Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: vomit on November 18, 2006, 02:54:16 pm

Title: Vomit - Level 60 Troll Rogue.
Post by: vomit on November 18, 2006, 02:54:16 pm
Personal Information:

My name is Dave Hale, Im 19 years old and Im from England. Currently Unemployeed just sitting at my computer playing games and such.

Character Information:

Male Troll Rogue Lvl 60
/Played: 42 Days and 16 Hours.
300 Skinning / 300 Herbalism

Previous Raiding Experience:

ZG: Full
AQ20: Full
MC: Full
BWL: Razor and Vael

Attunements not done:


My Gear:

I have a ctprofile ( but ill show u my gear

Head: [wowitem]Bloodfang Hood[/wowitem]
Necklace: [wowitem]Onyxia Tooth Pendant[/wowitem]
Shoulders: [wowitem]Nightslayer Shoulder Pads[/wowitem]
Back: [wowitem]Might of the Tribe[/wowitem]
Chest: [wowitem]Nightslayer Chestpiece[/wowitem] +100 Health
Wrists: [wowitem]Nightslayer Bracelets[/wowitem] +9 Stamina
Hands: [wowitem]Aged Core Leather Gloves[/wowitem] +7 Agility
Waist: [wowitem]Nightslayer Belt[/wowitem]
Legs: [wowitem]Bloodfang Pants[/wowitem] +20 Fire Restistance
Feet: [wowitem]Nightslayer Boots[/wowitem] +7 Stamina
Finger: [wowitem]Don Julio's Band[/wowitem]
Finger: [wowitem]Band of Accuria[/wowitem]
Trinket: [wowitem]Frostwolf Insignia Rank 6[/wowitem]
Trinket: [wowitem]Blackhand's Breadth[/wowitem]
Main: [wowitem]Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger[/wowitem] Lifestealing
Offhand: [wowitem]Core Hound Tooth[/wowitem] Crusader

FR: 185 Ungimped Unbuffed (Shown in CTprofile)
NR: 62 Gimped Unbuffed (Still Working On It)

Gaming and World Of Warcraft history:

I have been playing games since god knows when, the first online 1 i remember was diablo 1, played diablo 2/LoD for about 4years >.< WC3 RoC/TFT for about 2 years then onto wow. I have played so many other games ill be here all day naming them >.<.

I bought wow the very first day it was released over here... and this was even my first char :D. I got it too like lvl 55 then for sum reason i just stopped played ... a few months later i came back and got so many different chars too about lvl 40+ but then realized i was meant for rogue :P which leads to 2day :D

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?

I would like to join Iron Edge because ive always thought to myself ... i would someday like to be in a guild such as Iron Edge, now finally my equip and experience is abit better maybe i could have a shot at it.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?

I can offer a sumtimes quiet guy to begin with, but once i get to know ppl and that i can be really funny and sarcastic. If theres a raid on ill be there on time and ready.

Last words?

If i join i can show u im able to do  ;D

Well thats me and my char hope to hear a reply, thx.
Title: Re: Vomit - Level 60 Troll Rogue.
Post by: Tyler on November 20, 2006, 10:17:19 am
Hi Vomit, nice app :)

Sorry for the slow response but i've been busy moving house. Unfortunatley your gear is not quite good enough for the stage we are at in naxx atm.

GL with finding a guild.

Title: Re: Vomit - Level 60 Troll Rogue.
Post by: vomit on November 20, 2006, 10:33:59 am
ok thx