Iron Edge

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Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on May 06, 2024, 08:51:17 pm »
/who iron edge and /w Richie     im online now
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by rooberino on May 06, 2024, 08:50:34 pm »
the only name i know of an officer is Hemoroids tbh :D and the dog owner Phoenixflame ?!
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on May 06, 2024, 08:31:29 pm »
Hi Roberto.

Application accepted.

Please whisper an officer ingame for a guild invite:)
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by rooberino on May 06, 2024, 08:26:53 pm »
I started 2009 on the german Realm Nathrezim on Horde side. After some time me and a friend (Grooke) started playing on Nazjatar on Horde side as well.

Than few years later we started playing alliance on the toxic Server Aegwynn. And thhaaaaan we went to Blackrock where we played several years and that was our main realm.

I only played on german Realms on the official Servers. But i played for around 1-2 years on private wotlk/cata servers.

Aaaaaand nope you are wrong :D I´m native italian yes but i lived my whole life in germany :D
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by Tyssar on May 06, 2024, 05:49:13 pm »
Hello Roberto, may I ask you on which server you were playing back in Wrath and Cata? In all your years of playing have you always played in international guilds or Italian only guilds? (I guess your main language is Italian judging by your name).
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on May 06, 2024, 04:18:23 pm »
Hey Roberto.

Thank you for your interest in joining our 25 man team.

An officer will come back to you soon.

In the meantime keep an eye out for questions :) goodluck
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Roxsdk (XR)
« Last post by Shimmar on May 05, 2024, 08:53:36 pm »
Hey Josemi,

When you say semi hard-core, what is it you would consider semi-hardcore when it comes to cata classic raiding?
As it stands we plan to raid 1 day a week which in itself is pretty casual, however we will want to push the content to the limit whilst maintaining a somewhat chilled atmosphere.

Does this align with your expectation?

Look forward to hearing back.

- Shimmar/Sam
Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Aikô (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on May 05, 2024, 07:54:08 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Aikô
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:


my Name is Roberto i am 31 years old from germany. I work at customer support for a big car company in germany called ADAC.

I started playing WoW in 2009 and played retail until Shadowlands.
In Classic i played through TBC that i play Wrath from start till November 2023.

After that i played Season of Discovery until Sunken Temple (don´t llike it it´s trash)


I am playing Retribution Paladin cause i love it and played it since 2009.




Engi/Blacksmith but changing that to jewelcrafting.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Wrath 12/12 hc, Cata full clear hc. I dont like pvp :D

Previous Guilds:

I left my Wotlk guild cause i quit Wrath in November when Season of Discovery got released.


Give me a day or 2 and i will be there :D


I speak german, english and italian fluently. Ofc i have discord and a mic :)

Computer / Connection:

Good PC, stable Internet. Ping is around 19 or so not laggs, no dc´s caused by my internet.


elvui= my favourite UI addon.
Weakaura= to track raidboss abilities and alot of other stuff
Details = to see dps/healing or how somebody died on a boss etc.
DBM = Bosstimers

I think these are my main addons relevant for raiding.    UI Screenshot

Other Games:

Right now just WoW, but i love shooters (CSGO,valorant).
Also played some Teamfight tactics few weeks ago.

Why Iron Edge?

Cause i am looking for a guild that also build some connections outside the game and feel it´s the right one for me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a reliable Person/Player to play the game with. And yes i do support other guildmates.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

To be honest i was looking through some guilds and my friend Grooke (who also applied/will apply) recommended you.

Last Words?

Nope :D i think i wrote enough ;).

Hi Josemi

Thanks for your interest in joining us.

An officer will get back to you regarding a decision

In the meantime please keep an eye out for questions.

Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Roxsdk (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on May 05, 2024, 11:58:31 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Roxsdk
Server: Firemaw
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Josemi, 26 y/o.
I'm from Canary Islands, Spain.
I'm a backend developer and a Crossfit addict.


I'm currently playing DK cause that was the class that I played in the original WOTLK.


Currently have a hunter (Roxsh) which has been my main since original TBC and also until Shadowlands in retail. That's why I don't mind rerolling into hunter if needed.


JC/ Engineering in both chars.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Started raiding in original WOTLK where I have been raiding HC and mythic modes until Dragonflight S2 where I dropped retail into SOD.

Previous Guilds:

NSFW (Disbanded in TBC) which was one of the best guilds in wow Classic worldwide, Unbroken (Disbanded in WOTLK P2) and IN TIME (Disbanded in P4 after LK kill)


Sunday to Thursday (but I prefer to skip Sundays). Also, related to times. Starting at 20:00 or 20:30 would be nice.


I'm an intermediate level in English but that's why I want to join an English guild, to improve my English skills.

Computer / Connection:

Yeah, I play on a MacBook Pro M1 with a 4k screen and I don't have any problem (I have made Mythic Raiding on retail on this computer and everything was smooth)


I play with Merfin UI (WA, Elvui, Big Wigs, etc etc)

Other Games:

Sometimes I play Lol but nothing serious

Why Iron Edge?

I expect to join a Semi HC guild that blasts the content and can help me improve.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A good and experienced player who quickly learns everything and accepts critics.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Anything else.

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]

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