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 Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Felbane

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December 03, 2014, 10:54:32 pm
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Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Felbane
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:54:32 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Felbane
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Hello, my name's Nick I'm 22 years old from Bulgaria. I currently study food technology in UFT plovdiv. At my spare time I enjoy going to the gym, playing WoW, haning out with friends and reading books.


Combat/Assassination are my current specs with Combat being my main.
Combat is my main since I feel like Ass falls abit behind with higher ilvl and I find the playstyle more dinamic. My gearlvl with Combat is 637 and with Mutilate is around 634.


I have a level 90 warrior which I currently don't play but I am thinking of leveling a mage or a hunter which I can play if the guild needs it.


I have blacksmithing and Leatherworking. Since in wod profesion dont give you anything besides crafting items I thoght they would be the best for money making. About the cool recipes I dont thnk so

Raiding Experience:

ZG - cleared
AQ20 - cleared
MC - cleared
BWL - cleared
AQ40 - up to huhuran
Naxx40 - Spider wing and Instructor Razuvious
(played as a warrior back then both as dps and tank)

Karazhan: cleared
Gruul's Lair: cleared
Magtheridon's Lair: Cleared
SSC: cleared
TK: cleared
MH: cleared
BT: cleared
Sunwell: nothing
(played as a warrior again both tank and dps)

Naxx: cleared
Ulduar: cleared with a couple of hard modes
TOTGC: cleared
ICC: up to LK heroic 25 - couldnt kill him as the guild had problems and later disbanded
(Naxx - as a DK; Ulduar and ICC as a ret paladin)

Cata - did some BWD and TOTFW as a holy paladin but then guild disbanded so I stopped playing.

Mop - did some casual raiding in SoO flex and normal nothing special.

Previous Guilds:

Vanilla through TBC - CryMore - guild disbanded at the end of TBC
Wotlk - Chaos Theory - guild disbanded after Ulduar
Original - guild disbanded after ICC
Cata - made a guild with a couple of friends with didnt end really well so I stopped playing
MOP - didnt really have a guild just did some casual pugging.


Right now I am available for raids at any times I do have upcoming exams at the begining of bebruary and maybe the holidays I will be on abit less but I think I will be on for raids.


My english is fluent I do have teamspeak 3 and I have a working mic and can use it if needed.

Computer / Connection:

My computer is decent I play at around 30ish FPS during raids I rare get fps lags. My connection is 100 MBits Its really good never really lag unless its a blizzard issue, and is very stable, my ping is normal and I dont disconnect every hour.


I use Weak Auras for tracking CDs and to perfect my rotation I use DBM which is mandatory for raiding I use recount to track my performance and the raids performance and thats pretty much it

UI screenshot:

Other Games:

Nothing right now but I used to play League of Legends alot at a really high level.

Why Iron Edge?

I want a guild which has nice progress, nice and friendly atmosphere a guild that does other things besides raiding (PVP, heroics, CMs, random events). I want to be a part of a nice community meet new people and have fun.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer my long ass experience. I think I play my class to a really far extent Im a nice and friendly person who is passionate about the game and games in total so I think ill be a nice addition to your team.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

A friend of mine who said he's applying so I thoght I'd give it a shot.

Last Words?

I cant think of anything right now. ANY questions ur have about anything ur free to ask me ingame. I'll gladly answer.

December 04, 2014, 01:45:28 am
Reply #1

Offline Valkyrie

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Felbane
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2014, 01:45:28 am »
Yo! Thanks for applying. We're going to have to decline you as a raider for the reasons I outlined in Cardriz's thread.

Let us know if you're interested in joining as a social with raiding aspirations.


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