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 Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi

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August 06, 2018, 10:47:41 am
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Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« on: August 06, 2018, 10:47:41 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Daíshi
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:

Sami, 36 years old, located in Finland. Working as a legal consultant and running my own small business on the side. Married.


I can play all the Hunter specs. I also have a DH that I can play Havoc as. My gear level is the pre-bfa catch up gear, so about 920.

BM sims the best at the moment for real encounters (free movement) but things can change. Icy-veins is a good source for the basic information. At the moment keep barbed shot up during dps cooldowns and burn phases, don't focus cap, don't wait on kill command, don't slack on amoc or dire beast. Basically faceroll.


I have the DH alt that I like. I do have Rogue, Mage, another Hunter, Priest and Druid at 110 too but they're a bit left in the dust.


Engineering and Alchemy.

Raiding Experience:

I'm an old guy so I raided in Vanilla already. A Few Good Men on Tarren Mill was a top 10 guild in the world, but before that I actually played in the old Iron Edge on Dunemaul. That was my first raiding guild. It was run by a guy called Delling back then and I raided Molten Core with him. In TBC and WotlK my raiding achievements were modest, but I did play. I got Gladiator titles and so on instead as arena was the hot stuff.

In MoP I started by getting Realm First! Challenge Gold for all the challenge modes here on Kazzak on my Mage and afterwards on my Hunter. I raided in Darkstorm and Ad Infinitum during the expansion. Darkstorm had one world first kill in HoF. Both were top 50 guilds. In WoD I came back to Kazzak and joined Fang, where I stayed. In WoD we had a pretty high ranking throughout. In the first tier of Legion I got engaged and the AP grind / flower grind / raiding schedule + split raiding was too much and I bowed out. To finish Legion I just did the artifact challenges not to miss on them.

Previous Guilds:

See previous. No particular reasons for leaving except life goes on.


Available for the raid schedule that I commit to.


Fluent in English, written and spoken. Back in the day I got one university degree from England so I spent 4 years there.

Computer / Connection:

No issues.


Weakauras, MSBT, DBM, Elvui, GTFO.

Other Games:

Starcraft 2, Dota 2, World of Tanks.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to keep playing the game I've played so much but on a schedule that allows me to have my real life. I'm quite fond of it.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A good player with an extensive raid history and game experience. I have multiple world first rankings on performance, gladiator titles, and success from other games too. For example I won the Quake3 EuroCup before some of the modern PvE raiders were born :) That said, I'm an OK guy, easy to deal with, a quiet scandinavian who does his job. I can play in the weekend raid or the too old to raid group (or are they the same thing?).

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Wowprogress and EU realm forums

Last Words?

I got an IRL friend, also a Fang raider, called Felmisty who is looking for a 1 day raiding home as well. He is also married and has similar commitments IRL. He will make his own application but I strongly vouch for him as a good human being and a good player. He would like to play on his Paladin (prot/retri).

August 06, 2018, 03:19:02 pm
Reply #1

Offline Ommadon

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2018, 03:19:02 pm »
I like your application, especially the old IE reference, that is worth a lot imo  ;D

Also, last time I checked (not recently) we need Hunter dps.

I hope you get in, but let's wait for the officers.

Good luck!  ;)

August 06, 2018, 04:00:40 pm
Reply #2

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2018, 04:00:40 pm »
Hello Sami.

Can you please tell me what happened when you moved to Kazzak?

Did you leave IE?

I have a few friends in Fang, but they have been inactive in Legion. I know they do a shitload of alt runs. Why have you decided to join us instead of raiding with them?

Looking forward to your replies!
Ba dun tss!

August 06, 2018, 08:35:25 pm
Reply #3

Offline Daishi-

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2018, 08:35:25 pm »
Can you please tell me what happened when you moved to Kazzak?

Did you leave IE?

I have a few friends in Fang, but they have been inactive in Legion. I know they do a shitload of alt runs. Why have you decided to join us instead of raiding with them?

You are asking about the circumstances of me leaving Iron Edge in early Vanilla WoW? Sure :)

A real life friend of mine (everyone was playing back then) was playing in AFGM which was the top guild on the realm Dunemaul and one of the top guilds, period, in Europe. They had kept an eye on me for a while already and had tried to poach me. Eventually I decided to give hardcore raiding a try, as I had never done that before. I was also a pretty young kid back then compared to now.

In AFGM our Sunday raid for example started at noon and went to midnight with one dinner break in between. It was unheard of at that time as true hardcore guilds like the Method of today didn't even exist back then. Delling understood that I had to give it a shot, so I left, but it's not like I left IE in bad shape or something. Guilds were 40 man raiding at that time with huge rosters of players because 100% activity wasn't required, and some raiders were literally keyboard turning clickers.

A bit later after Blizzard started doing something to fight the server latency and packet loss issues they offered free migrations everywhere. Free migrations from Dunemaul to Tarren Mill opened and that's when AFGM migrated, and I with them.

It's only much later when I came to Kazzak. IIRC I came to Kazzak the first time in TBC when I did hardcore PvP. I even did a PvP movie to on my Warlock back then. I've been around.

As far as Fang is concerned, we raided 4 times a week with nearly mandatory activity in the off days too, and because Legion had no cap on how much you can do per week to improve your character, you pretty much had to play non stop or you fell behind. That's what burned me out. Afterall, I have raided in hardcore guilds like AFGM, DS and AI already and that's not what interested me anymore. I've seen that part of the game.

Fang will raid in BFA on a 3 day schedule, but I know they will still try to get a top 100 or at least a top 150 ranking. I just want to see raid content, compete a little with high mythic+ keys and maybe some pvp, and chat with friends in this giant chat room with many mini games built in :) A one day schedule therefore is perfect for me. I can't do that in Fang, and neither can my friend Felmisty.

Thanks :)

August 06, 2018, 09:02:46 pm
Reply #4

Offline Ironsoul

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2018, 09:02:46 pm »
Hey mate,
nice application and good luck with it.

we could use more high end raiding experienced people for the weekend raid.

August 06, 2018, 11:44:24 pm
Reply #5

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2018, 11:44:24 pm »
Was your character called Daishi back then?

Bears like alts!

August 06, 2018, 11:50:54 pm
Reply #6

Offline Daishi-

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2018, 11:50:54 pm »
Yes. My vanilla rogue was called Daimyo, my hunter Daishi. I’ve not used other names for my toons in PvE.

August 07, 2018, 05:10:27 pm
Reply #7

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2018, 05:10:27 pm »
I think we still have some of the old members in the guild. Grax being one of them.

I do want to point out that we don't take conjoined apps. Your friend will have to apply and get accepted on his own.
If that's ok with you, you can poke any officer for an invite.

Ba dun tss!

July 10, 2021, 01:37:52 pm
Reply #8

Offline Daishi-

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2021, 01:37:52 pm »
I'd like to come back to raid on the Weekend Raid Team, and as per Xorm's request I'm posting on what I've been up to since briefly playing in IE before (in addition to playing in IE in Vanilla WoW).

So, I joined the IE weekend raid in the start of BFA, and rolled a class that was in need. That time it was a Rogue. We cleared heroic and started to do mythics; I guess we did about 4 when I already had to go inactive and bow out due to IRL concerns that came up. We discussed it that I'd go on a break. I returned at a later raid tier (Eternal Palace?), and Xorm told me melee was full but I could re-roll to a ranged. I rolled a Warlock and geared it up in m+ solo in a couple of weeks, but once I was done there actually weren't raid spots anymore. Apparently it was a popular tier and Xorm despite being very helpful and informative couldn't offer me a raid spot.

So then I started looking for places to raid and play, and I joined a newly formed guild on Kazzak. I still didn't want to raid a lot, as my hardcore raiding days are well past me, being a family man now, but I committed to a two day raiding schedule with them on my Demon Hunter which was never a member of IE to begin with. I cleared for example Nya'lotha mythic with that guild, and continued with them to Shadowlands. In Shadowlands the guild was looking for more ranged classes, so I played both a Shadow Priest and my old Hunter in Castle Nathria. Then during Council mythic progress the guild master suddenly left the guild after having issues with other officers, and emptied the guild bank. The members re-filled the guild bank and continued with a new officer team, but more turmoil ensued and the guild split in half. Now, it has disbanded.

My characters that were left behind in IE I never raided with elsewhere. But I did quit them from the guild at some point in time, because I assumed nobody even remembered me there or knew who I was. After all, literally a couple of years had passed. Nevertheless, Felmisty is my IRL friend and he recommended to me if I wanted to raid on a relaxed schedule I should join up, and I feel it would be a good idea.

As always I'm open to playing whatever class is competitive and in need. My hunter is 226 ilvl and with multiple legendaries and stuff and some soul ash and cinders, the Spriest is left a bit behind at 211 ilvl or so. I played the Hunter this week and will get a vault item next reset. I also have other toons I could gear up if looking for a project: Druid, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, DH. Hunter did receive a buff last night though, making it more viable again.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

July 10, 2021, 01:42:56 pm
Reply #9

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Daíshi
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2021, 01:42:56 pm »
Thanks for the update, Daishi.

Welcome back!
You can poke any officer for an invite on your hunter/sp.
Ba dun tss!


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