Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on September 13, 2016, 01:11:29 pm

Title: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: Applicant on September 13, 2016, 01:11:29 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: gjira
Class/Spec: Shaman (Healer)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

I'm a 24 year old dude from Gothenburg, Sweden. Have lived here almost all my life apart from 1 year in Beijing. I'm currently studying national economics and economic history. I work extra at a orphan drugs company whenever i can. Got a degree as web director from before.


Resto is my main spec and i'm at 848il with that. I can play both off-specs at the same level but i enjoy enhancement more and elemental is complete garbage so far in Legion. Enhance is 846 ele 842.

I'm currently working on getting the JC ring and DMF-trinket to 850 since they are BiS pre-raid.

Stat priority is Int-Mastery-Crit-Haste-Versatility. Intellect being best and versatility being worst.
The mastery for resto shamans is pretty much our whole identity, it makes us great at progress raiding and saving people until they have learned the mechanics properly. It's a very reactive spec compared to druids and disc priests but there are some nifty things you can do like precasting healing rain at a location etc.

Healing in Legion seems to move towards a more rotation-esque manner. For my shaman that would be Riptide on CD, use tidal waves charges and fill with chain heal. I like this change and it makes the healing more smooth and enjoyable. Healing stream totem is used on CD and healing rain as well as long as my manapool can afford it.
Gift of the queen is used together with cloudburst totem to buff it and basically make CBT a healing tide. If i run that talent of course and i probably will in raids as it looks right now.

The talents im running now is strictly for 5 man dungeons. I might change torrent for unleash life once mythic+ is released.

level 15 talents: Undulation is way to clunky to use in raids and i doubt i will ever use it. Torrent and unleash life is pretty much equally good but I'm leaning more towards Torrent at the moment. Specing torrent lets me have at east one stack of tidal wave up at all times which is huge.

Level 30 talents: Graceful spirit is the standard talent here. It gives us great mobility and a buff to movement speed while in ghost wolf which can be nice on fights with alot of movement. Gust of wind might have some use but shouldn't have to be used if i know the fights properly. Wind rush totem might be good for a few fights depending on how many druids there are in the raid.

Level 45 talents: For dungeons lightning surge totem is the go to. Its insanely good in mythics already and will only get better with mythic+. For raids i think it will be the go to aswell. Voodoo totem is superweird and i doubt it will be used  much if at all.

Level 60 talents: Crashing waves might be used on fights with alot of tank and spothealing. It should only be used together with Torrent. The go to imo will be AG since i can use it to buff Cloudburst totem and since they removed alot of cds having one extra could prove useful. Deluge will be used on static fights with minimal movement.

Level 75 talents: The go to here imo is Ancestral vigor. It's awesome for progress raids and is a big reason to bring a shaman at all even if it's been nerfed from what it used to be in MoP. Earthen shield totem is probably going to be used on some fights with lots of dots and slow ticking damage.
Ancestral protection totem is going to see very little use i think.

level 90 talents: I think CBT will be the go to here. Echo might see some use but i see that one as more of a dungeon talent.

The level 100 talent tree im not sure about what will be best in mythic raids but i think high tide and wellspring will see the most use. With wellspring being mandatory together with CBT.


I have all healers at at least level 100. I have some raid experience on all of them. I also have a warrior which i mainly pvp with but i can play arms and fury pretty well in raids. Used to organize alt runs in MoP on my warrior.


On my shaman i have enchanting and Leatherworking. I just swapped to them for Legion and haven't really gotten any cool recipes yet. Got most of the BIS-enchants though.
On my account i have all professions and i plan to get the Legion recipes for them in the near future.

Raiding Experience:

Vanilla: none
TBC: Cleared everything up to mu'ru.

I sold my account to a friend after my guild quit raiding in Sunwell.

WotLK: Cleared everything but ToGC pre nerf. I cant remember the % buff i killed LKhc on but it was rank 279 world with Consortium. Got ulduar 10 server first with a guild called Five Hundred Fights. I also managed to get "the undying".My guild failed two attempts for "the Immortal" on Sapphiron. It still stings every time i see a player with that title.
After ruby sanctum i focused solely on PvP.

Cata: I only played around 2-3 months in Cata. I really hated everything about the changes they made and i moved to a new town to study. So i started to play LoL instead on a more casual level than i had played WoW.

MoP: Came back a few weeks into MoP on my original account that i got back from my friend. I only started raiding late when Toes was on farm for most guilds so i joined a casual guild called "Absolutum Dominum" on GB.
 I killed 4/6 bosses on Hc in HoF10 and 2/4 hc in ToeS with them before ToT was released. In ToT i cleared 10/13 hc10. It was pure cancer being a resto shaman in 10man and i felt ready to raid in a more serious cutting edge guild again.

So i joined Balance which used to be a top 25-50 guild. They were rebuilding their roster in SoO and i joined when they were at Spoils normal25. We cleared up to and including Siegecrafter prenerf. Then the guild fell apart due to gearing 8 tanks and people being burnt out.

WoD: I started raiding late in HFC due to some unexpected IRL-events. Cleared everything in HFC mythic prenerf. Did not raid the other raids when they were relevant apart from some normal/hc pug runs.

Previous Guilds:

Gnome pest control inc (Laughing Skull): Left because the guild stopped raiding and the GM left for another guild.

Nordic Reign (Laughing Skull): Left because i did not like the atmosphere in the guild. People were very toxic and progressing felt like a chore instead of something enjoyable. People played for themselves, not the group.

Five hundred Fights (Laughing Skull): The guild disbanded after we cleared Ulduar. The gm and some of the players including me left for another guild that was a consortium of players from the top 3 guilds on Laughing Skull.

Consortium: The guild atmosphere was not very enjoyable. Every player in the guild had been the best players in their former guilds and most of them had a pretty big ego. They stopped raiding after Ruby Sanctum25hc. I then moved to Grim Batol alliance to pvp and play with my mates.

Absolutum Dominum: I left to join a more cutting edge guild that raided 25man. I wanted more out of the game and the people in AD had a more casual take on raiding. I really enjoyed my time there though.

Balance: I was kicked like the rest of the whole raiding team apart from the veterans and officers after the guild fell apart during klaxxi progress. My time in Balance was great. I learned alot and i still have friends from that time.

Vargflocken: The guild disbanded while we were reprogressing in HFC and had Archimonde on 30% in the nehter phase. I left to find a new home and clear HFC mythic which was my ultimate goal.

Santa Maria: I were a trial for about 2-3 months and cleared and farmed HFC with them during that time. I was not offered a raiding spot because they had a huge healing roster. This happened this Sunday(20160911). I was pretty shocked about this. But i know what i did wrong and I'm very eager to get better.


I can raid pretty much whenever you want me to. I plan my life to make to for raids and playing wow.
I'm not going away on any holidays for about a year. Maybe some weekend trips but i won't miss raids because of that afaik.


Yes, im pretty fluent in english. I talk to people on teamspeak everyday, be it my friends on guildies.
I'm not the most avid talker but I'm definitely not a quiet person.

Computer / Connection:

Yes its okay, no monster but it gets the job done. I play on high settings and i have around 40-60 fps in raids depending on the fight. my connection is 100/100mbits. I have never disconnected due to my connection being unstable and my latency is 22ms home and 23 ms world pretty much constantly.

Addons/UI: This is what my UI look likes on all my chars.

The keybind for ascendance is shift-3. no clue why it doesn't show on my bars though.

My main addons that are relevant for raiding is weakauras2. I use it to track my cds, cast bars for targets and myself and buffs/debuffs that are unique for every boss encounter.

Other Games:

I used to play LoL and Counter Strike but i can't find the time for that anymore since i work and study and have a girlfriend to hang out with. I occasionally play Dota2, wc3 and AoE2 on LANs that i organize every year with my friends.

Why Iron Edge?

I want a stable guild that wants to clear mythic raids at a steady pace whilst still maintaining a healthy atmosphere. I got that feeling from you when i read about you on wowprogress and checked out this magnificent webiste (doge ftw).

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a calm and focused personality that always give my best and try to constantly improve. Geez that sounds like a bunch of buzzwords stacked on each other but that's the truth. I love this game and I'm very passionate about it still. I used to play both football and ice hockey on a semi pro level in my youth and i know what it takes for a team to be successfull. I used to be captain in those teams even though I'm not a very outspoken person. I thrive when i get responsiblity put on me and i love doing special tasks on boss fights.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Wowprogress mainly!

Last Words?

Thanks for reading and i hope to hear from you soon. I'm really excited to start raiding in Legion and i think i would fit in with you guys to do that.

Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: gjira on September 13, 2016, 01:18:45 pm
Quick note: The guild I'm in now i joined today to have a home. It's nothing serious and i have no problem leaving to join you and they won't be offended if i do so.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: Rash on September 13, 2016, 06:13:53 pm
Hi Gjira!

Very nice application, and a resto shaman is just what we need. We always leave apps open for 24 hours in case someone wants to pitch in, but I like what I see!
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: Shylar on September 13, 2016, 07:58:46 pm

Santa Maria: I were a trial for about 2-3 months and cleared and farmed HFC with them during that time. I was not offered a raiding spot because they had a huge healing roster. This happened this Sunday(20160911). I was pretty shocked about this. But i know what i did wrong and I'm very eager to get better.

Hi Gjira

You say you know what you did wrong and want to improve that, im curious as to what this was?

Best of luck with the application
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: Vejeta on September 13, 2016, 08:00:16 pm

I'd love to wreck this apply but I can't find anything wrong with this apply. The seal of approval from myself says how good this apply reads and looks, excellent job.

I ain't got a clue about healing so I'll leave that to the healers to assess but good luck, definitely an exceptional apply.

Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: gjira on September 13, 2016, 10:27:21 pm
Thanks for the input folks!
About my failed trial in Santa Maria it was mainly about my spot healing. We always had different healing setups and rarely a holy paladin. There was no clear leader to organize healing which lead to confusion about who would heal the tanks. I could have been more active and asked the raid leader more than i did. I also could have just done it myself.

It might sound like im a passive person but usually im not. Given the chance i will prove that. This was a one time thing.

I wrote this on my phone so i apologize in advance for any misspellings.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: Rash on September 14, 2016, 04:13:53 pm
I'm having a very difficult time relating to this story..

Regardless I'd like to offer you a trial in our raid. It would be wonderful if you could read this post ( before raiding starts on the 22nd, it should have most information about raiding with us.

And as a quick side note of the "lessons" you may have learned from this previous guild, we're not gonna leave you in the dark if we suspect you're doing something incorrectly, that seems like a retarded thing to do.
Title: Re: Raider Application - Shaman (Healer) - gjira
Post by: gjira on September 14, 2016, 05:45:11 pm
Wonderful! I'm super excited about proving myself. Thanks for giving me the chance :)