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 How to apply as a community member

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May 29, 2008, 03:26:27 pm
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Offline Palmar

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How to apply as a community member
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:26:27 pm »
We've been getting alot of shit applications, and I don't really feel like reading any more of them, so here goes:

  • Who are you? Tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do in real life, how old are you etc. Give us a little bit of history.
  • Why do you want to join Iron Edge. "because they pwn" is not a good answer!
  • Tell us about yourself as a gamer. What aspects of the gaming do you enjoy, do you play other games than wow? Tell us about your connections inside wow and in other games. Do you play competitively in any games? Have you been in other guilds or clans? Tell us why our group would become better if you were included in it.
  • Tell us about your WoW character if you have one. We are originally a WoW guild, and most of us still have avatars in the Iron Edge - Dunemaul guild, even though some of us have mostly turned to other games.
  • Use colours, and format, and proper English. It doesn't have to be perfect, but at least show us the respect of removing typing errors.
  • If you have any friends within the guild, then tell us about them, and your relationship with them. You probably want to ask them to confirm you're a nice person by replying too.

Anything else you think would be beneficial to your application, or fun to read. Be creative, show us that you care!

I'll make an example application below...


(I'm sorry if you feel it's absurd, applying to a guild that you're already in can do that)


Palmar - application


Hello Iron Edge! I am Palmar, (yes, it's my real life name too...) a twenty-five years old system administrator from Iceland. I work for a local ISP, doing some system administrating stuff and browsing the web. I'm engaged to a lovely girl and together we have a four month old daughter and a cute dog.

I've heard some good things about the Iron Edge community, and I'd love to be a part of that. I can offer you a lazy Troll in wow, although most of my time will be spent playing other games. I have also played a ton of HoN games with random Iron Edge members.


I've been gaming for several years, starting out in starcraft, before I became a CS addict for 2 years, even playing, and succeeding at some of Iceland's biggest lans. I then stopped playing games for a year, before starting wow at launch. I still enjoy CS, and I play some of random games like civilization, heroes of newerth, left 4 dead and warcraft 3. Ever since Starcraft2 launched that game has been where I spend most of my gaming time. I follow the e-sports scene like a mad person, and catch every stream I find.

As already said, I'm mostly applying to have a bunch of friends to play random games with. My main focus is Starcraft 2, but if asked I'd definitely join in for sessions of other games. I heard Iron Edge plays a ton of games, so that really suits me as I like variety.

About my WoW character

I play a priest on the Dunemaul server.

I've been with the same guild since launch. I'm don't play too much wow anymore, but I expect to do a surge when Cataclysm launches. I'd love to have a ton of people around when leveling to 85, since I find instances much more entertaining than grinding quests.

I used to do some pvp back in TBC, so I might consider coming back for rated battlegrounds. I can't promise it though, as I find starcraft the superior pvp game.

My sponsor:

My sponsor would be my TBC 2v2 partner and long time friend Tyler. I've played most of my HoN games with him too.

Love, Palmar!

« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 05:50:33 pm by Palmar »
Trolls are awesome!

November 18, 2010, 05:50:20 pm
Reply #1

Offline Palmar

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Re: How to apply as f&f
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 05:50:20 pm »
Trolls are awesome!


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