in a lot of guilds since I started playing WoW. Recent Guilds that I've been playing in on the horde side are: <VS>, Peak Performance Project, Reach (current).
Notable guilds that I've been playing in on Alliance back in the days when I was able to raid more than 2 days are Group Therapy and LootFTW.

As to why I'm considering guild swap, there are a few reasons for it at the moment. My current guild is struggling to get a solid raiding group to achieve the progress we all need to get CE. The guild also has its bad days now where a group of 5 people all of a sudden made a decision to leave the guild for reasons I don't really know. Which at the moment is draining the whole progression spirit in the rest of the raiders. I've been consistent almost 100% in all the raids when I started raiding with my current guild with the mindset that I want to achieve the CE by the end of this patch and this thing happening to my guild just compromises the whole raiding spirit and infrastructure.


I'm working Monday to Friday and it's only from the morning 9 am/5 pm.


Yes, my English is fluent, and I have Discord with a working mic that I can use anytime.

Computer / Connection:

My comp is currently running in perfect condition with a 60fps stable gameplay. Sometimes when there are a lot of ads might drop some fps but overall it's in great shape. My internet connection is stable and I haven't had any problems lately with it and the ping that I have on Kazak is around 52.
Here is a link to my internet speed on


Addons: WA, DBM, Method Raiding Tools, Details, Simulationcraft, SUI (interface addon), GTFO, OmniCD, Advanced Interface Options


Other Games:

Call of Duty sometimes with my friends :)

Why Iron Edge?

You guys have the perfect raiding times that fit my real-life/gaming schedule. Simply like its written on the top of this page, Casual Raiding without sacrificing more the 2 nights in a week to achieve CE.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

At the moment don't know what the guild needs but I'm sure I can provide everything I can in-game as well as everything I can outside the game.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

I know this application might sound like a CV for a job application but I'm very fond of the days that you are raiding and to be honest, the raiding times and days are matching my current guild. I'm an old-school Warcraft player, been raiding in many guilds on both factions back in the days in fact here's a link of my alliance character that I played until the end of Legion. Then I stopped for a while and came back to play on the horde side during the BFA expansion where I just wanted casual semi-hardcore two-day raiding and some fun time with my friends on the horde side.
Wracraftlogs link:

February 19, 2022, 10:08:55 am
Reply #1

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Earthshocked
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2022, 10:08:55 am »
Hi Nikola,

Thanks for applying. We like the look of the application and trust me when I say, we like the application to seem like a CV!
Give us the day to review it and we'll get back to you with a decision tonight.

In the mean time keep an eye out for any questions our trusty team have for you.


February 20, 2022, 02:11:49 am
Reply #2

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Earthshocked
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2022, 02:11:49 am »
Hi Nikola,

Thanks for your patience.

We'd like to offer you a trial!

Feel free to join the discord and poke an officer for an invite to guild.


February 20, 2022, 06:51:03 pm
Reply #3

Offline earthshocked

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Re: Raider Application - Shaman (DPS) - Earthshocked
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2022, 06:51:03 pm »
Hi there guys!

First of all, big thanks for the time and effort you put into reading and going through my application. I hope that I was precise and resourceful.

And a big thank you for giving me the opportunity to raid with you!

I've joined your discord and all my chars got invited by Kodin, I just need one more favor for you to give me access to the forum with my account. Apparently, the topic where I should ask for access does not allow me to write a replay.


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