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 Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Dúcký (XR)

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January 17, 2019, 03:16:04 pm
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Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Dúcký (XR)
« on: January 17, 2019, 03:16:04 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Dúcký
Server: Draenor
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

Hello , im Joe, im 23 from Liverpool, England and Im currently a University Student and a part time Demolition worker. Ive been playing wow since Wotlk and have been a warlock since The beginning of MoP. I have mostly always been a raider who always pushes the highest content possible, but as ive gotten older I have found myself pushing myself further due to less time to play the game.


I play the spec that is best for situation.
I have the most experience with Affliction and Destruction over the years, but have recently been playing Demo due to its resurgence.
I am Currently 382 ilvl

I use Raidbots to sim my character for every situation and to create multiple gear sets to compliment the situation.

I use Raidbots to determine my stat weights whenever I get a new piece of gear, and I use bloodmallet for things like trinkets and azerite traits to know what is best for a certain situation. Information on my rotation I gather from many different sources such as icy veins / lockonestopshop and looking at the logs of the best locks in the world to see what they are doing.

I have performed many warlock specific tasks over the years , such as soloing adds on Garrosh mythic in SoO , soloing belts on Blackfuse, I was one of the first on Draenor to achieve the green fire quest coimplete in MoP, and always like to put myself forward to extra jobs in a raid scenario, as I feel that i am a reliable person for this types of situations.


I currently have a Elemental SHaman I have recent levelled to 120, and plan to have a balance druid at 120 soon


I have Enchanting and ALchemy on my main , simply for the increases to flask times and to disenchant any gear I get from wqs etc for extra gold income.

Raiding Experience:

Due to the length of time that I have been playing, my raid experience is quite extensive. I will list it expansion by expansion for easier reading.
During my raiding career I was raiding as a Tank until end of tier 14, and a warlock since until antorus, where I was a feral druid in that tier. Now back to Warlock.

Woltk: ToC 4/4 25man
ICC 11/12 25 man , 8/12 hc 10 man if memory serves correctly

Tier 11 -13/13 Normal 25 man, 1/13 HC 10 man
Tier 12 - 8/8 hc
Tier 13 - 8/8 hc, Yorsahj killed pre nerf

Tier 14 - 12/16hc
Tier 15 - 6/13hc ( Took a break during this tier from the game)
Tier 16 - 14/14 Mythic in both 10 and 25 man

5/8 Mythic Highmaul - I took a break from raiding as a whole at this point and didnt return until Antorus.

Antorus - 9/11 Mythic - Guild took a break from raiding before aggramar

Currently at 4/8 mythic due to major guild drama and things just falling apart

Raiding has always been my favourite activity in WoW, and my love for it has been reignited with playing my warlock as my main again in BFA, But I need to be raiding at a higher level that I know I should be at.

Previous Guilds:

Queens Blade and Anarchy Ninety Nine during ICC - These guilds where my first two guilds that I raided in. This is where I was first starting to find my feet with the game and raiding as a whole. I left to complete more content. - Realm Kul Tiras

Stand Aside (Tier 11-Tier 12) - This was my first guild where I pushed myself to do better content, I left in the end due to the guild dying due to people taking a break from the game. - Realm Kul Tiras
Synergy ( Tier 12-13) - I joined this guild at the end of the tier and managed to kill Raggy the week of dragon soul normal coming out. I left this guild half way through DS progress due to player burnout killing the guild. Realm Nordrassil
Carpe Noctem( Tier 13 ) - I joined this guild to complete the tier. I didnt stay long after completing the tier as I went to form a friends guild. Realm - Silvermoon

Requiem ( Tier 14) - This was the guild that I ran with a couple of friends, I went the same way most friends guilds do , it died horribly and most of us do not speak anymore hahaha.
Team Epic ( Tier 14- 15 ) - This was the first guild I joined as a warlock , and gained so much high end warlock knowledge in this guild. Left due to burnout of Throne raid to take short break. Realm - Steamwheedle Cartel
Unoptimistic ( Tier 16 ) - I enjoyed raiding in this guild, but did not get along with some of the members due to them believeing they where gods gift to the game when they were really awful. I left to join a higher progressed guild once we had killed Garrosh on Mythic. Realm - Auchindoun

Myst ( Tier 16 - 17) - I joined Myst after Garrosh progress had been completed to try and push myself in WoD, but after killing the butcher on Mythic, I decided to quit the game due to not enjoying the expansion or the raids at all. I did enjoy my time in this guild.

Adapt ( Current) - I joined adapt in Antorus as a friend of mine was an officer and this is where i currently am. I joined this guild because the 2 day raid schedule fit me perfectly, and they were making steady progress, but in BFA huge guild drama has killed the guild and it is time for me to move on.


Your raid schedule suits me perfectly as Monday and Thursday are the two days of the week were I am able to play all night


I am very comfortable over voice comms and always up for a chat when I am online.

Computer / Connection:

I have a decent computer that I have kept updated over the years, I also have a stable internet connection and rarely have any issues

Addons/UI: - -

Here is some links to my UI in a raid setting.
I like to keep a clean UI while also having all of the information that I need handy.
I use the standard Addons for raiding that have become the norm.

Other Games:

I currently do not play any other games due to my limited gaming time, but I have enjoyed LoL in the past and PoE recently.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join Iron Edge because having done my research on a new guild you guys fit me perfectly. Your raid schedule is perfect for me and you have all the values that I need in a guild to allow me to enjoy the game. Clearing all content but in a relaxed schedule that doesnt mean you need to raid 7 days a week. And the tight knit team that does things together out of raid hours is also big for me, as it gives me a reason to log into the game to do things other than raid and my one M+10 every week.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

You should choose me because I believe myself to be a perfect dps player. I like to perform to the best of my ability but not so much that I will not do mechanics to try and get logs. And I am the type of player that has been raiding for so long that if I fuck and up make a mistake, I will already realize what I have done and how to fix it way before anyone else has noticed. I am very punctual with raids and have 100% attendance or as close as possible. I also love getting involved with my fellow guild mates and believe myself to be very social once acquainted with a new guild.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I heard about you through wowprogress when looking for a new guild to call home

Last Words?

I have attached my Wlogs page here.
I would say that my logs are not as good as they could be and I am not entirely happy with them. I do think this has quite alot to do with the group that I have been raiding with however, as due to the low dps of the group on some fights such as Zekvoz we are taking nearly 3-4 minutes longer than other guilds to kill them. This affects logs massively, so I have tried to get orange logs on fights that this isnt a problem. Trying to get huge logs has also never been something anyone in this raid groups really cares about, which is quite demotivating honestly. This is not to say that logs are everything to me, I will also prioritize killing a boss before getting a good log, but when bosses are on farm I find it enjoyable.

I look forward to hearing from you with any questions you may have and I hope that I could be a nice fit to your guild, Thank you

January 18, 2019, 10:12:32 pm
Reply #1

Offline Ducky

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Dúcký (XR)
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2019, 10:12:32 pm »
Withdrawing Application , Thank you for considering me


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