Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: slamori on November 19, 2007, 12:08:57 pm

Title: slamori
Post by: slamori on November 19, 2007, 12:08:57 pm
hello Iron Edge

My name is Dinko im 25 yers old known like Slamori in game i think some of u know  me (i hope :) )i want to join IE like a friend.I played with most of the ppl back in playing this game from the begining never stop and never reroll i'vr been prot warr for whole my WOW life.Back in times (before TBC)i was in only 2 guilds terra nova and cold blooded and after TBC i was in only 3 guilds last one created by me this guild are Fallen Bridgeburners (i was CL there and raid lider) and Brotherhood of Steel (im GM there and raid lider) but after all with this guilds we didnt make any good progress only coz 1 reason lack of good players.So after all i decide to ask IE for home as a non raider coz im tired to push ppl for progres and spending all my free time managing guilds and explayining to ppl 1 by 1 what they need to do.Im a hardcore player who was giving all wich im able to do for ppl in guild but im tired of this.Now u will ask why im doing this apply why just not stop play wow and take a life.well what i can say i realy love this game and i enjoy to play with good players and belive me outside IE and 1-2 more guild are only casual players or slackers who are greedy for epix.this is the main reason to ask u to join IE.but lets stop talk for my wow life lets talk for person behind Slamori.
As i sad im 25 years old from bulgaria i worck in architectural company my job is mostly making plans of buildings and 3d models in my free time (ofc when im not in wow) i love to wach TV-episodes and movies and ofc doing some 3D models for fun
u can see some of them here  but last days i dont have much time to do stuff like this

I think its not so importent to talk for gear and game exp here but u can check my armory but mostly my tanking gear is T4 and some kara/ZA epix

for my game exp Pre TBC i kill all bosses in ZG MC BWL AQ 20/40 naxx up to pachwerk in TBC kara gruul maghteridon ZA and some bosses in SSC/TK

at the and what i can say i hope u will find a tiny spot in ur guild for a me till next exp
then ill reroll to DK but till then i hope i can have a spot as a non raider in IE and try to help with all i can (not much i think coz u allready see all from this game)


P.S. hmm i need to tell u who will support this apply i  realy dont know i think i know most of the ppl here coz  i play this game several day after servers was up but i think ppl who was in CB before will tel some good words for me and ppl with wich i raid before 

Title: Re: slamori
Post by: Legolew on November 19, 2007, 12:46:47 pm
Just say your Brothers friend thats what the last 10 f&F application have done  :o

Title: Re: slamori
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 19, 2007, 12:50:08 pm
or vortes :)
Title: Re: slamori
Post by: slamori on November 19, 2007, 01:39:36 pm
Just say your Brothers friend thats what the last 10 f&F application have done  :o


hehehe no its only me
Title: Re: slamori
Post by: delling on November 19, 2007, 02:28:47 pm
Draw a picture about IE, and then we'll see :)
Title: Re: slamori
Post by: slamori on November 19, 2007, 02:31:12 pm
Draw a picture about IE, and then we'll see :)

sure but atm im a bit busy at work but when i have time sure :)