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 Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jaxfu

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June 25, 2018, 06:13:11 pm
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Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jaxfu
« on: June 25, 2018, 06:13:11 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Jaxfu
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS/Tank)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:


My name is Mohamed, I'm 27 years old currently working as an architect in the public sector.
Workdays in my country (Bahrain) are from Sunday to Thursday. I've played this game since 2005 and have quit and come back many times over the years as life necessitated. I'm a laid back person that is looking for a nice social environment wherein players enjoy WoW yet still don't take themselves too seriously.


I'm fine with all three specs. But I prefer windwalker, mostly because I've done enough tanking / healing in my days that DPS'ing offered a change of pace and I enjoy it. I'm at around 945 on BM and WW with around 930 on MW.

Well this is a classic question. Windwalker DPS depends on the following aspects:

1 - Damage budget: What I mean by this is for each spell there is a base damage budget allocation, and so the first step is to memorize which ones offer the highest damage at base such that they may be priotized.

2 - Buffs: The next step is to utilize the buffs granted by the myriad of sources in the game either from the class such as the combo strikes mastery or the hit combo talent etc.
These buffs are then added to the base damage calculated in point 1. Altering the priority based on specific situation. Similar to how shadow priests used to have to change their spell choice during the fight to snapshot buffs as needed.

3 - Chi + Energy management: Having created a rough list of the different iterations of scenarios that would prioritize one spell over another based on total damage, we must now make the decision of whether that spell offers enough damage per resource spent. For monks the resources are obviously energy + chi vs raw dps.

Obviously a number of factors then come in to play such as how many enemies, how long they may remain alive, whether I'm required to move in the next 3-5 seconds, the types of legendaries I currently own etc.


I have 5 110 alts, a demon hunter, lock, priest, paladin, and mage. I occasionally pop on one for a bit of LFR or mythic+ but my main focus for BFA is my monk.


Mining and Herbalism, this was meant to be the gathering alt. But I may change them depending on the profession changes in BFA.

Raiding Experience:

Vanilla: My first character was a warlock. I spent two weeks leveling him to level 14 and swam from continent. It was then and there two things were clear, that I was absolutely horrible at the game, and that I loved it. No real raiding experience here but that same lock would raid in TBC.

TBC: Raided with friends guilds on and off up to SSC/TK, then switched to priest for black temple and then sunwell. I cleared all of the content up till mu'ru. After which I quit until WoTLK.

WoTLK: Came back, raided with a few different guilds up till they introduced the maximum number of tries nonsense then I requested social status and raided with pugs and pvp'd.

Cata: I multiboxed three druids for fun and literally hated the expansion within my first week and quit. No offense to anyone that disagreed but It was at this point that the games design was losing me more and more.

MoP: Came back and leveled all of the alts I mentioned above on a new account, this was the expansion where I became an altaholic. I enjoyed casual pug raiding and pvp'ing, managed to clear heroic SoO (now called mythic). I did lead a guild briefly with a few old school friends but mostly its been about that #puglife.

WoD: 1 Month of raiding and it fealt like cata all over again. Quit.

Legion: Came back recently and enjoying the lore involvement mostly but the changes in BFA interested me and decided it was time to put the puglord hat down and try my hand at some raiding. Currently pugging heroic antorus.

Previous Guilds:

As mentioned previously I have been mostly pugging and/or raiding in friends guilds since we have a large community of wow players that all know each other in my country and we've raided together for years. But apart from that I've raided with some top guilds over the years such as madness in magtheridon, nihilum alt raids, eon (top 10 guild at the time). But the game has never been about competitive raiding for me, I took the example from one of my friends who introduced me to the game, he told me this game is a mass multiplayer online game, which means you dont have to play alone, but you cant press pause like in the playstation! But that first part is why I play, for the social aspect and enjoyment of the fantasy, nothing wrong with a little escapism.

Raided mostly with friends.


I work sundays to thursdays until 4 PM my time which is 3 PM server time. Gym for a bit, dinner, then usually go out or enjoy some netflix / wow etc. I'm single (shocking!), so I don't have much in the way of responsibilities at home other than not burning down the house.


I am proficient in english. I don't mind downloading this teamspeak 3 you speak of. I do have a microphone and I am capable of using.

Computer / Connection:

For once in my life, I don't have to lie on this question (Don't judge me. You've done it too).

I have everything set to max in wow, whilst running a plex server a dozen browser tabs, itunes music steam and more. Suffice it to say my computer is capable running at least three WoW clients on max.

I have a 80mbit down and 5mbit up fibre optic connection. My ping ranges from 110-200 on kazzak.
No I do not disconnect every hour. Though I won't like I do disconnect like once or twice a week. Hardly notice it most weeks though. And its mostly during odd house like 4-5 AM as I suspect the ISP uses that time to conduct maintenance whilst normal people are asleep.

Addons/UI: This my UI. It's a work in progress.

All keybindings are shown. I use ElvUI DBM WeakAuras Skada.

Elv for the overall management of all frames and panels. DBM for timers. WA for buff and CD timers.
Skara for meters.

Other Games:

The final fantasy series on playstation (played all of them since 7). Dota 2. CS:GO. And any new game that may be interesting, no specific list really.

Why Iron Edge?

I've never seen a one day raiding guild, which suits me perfectly as part of the reasons to pug is not being able to commit to 3 days at all times. The 1-day commitment is much more manageable.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A dependable raider that respects others and likes to have fun? Such an awkward question, if this was a job interview I'd probably deflect using the generic response above. What your really asking is what HAVENT I told you. Well truth is it takes time to get to know me, I've never made a friend in my life that has a bad thing to say about me, my sense of humour is a bit different, I think its a cultural thing, alot of English banter tends to revolve around the same topics but with a different punchline, I don't know maybe as I get older my sense of humour has become darker. I promise you to my knowledge I'm not a psycopath. Not making a good impression so far...

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Dear Person In Charge Of Accepting My Application,
If the above put you off I'll mail you the gold necessary to pretend my answers were awesome.

June 25, 2018, 09:48:41 pm
Reply #1

Offline Fabulousfu

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jaxfu
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 09:48:41 pm »
Hi Jaxfu,

Great application :)

You sound like you know the essentials of a windwalker, I would like to know your opener for a boss fight?

With all the knowledge you have on calculating the dps gain, how come you use serenity over SEF?

Good luck with your application :)

- Fab

June 25, 2018, 11:25:56 pm
Reply #2

Offline Jaxfu

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jaxfu
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2018, 11:25:56 pm »
Hello there,

Thank you.

Right, so I'd flying serpent kick in, tiger palm, touch of death, rising sun kick, tiger palm and fists, by now I surely have a blackout kick procc, I'd consume it and pop serenity with my potion of prolonged power, I now have waited long enough that I am able to do a rising sun kick and strike of the windlord followed by a blackout and a rising sun kick before I have a very brief 1-1.5 second window where my fists are back up and I can squeeze it in before I lose the serenity buff.

As for when I use SEF, its a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. But I mostly keep it for mythic+ as it bridges the cooldown gap and gives me dragon punch for the chain pulls.

Nevertheless, when I did run SEF the opener was pretty much the same with the exception of cramming in an additional strikes of the windlord as opposed to trying to snapshot fists with serenity.

Ah yes, your question is a loaded one dear sir!

Well I'm not convinced that SEF edges out serenity on single target boss fight (at least not in my current state), as far as my testing shows (which is limited to heroic raids, the dummy and sims) SEF does absolutely offer higher upfront burst in my current gear, but it almost always evens out over a few cooldown cycles.

Plus serenity offers opportunities for confluence that I have yet to explore. Examples of this confluence would be how much more damage it does with the different buff stacks on argus, or how much more damage it does with 4 tagged mobs on antoran command whilst spamming crane kick vs SEF.

I have to say I like and use them both, but I refuse to say one is stronger than the other at this stage!

And you can't make me!

Joking Aside + TLDR

Both seem similar on paper, one offers exciting opportunities to exploit their mechanics whilst the other offers more of a cushion energy and cooldown-wise.

June 26, 2018, 04:58:24 pm
Reply #3

Offline Franga

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jaxfu
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2018, 04:58:24 pm »
Good application my friend!

You seem to understand the basics of how to play windwalker and from what I can tell, I think you'll be a nice adition to our little group.
I'll be your monk competition by the way.

Good luck!

June 26, 2018, 09:07:05 pm
Reply #4

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Tank) - Jaxfu
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2018, 09:07:05 pm »
Well, Jaxfu.

I'm pretty happy with your application and replies.

You can poke any officer for an invite.
Ba dun tss!


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