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 Raider Application - Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Kroglar (XR)

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December 06, 2016, 01:46:39 am
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Raider Application - Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Kroglar (XR)
« on: December 06, 2016, 01:46:39 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Kroglar
Server: Bloodscalp
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS/Tank)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

My name is Simon, I'm a 20 year old Swedish guy currently studying Computer Science at a university in northern England. I have previously lived in Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, the US, and now the UK. I speak Swedish and English fluently, and German near-fluently. Beyond playing video games, my interests include board games, sailing, hiking, and fencing.


I am protection MS, with Arms as my primary OS. In WoD I raided all three raids as DPS, and for Legion I decided I wanted to try out tanking instead, to learn more about the role and see how far I could push my performance in it.
In protection I am ~876ilvl, in Arms I am 873ilvl

As a Protection warrior my aim stats-wise is to have near 30% haste - this is roughly the breakpoint at which up-time of Shield Block can reach 100%. This is important as it smooths my damage intake, as the damage of every auto attack is reduced by 33%, and ~50% (my current mastery) by 66%. Beyond this haste goal, mastery is the second best stat, as this increases the chance to critically block attacks, and close thereafter is versatility.

Rotation-wise, the goal is to use Shield Slam as often as possible, as due to a lvl 100 talent each Shield Slam extends the duration of Shield Block by 1.5s. This is done by using Shield Slam on cooldown, and when it is on cooldown, casting Devastate as much as possible, as this has a chance to refresh the cooldown of Shield Slam. In the last global before Shield Slam comes off cooldown, I instead cast Revenge, as at this point resetting the cooldown of Shield Slam would have no effect, and thus the 5 rage generated from Revenge is more beneficial. Regarding mitigation, while actively tanking I keep my Shield Block up as much as possible, and spend extra rage alternating between Focused Rage and Ignore Pain (due to the level 90 talent Vengeance).


I currently have two alts at level 110, a druid and a mage, although neither has very high gear (~800-830).


I have Alchemy and Herbalism - Alchemy allows me to create my own flasks and potions, and to do so for other raid members for recipes in which I have rank 3, while Herbalism allows me to gather the herbs I need in my spare time, should I wish to save gold.

Raiding Experience:

In WoD I raided all three raids, clearing 7/7H, 1/7M, 10/10H, 13/13H, 3/13M. This was the first time I had ever raided (outside of LFR). For all three raids I played as DPS. In Legion I decided I wanted to tank, and have cleared 4/7M playing as the main tank for my guild Defenseless Old Ladies.

Previous Guilds:

My previous guild was Defenseless Old Ladies. We cleared 4/7M before our progress started slowing down due to several core members having real-life issues. Due to this, as well as some members leaving for other guilds, we struggled to fill in the gaps with new recruits, and so our raiding stopped completely. As I want to keep raiding and pushing mythic progression, I am now looking for a new guild.


I've got lectures Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from roughly 9 until 18 (at the latest). Beyond this, I am free at most times (no major exams until May/June, holidays involve 1-2 days of unavailability due to travelling home, but nothing else except in extraordinary circumstances)


I am fluent in English, and have used TS3 with my previous guild.

Computer / Connection:

My computer specs are:

Dual NVIDIA GTX 970M 6GB (2x3GB)
Intal Quadcore i7-5850HQ 2.70GHz
~50Mbit/s ethernet connection

My ping is usually ~20-30ms


Protection UI:
Arms UI:

DBM - general boss mod (every raider uses one)
Weakauras - allows me to spend more time and focus on dealing with boss mechanics rather than looking at my ability bar or buffs/debuffs
Tidyplates - makes it easier for me to keep track of enemies, aggro, etc.
Quartz - swing timer
Exorsus RT - mainly used for minor things e.g. checking raiders food/flasks, automatic logging, etc.

Other Games:

I play many other games - HotS, CSGO, Evolve, Hearthstone, Battlerite, EU4, Civ to name a few.

Why Iron Edge?

I am looking for a serious and progression-focused raiding environment, and I believe Iron Edge can provide this for me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a dedicated raider, someone who will never stop trying to improve and critiquing his own play. I am also an active social member in the guilds I join, as I believe raiding isn't only about the gear or achievements, but also about the environment and the people that you raid with.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

I hope you like what I have had to say, and I look forward to hearing your response!

December 08, 2016, 04:38:24 pm
Reply #1

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Kroglar (XR)
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2016, 04:38:24 pm »
Hi Kroglar!

I think your app must have slipped through the cracks, we've had a lot of applications since we opened up recruitment. I'll have our melee officer take a look and see if he can confirm this for me, but I think we're all full in the melee DPS department and it's going to be very difficult to fit another warrior in.

We're likely to open up recruitment again as we get closer to The Nighthold release, so perhaps you could check our recruitment status again at that time.

Thank you for taking the time to write your application and I hope we can meet again.
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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