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 Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Skubbe (XR)

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July 28, 2016, 03:04:57 am
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Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Skubbe (XR)
« on: July 28, 2016, 03:04:57 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Skubbe
Server: Tarren Mill
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:


My name is Troels
Im 32 years old and I live in Denmark.
I spend working hours as a teacher and IT consultant in the municipality.


The spec I usually prefered to play was Marksmanship, but with the recent changes to all hunter specs as of 7.0 it is still a bit up in the air how it might pan out, though all things indicate that MM is still the way to go for a large portion of the Hunters out there (myself included).

As an alternative spec Im probably going to find it fun to be a bit of a Melee hunter in survival but probably not anything I'd ever bring to a raid. As of now Beast master seems extremely uninteresting with the way it is set up now.

So 99% MM and 1% survival.

Right now pretty much everything that was the rule in WoD has been thrown out the window for MM and replaced by a different system, not really more complex, just different. Everything evolves around the proccing of Hunters Mark, that allows one to use Marked shot, that deals a pretty significant amout of damage. The proccing of HM and the application of a vulnerable debuff is what MM is all about.

So that makes some of the talent choice obvious, so most of the MM hunters will probably go for the Talents: Patient Sniper and Sidewinders, that simplifies the rotation quite a bit and makes it as predictable as possible what your rotation/priority queue is.

So it goes something like this:
Marked Shot when available
Aimed shot when you have enough focus (this can lead to no ABC, due to semi-long CD of Sidewinders)
Sidewinders when there is a proc ready for Marked shot (or you're about to sit on 2 charges of sidewinders then fire regardless of proc or not).

Throw liberal use of Trueshot aura in there aswell and its a done deal.

The stat priority for a hunter has also changed a bit as a consequence:


If this hunter won't fit the bill I have a Shaman and Druid that I like to heal on from time to time.


Jewelcrafting and Leatherworking.

These proffesions are mainly just to maximize profit and nothing super special about any of them, I will probably pick up a gathering proffesion in Legion but nothing is settled yet.

Raiding Experience:

I have done the majority of super hardcore raiding in the earlier expansions, where this Hunters has been the one i raided 90% of the time on (my Shaman has been in during various expansions to help out when needed).
Back in Vanilla I started out clearing, MC, ZG, BWL, AQ20/40 and Naxx40 (we managed KT just before TBC). This was all done on this hunter where I for a large portion of the time was Class leader for hunters (not really sure why, we were 3 :), but alas).
When TBC came and went I had cleared all the content before any significant nerfs, where the short stint i had in Last Resort was around the time they had world 3rd on Magtheridon (not in on that one though). So that was pretty hardcore and a lot of fun.

WOLTK went around and at that time studies took over and I kept it on the low side but still raiding 1-2 days a week and getting a HC Lich king kill in before it was too late for that.

Cataclysm was again a pretty hardcore time where I was in a fun and good 10 man guild where we competed for server top 5 - 3 day raiding guild and managed to kill all of the content there (though a stint as a foreign student in USA kept me out of the Raggy kills).

Pandaria landed and there I was completely out of the loop only doing the leveing experience and having a casual time.

Then it was WoD time, and I'll happily admit that it was the fastest burn out I had in WoW, I tried to combine a pretty hardcore raiding schedule with a alts and all plus keeping a fulltime job, that quickly turned sour and Im pretty sure that killed WoD a bit for me and it made me realise that if I wanted to raid again it had to be on a different level.

Previous Guilds:

Vanilla: Kapow (Danish guild)
TBC: Kapow merged with Synergy and became Wipe (not enough Danes left to field a complete roster)
WOTLK: Wipe continued
Cata: Amicus
Pandaria: Amicus (though no raiding)
WoD: All Blue and Savasci (Danish guild on Tarren Mill I joined with some old friends)

I never really left any guilds, most of them reformed into something different and some collapsed due to burnout, the only time I left a guild was when I was poached from the remnants of Wipe to Amicus in Cataclysm.  


Now that Im getting a bit old most of my life is pretty settled and Sundays is a perfect day for me to raid, so barring the usual holidays I should be available pretty much always for that weekly raid. Only time there might be an issue is around May each year where I have pupils at the exams, though I've never worked sunday evenings before during exam time, but better safe than sorry.


Im proficient in English, I'm used to using all the different kinds of VoIP software and will speak up when required to. (Sometimes also when not required if an obvious mom joke presents itself).

Computer / Connection:

100mbit connection
Stable connection around 30ms

I2500k @ 4,5ghz
Geforce GTX 1070
16gb ram


WeakAuras 2 (with a base of Clampys predefined ones adjusted a bit)

Other Games:

Overwatch and Forza Motorsport 6

Why Iron Edge?

I've been looking for a guild that would fit the pretty special requirement of only raiding one day a week, and taking that seriously. That you manage your time well, is shown with the progress in the main raid, and my hope is that some of that spills over into the slackarony raid on sundays.

I hope the guild atmosphere is nice, friendly and full of good old banter.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a serious attitude when raiding, I know my class I've been playing it for over 10 years. Otherwise hope to offer a minimum of humor that hopefully finds a home somewhere in guild. I always come prepared, with knowledge, the required consumeables and an attitude that I dont know everything and always I'm willing to learn.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

The official Kazzak Forums

Last Words?

I hope you'd give an old veteran a shot, Legion seems to pan out as an interesting expansion and I'd like to enjoy it with people that share that notion.

July 28, 2016, 06:10:02 am
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Skubbe (XR)
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2016, 06:10:02 am »
This is a well made application.

You can poke an officer for an invite :)
Ba dun tss!

July 28, 2016, 10:59:46 pm
Reply #2

Offline Skubbe

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Skubbe (XR)
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2016, 10:59:46 pm »
Thank you, I'll see if I can catch anyone now.


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