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 Weekend Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Imensity

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July 25, 2016, 09:34:07 pm
Read 2865 times


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Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Imensity
Class/Spec: Shaman (DPS/Healer)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:

Name: Jonathan
Age: 23
Location: UK/Norway
Work: No
School: Bachelor's in Computer Science


Main Spec: Enhancement

After the Legion reworks I found Enhancement Shaman to be the most fun class to play. I have Legion beta access and tried all classes but Shaman was definitely my favorite at 110 so I am changing to it from my Mage.

My Enhancement has a current equipped item level of 665 but that is mainly because I have only played for one month since February 2015 because I took a break. It was also only recently that I decided to main a Shaman which is also why my gear isn't great.

My preferred off spec is Restoration. It's just a very fun play style and brings great cooldowns to the raid. The mastery is also amazing on high damage bosses. Current item level is 666.

As Enhancement I have gone with the following talent setup:

15: Boulderfist
30: Feral Lunge
45: Lightning Surge Totem
60: Ancestral Swiftness
75: Tempest
90: Crashing Storm
100: Landslide

In combat I use Boulderfist to generate Maelstrom and maintain the Landslide buff. Boulderfist has its  cooldown lowered by haste, as does some other abilities, so I took Ancestral Swiftness to lower the cooldown to help deal with GCD gaps. The extra haste also helps with Maelstrom generation since it increases the frequency of auto attacks.

My rotation consists of maintaining Landslide with Boulderfist, maintaining the Flametongue buff, Stormstrike every cooldown and when Stormbringer procs. I use Lava Lash if I have pooled 50+ Maelstrom. I basically always maintain enough Maelstrom for Stormstrike and spend excess on Lava Lash. For AoE I do the same except I add Crash Lightning before any Stormstrikes or Lava Lash.

As for stats, they are kind of all over the place right now because I've been taking any item that has been an upgrade because this character didn't have great gear to start with a week ago. In Legion, based on current theorycrafting, I will be focusing on Haste as my secondary stat because it increases Maelstrom generation and lowers ability cooldowns. At 17% haste will start to have DR so I switch to mastery.


I like to play all classes but noteworthy alts are my level 100 Protection Warrior, level 100 Mistweaver/Windwalker Monk, and level 100 Mage.


I have Jewelcrafting because it's nice to make my own gems and it's a great earner. My second profession is Inscription but I am considering changing that because of the changes it has received in Legion. If I do decide to change it though, it won't be until after I have made the Darkmoon trinkets.

Raiding Experience:

I started raiding at Wrath of the Lich King and have raided every tier since with the exception of Hellfire Citadel. Progress is spread among several characters.

WotLK (Ret Paladin):

Naxx 10/25: Cleared
Ulduar 25: Cleared
OS 10/25: Cleared
EoE 10/25: Cleared
ICC 10: Cleared normal + heroic up to LK
RS 10: Cleared normal + heroic

Cataclysm (Holy/Ret Paladin):

BWD: Cleared normal + 3/6 heroic
BoT: Cleared normal + 1/4 heroic
TotFW: Cleared normal
Firelands: Cleared normal + 6/7 heroic
Dragon Soul: Cleared normal + heroic

Mists of Pandaria (Holy Paladin / Mistweaver Monk):

Mogu'Shan Vaults: Cleared normal + 3/6 heroic
HoF: Cleared normal
ToES: Cleared normal
ToT: Cleared normal + 9/12 heroic
SoO: Cleared normal, heroic + 4/14 mythic

Warlords of Draenor (Mage):

Highmaul: Cleared normal, heroic + 4/7 mythic
BRF: Cleared normal + 8/10 heroic
HFC: Nothing

Previous Guilds:


I left this guild because raid attendance became a real problem. Raids were cancelled very often due to lack of players. It was around this time I got tired of WoW and took a break.

Sanctified Insight:

This was my own guild from Wrath of the Lich King until midway through Mists of Pandaria. I was the Co-Guild Master and raid leader together with Tahsou, my partner who is also applying here. We had a very strong core group of friends as part of the raid team but they got bored and quit playing. We tried out some replacements but could never find people of equal skill levels to continue progression raiding. Once attendance started to be a problem in Throne of Thunder we decided to go our separate ways. We ended on great terms and still have many of the old members on my real ID friends list.


I am generally available at almost any time but I am applying for the Sunday raid team because I no longer want to commit to 3-4 day a week raiding schedules after 6-7 years of doing just that. I still want to experience the raids but no longer on a full time schedule so I should have 100% attendance on Sunday raids since it fulfills my needs without feeling like a job.


I am fluent in English. I do have TS3 with a microphone. I am generally a quiet person these days but still have no problems making calls during raids as I have done for years while raid leading my old team.

Computer / Connection:

Computer Specs:

OS: Windows 10
CPU: i5 4670k @ 3.4GHz
GPU: GTX 780

My graphics are set to 7/10 in game. I hover around 85-100 fps in my garrison. Very stable 60+ fps in raids. Never have any issues with fps or internet connection - I have fiber optic broadband. My ping at the time of this application is 36ms.


I use the following addons:

ElvUI - Nice and clean UI
Recount  - Check my performance
Miks Scrolling Battle Text - I like to see my crits!
Vuhdo - Use these as raid frames and for healing when I am Resto
Weak Auras - Keep a track of timers or important debuffs
DBM - Standard boss mods for boss timers

UI Screenshots:

Out of Combat:
In Combat:

I use a Logitech mouse with the 12 side buttons which allow me to use the 7, 8, 9, 10, -, and = bindings easily.

Other Games:

I don't play any other MMOs right now but other games include Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Fifa 16, and whatever else I get in the mood to play from my Steam library.

Why Iron Edge?

I have played WoW since the end of Burning Crusade and raided since the start of Wrath of the Lich King. For all those years I maintained a 3-4 day a week raid schedule up until Warlords of Draenor. Taking an 18 month break, which was the first break of that length I have ever had from the game, has made me really value my free time in the evenings and I now have time to watch shows, play other games or just chill out when I didn't have that option before.

I am also in the second year of my bachelor's degree and I need to dedicate around 30 hours a week to that. Playing on Legion beta has revitalized my enjoyment of WoW again and have resubscribed for it. I want to experience the raid content but not on a 3-4 day a week schedule.

When searching for more casual guilds Iron Edge stuck out because you understand that there are people out there who don't want to commit to full time raiding and are happy to offer a one day a week schedule which is just perfect for me. Your schedule allows me to get the enjoyment I want from raiding and still gives me time to play other aspects of the game I like such as pet battles, achievements, and the occasional battleground.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer you an experienced raider that rarely makes mistakes, learns quickly, and is polite. While I want to be a part of the raid team, I also want to make new friends and put some time into Mythic+ dungeons in Legion so I am happy to join guild groups for that content.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Official Kazzak forums

Last Words?

My partner, Tahsou, is also applying with her Resto druid so you can kinda consider this as a joint-application but she will also be making a separate application. We have played and raided together since Lich King and its the fact that we can play together that makes the game so much more fun.

I would like to mention that we are coming back from quite a long break so we are still getting used to the game again. Our gear is far behind and we're still learning the new Legion changes. With this in mind we would like to request that while our applications is for a spot in the weekend raiding team, we would like to postpone our starting raid until Legion so we can start fresh and on equal gear level with the rest of the team.

If this means we should be taken in as social members until that time then that is also fine with us.

Thanks for reading!

July 25, 2016, 10:29:28 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Imensity
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2016, 10:29:28 pm »
I like the apply, like i said in your partners apply, itll be good to have some g busy ness again after wods ghost town. As you have likely seen there are many elements to the guild, we have our main raiders that do mythic, we have the weekend team and for legion we have a vets team( these guys went to nam and got the bullet wounds and stumps to prove it!)

Anyway good luck on the application.

You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
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July 26, 2016, 03:53:35 am
Reply #2

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Shaman (DPS/Healer) - Imensity
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2016, 03:53:35 am »
Very detailed applications. Welcome to the Porkchoppers.

As i've mentioned in the other app, there are no more official raids until Legion. So it's all good.

You can /w an officer for an invite anytime.
Ba dun tss!


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