Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Everybody on November 28, 2008, 06:58:37 pm

Title: Everybody wants to join!
Post by: Everybody on November 28, 2008, 06:58:37 pm
Everybody wants to join Iron Edge


Hello everybody else! I am Everybody (currently 79 UD Rogue). In real life I live in Norway, Nesodden, am 17 years old and goes to school (all the science courses, like physics maths etc). I'm currently gaming actively, except in some weekends when I visit my GF (who lives quite far away). I've been gaming WoW on and off since May '06. Raided some pre-tbc (MC mostly), but in TBC I haven't really raided much, mostly been doing PvP as that's what I enjoy most. I don't play too much other games than WoW other than on LAN parties and some occasional game that's just too good not to play (Portal for instance).
Apart from gaming, I like programming, physics and other geeky stuff.

My character:

Everybody is a level 79 rogue (50% to 80, so I will probably ding later today). There is really not much to say about him, I leveled him up to 60 with recruit-a-friend so still got to learn lock picking etc. And been in 70 for a week or two before release, so I got full wotlk quest/dungeon blues at the moment.

I do have quite a few alts though. 70 priest and 70 warlock (on other accounts not currently active) 68 mage 65 warrior (will probably be my next one to level) and a 60 druid.

My sponsor:
Oddweb is my sponsor in Iron Edge. We've been RL friends for about 5 years now and go to the same school.

Signed, Everybody
Title: Re: Everybody wants to join!
Post by: Vix on November 28, 2008, 07:02:23 pm
So yeah, this is Everybody and I'm the sponsor.
He's a grate gyu, we should definately invite before Ravenous, what? does it. I hear they've been upping recruitement to STEAL OUR PRECIOUS WORLD FIRSTS.
Title: Re: Everybody wants to join!
Post by: delling on November 28, 2008, 07:06:20 pm
a) Awful name. I thought it was a joke application...

b) Vix, you need to be in the guild a little longer (without quitting) before your friends are welcome here.

So there!
Title: Re: Everybody wants to join!
Post by: Vix on November 28, 2008, 07:08:44 pm
Oh well, I'll try again once everyone's forgotten I quit.