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 Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar

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January 13, 2017, 06:00:11 pm
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Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« on: January 13, 2017, 06:00:11 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Pingenwar
Class/Spec: Warrior (Tank)
Member Type: social

Personal Info:

Name: Shakir Husain
Age: 26
Location: Stockholm, Sweden


My main is a Prot Warrior. I have played this character since WotLK and I have found it to be the most fun tank of them all. I have thoroughly played all tanks, including demon hunters in legion, and found that warriors are still the most fun to play because of all the micro management.


Holy Priest, ilvl 879, two bis legendaries, trait lvl 38
Protection Paladin, ilvl 880, two relevant legendaries, trait lvl 28-ish.
Vengance Demon Hunter, ilvl 868, two relevant legendaries, trait lvl 30-ish.
Beast Mastery Hunter, ilvl 866, no relevant legendaries, trait lvl 30-ish.


Alchemy, because of potions and flasks. Bonus that it lasts for 2 hours. No special recipees.
Engineering, because of utilites, and Jeeves. Also, since I am mostly doing Mythic Keystones and pushing it, the frag belt is extra handy in CCs.

Raiding/PVP Experience:


Gruul's Lair: 2/2
Black Temple: 7/9 after 30% nerf.
Karazhan: 10/10
Magtheridon's Lair: 1/1
Mount Hyjal: 3/5

Naxxramas: 15/15
Eye of Eternity: 1/1
Obisidum Sanctum: 1/1
Ulduar: 14/14, HM pre-nerf: 12/14
Trial of the Grand Crusader: 5/5 HC
Icecrown Citadel: 11/12 HC pre-nerf.
Ruby Sanctum: 1/1 Normal

I took a break after this because the guild fell apart.

Dragon Soul: 8/8 Normal. 1/8 Heroic.

Not much raiding experience because of the break, therefore I tried to pug a lot. After a point, pugs were not sufficient and no guild wanted an inexperienced tank for this expansion, I took another break.

Siege of Orgrimmar: 14/14 Heroic (Pre-Mythic)

I came back at the beginning of SoO release.

Highmaul: 6/7 Mythic
Blackrock Foundry: 9/10 Heroic

At this point, I was forced to take a break because I was writing my Master's Thesis and my partner just started a new job, so I was writing the thesis during the evenings when the raidtimes were. I started again when HFC came out to gear myself up in preparation for Legion.

Hellfire Citadel: 13/13 HC.

No proper raiding experience in Legion because I have solely been focusing on Mythic Keystones and getting the Keystone Master achievement, which was achieved pre-2017. According to wowprogress, I am currently #1 protection warrior in Kazzak, while 2nd as a warrior and top 10 in Mythic Keystones.

Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 HC
Trials of Valor: 2/3 Normal


All throughout the expansions I have been lingering around 1800 elo, but have had no one to push with. My highest rating was 1999 elo. (Yes I know -.- 1 from 2k!, lost 10 in a row afterwards and my partner decided to quit. Sad.)

Previous Guilds:

I cannnot remember the name of my first guild, but that was what we progressed on in TBC and early WotLK. I left the guild because of a disband.

Solidarity - Left at the end of WotLK because the guild split into two and fell apart.
V o t H - Ended up at V o t H where we progressed through Siege of Orgrimmar and got to 13/14 Heroic (Pre-Mythicc) and the Guildmaster and her friend were holding us back for the Garrosh. This was spoken about for probably months and hardly any adjustments were made.
Missive - Created the guild with a couple of guildmates from V o t H, where I have been since.


I am always on unless I have any meetings of any sort since i am unemployed and currently looking for a job. My "daily routine" has been coming on wow at around 15.00-17.00 and play until 03.00-05.00 depending on meetings and availability of players around me.


I am proficient in English and would rank it higher than both my Swedish (country language) and my native language. I am constantly on teamspeak that I own and always communicate throughout the usage of TS. I was the Raidleader and GM of Missive, raidleader of V o t H and am the one shotcalling our higher keystone runs.

Computer / Connection:

Processor: i5, 3.20 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 760

I have a decent computer that works for wow without any problems with no fps issues. I do not have a high ping and do not disconnect randomly.
Speed test:


Elvui: Use it for the interface and have been using it since Cataclysm because I think it is smooth and allows me to see everything better than the standard UI.

Deadly Boss Mods: To track the incoming abilities.

Angry Assignments: Used it for notes on interrupts etc. on progression.

MikScrollingBattleText: Use it for smoother outlines of incoming and outcoming effects. Easier for me track what's happening to me.

oRA3: Tracking parties/raids cooldowns to call for when I was a raidleader.

RSA - Raeli's Spell Announcer: For my party to know when I have interrupted, healers to know when I have used a major CD etc. I am also calling this out in TS when I am about to or have used my CDs/CCs.

TellMeWhen: To have a better look at my available CDs and buffs.


For Keystones I also run:

Angry Keystones: to check the exact % left and for faster runs. (e.g. clicking once in CoS instead of twice at the beginning or on buffs).

Keystone Booster: To list all the keys I get whispered so I do not have to scroll my chat all the time.


Screenshot of UI:

Other Games:

I am a gamer so I play a lot of games.

I have finished a couple of games but the ones I am continuing on are:
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Final Fantasy XV
FIFA (version does not matter)
Diablo 3 (time to time)
League of Legends (rarely)

Why Iron Edge?

I have heard a bit about you and checked you on wowprogress etc. and the amount of progress you have in accordance to your raiding is good compared to the people I have in my friends list. I also have a friend (Ploppers) in your guild whom speaks highly of you even though he just recently joined. My current guild is composed of basically myself and my two brothers, so getting people online is a bit... meh, hence I wanted to join Iron Edge because of the availability of players and players who put effort into their classes.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a wide spread of knowledge which I have gained through raidleading and being a GM of a guild that was competing in top 50 in Kazzak. I can offer my tanking in keystones and go the knowledge that I have gained through hours of grinding and progression in keystones. I am a social person who plays a lot and thinks can fit into your guild in order to push keystones further than I could right now with almost no players on in my guild.

In the off-chance that I should tank in raids (e.g. alt raids or the weekend raids I have heard about), I would be delighted to join if there was a spot. Currently also gearing up my BM, so I could play with either a tank, dps or a healer.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Friends (Ploppers) and Wowprogress. Vejeta (paladin in the guild) is also a ex-raider in V o t H.

Last Words?

I hope I can get accepted to the guild so that we could do some Mythic Keystone pushing together!

January 13, 2017, 06:18:50 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2017, 06:18:50 pm »

This guy I do vote would be a valued addition to the guild, he weren't a too bad tank from what I remember capable of times runs in mop and he was a good lead in the raids.

I'd even say as he's applying social he could easily rank mythic + and either in the tot raid team or porkchoppers, if even needed in the main team I feel he'd be a solid tank for the team if he or the guild wanted to go that route down the line.

I assume the brothers will be applying too? If I remember rightly the fatkin and the tree if my memory serves me rightly...

Good luck on the apply pingenscrub.

You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
Professional baby seal clubber

January 13, 2017, 06:39:36 pm
Reply #2

Offline Pingenwar

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2017, 06:39:36 pm »
Hahaha! Hey Vejeta :)

Yeah maybe I should have written that I have done CMs in both MoP and WoD. Also that I have 52 traits on my weapon, getting 53 today and probably 54 in the next two days.

My brothers might be applying seeing that if I join, they are the only ones in the guild left.

January 13, 2017, 08:54:52 pm
Reply #3

Offline Xormn

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2017, 08:54:52 pm »
Well... Damn o.O

Lovely app. Could use a hunter in the weekend raid. And a good tank for m+.

What do your friends play?
Ba dun tss!

January 13, 2017, 09:08:01 pm
Reply #4

Offline Pingenwar

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2017, 09:08:01 pm »
Hi Xormn,

I am guessing that you mean my brothers when you say friends. One of them plays Balance Druid, the other one Havoc DH. Though the DH rarely plays. Then other friends I play with are Frost DK, 2 Fire Mages, BM hunter mainly, then some other randomly chosen!

January 14, 2017, 07:43:03 pm
Reply #5

Offline Xormn

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2017, 07:43:03 pm »
Well then. I'd like to trial you for my weekend raid on your hunter. And abuse your warr for m+!

For some reason, because I was a zombie, I mistook "your brothers" as "your friends". If they wanna join as social, they can apply for it. If they wanna go for the weekend raid as well, they need to apply as weekend raiders :)

If that suits you, you can poke an officer for an invite.

Ba dun tss!

January 14, 2017, 08:02:16 pm
Reply #6

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (Tank) - Pingenwar
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2017, 08:02:16 pm »
Hi Xormn,

I am guessing that you mean my brothers when you say friends. One of them plays Balance Druid, the other one Havoc DH. Though the DH rarely plays. Then other friends I play with are Frost DK, 2 Fire Mages, BM hunter mainly, then some other randomly chosen!

Lies you dont have friends, you have followers!!!
You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
Professional baby seal clubber


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