Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Vindico on June 05, 2008, 02:32:41 am

Title: Vindico - Rogue Application
Post by: Vindico on June 05, 2008, 02:32:41 am
Hey Chaps,

I'm 30 years old & work in IT.
I like predominantly Industrial and EBM music, but have rather broad tastes. The exception being Country & Western and Spanish Techno, which are both horrific for me.
I read a large quantity of sci-fi, Richard Morgan, Alastair Reynolds, Peter Hamilton, Iain Banks etc.
I play WoW quite a lot, but only have monday to wednesday for anything beginning before 22:00 server time.

My character:

375 LW & Skinning.
The only relatively exciting pattern I have is Belt of Natural Power.

I was in IE between Sept 2006 to February 2007. I left to form a late night guild with some RL friends as my work hours at the time did not permit much actual raiding in a guild that raids at normal hours.

I was however a total rogue noob when I was in IE, on the PvE front.

Recruiting for a late night guild is a bugger as you are purely reliant on cross-realm transfers to get the members up.
I had to skip raiding at 1am when I changed where I was working and had normal hours once again. With too many of the core stopping playing, we effectively disbanded.

Pre-TBC I did up to Twin Emps in AQ40 with IE. I predominantly PvPed when I was in the guild at the time, due to shitty work hours.

Post-TBC I have killed both Archimonde and Illidan (although have only downed Illidan the once).

I also have a Warrior (retired), PvP Lightning Cow and a a SPriest I am presently levelling about 1 level a month.

My sponsor:

Hova! Sponsor me!
Otherwise anyone who remembers me <3

I want to return to IE as the guild I am in at present is rapidly falling apart and I miss the non stop chat on TS, Nachmanun's (I think) constant commentaries etc. It's kinda eerie with a TS that no-one is actually talking in as the people I moved to Maz to play with are no longer playing :/

I would like to raid at some point, but this late in to TBC I'm not sure I want to commit hardcore to anything other than a spot of MH/BT if there are spots.

I also want to join the SCEC for more DoTA action ofc.
Title: Re: Vindico - Rogue Application
Post by: delling on June 05, 2008, 04:19:47 am
Hey, Vind :)

Nice to see your return! Great application too -- other F&F applications should take note of how it's done...!

I do not see a problem in you stepping through the Mighty Revolving Door. And maybe the PVP initiative that we're working on at the moment will keep you occupied!

Getting Hova to sponsor you might be quite hard, as he's not logged in WoW for weeks, and is currently staring at large, heaving bosoms in AoC...
Title: Re: Vindico - Rogue Application
Post by: Vindico on June 05, 2008, 10:27:35 am
AoC is really boring though :/

Great though, I'll transfer over as soon as I stop getting an error 404 on the migration page.

Title: Re: Vindico - Rogue Application
Post by: Palmar on June 05, 2008, 11:08:47 am

Welcome back man!

Oh, and since you stay up late... DOTA TIEM
Title: Re: Vindico - Rogue Application
Post by: Daekesh on June 05, 2008, 06:08:43 pm
Hamilton and Banks!  Winner! :
Title: Re: Vindico - Rogue Application
Post by: Hugman on June 06, 2008, 11:07:08 pm
Interesting word of SCEC is spreading...... but can he pass Crazy's SCEC test?

Good Luck!
