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 Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor

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July 04, 2016, 02:36:28 am
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Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor
« on: July 04, 2016, 02:36:28 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Potatoor
Class/Spec: Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank)
Member Type: social

Personal Info:

Ben, 24, Malta. (yeah, that tiny thing)

Finished school just a couple of weeks ago, hopefully graduating with a bachelor's degree in software development.  Thesis was about procedural map generation analysis if you're curious (of course you are).

Will be getting back into work following summer and will have to see what that's going to bring with it, but after all these years studying I think I earned a couple of months to chill and relax!

My main hobbies are gaming, fooling around and I have a big place in my heart for my bike, although I'm by no means a veteran rider.  So without claiming to be a petrolhead, I do enjoy the mechanical aspect of it, and maybe spot a couple riders in this guild.  It's k if you don't have them, I'm sure I can drop by sometime and give a few unsuspecting victims a lesson, a bike and infuse them with the gods of countersteering.

Gaming wise I've actually raided before in WoW, mainly as DPS but had some experience as healer and just a couple of non-serious runs as tank.  I am applying as social currently even though I do intend to raid in the future because I feel gaming atmosphere is quite important to having a good time raiding, so I hope that if I'm accepted as a social, I may be given the opportunity to apply as a proper raider in the near future (for legion launch), provided both me and your guild seem to bind together well.


Currently, quite honestly I'm not sure what to run with.  I got the druid linked above as well as a hunter at 100 (just got them there since I wasn't running on this server before, I was on Blade's Edge during Draneor's launch, with some local guild partaking in some silliness).

My primary was frost mage back then and had a genuine blast.  Was trying to swap to fire due to their higher performance and loved it when it worked, but my gear wasn't quite up to par for the base crit required and suffered greatly for it.  Stopped because our local guild melted, which was expected since I was with them for the fun of it mostly.  They were by no means a serious progression guild :P


Naming conventions based on potatoes (dunno why, I just like 'um) and Lupos (which is wolf in italian, once again, I just like 'um)

DRUID - Potatoor - 100 (leveled, geared and played as guardian.  Quite interested in their implementation for legion)
HUNTER - Luponius - 100 (just a lol class I was leveling up on this server back when I was still on my frost mage during downtime because the guild was super casual,  quite like the BM spec for legion, although it appears to be mind numbingly simple)
PRIEST - Protater - 91 (will max before legion, might be my new main due to interest in shadow and disc, also due to nostalgia since this was the class I had the most proper raiding feel back in wrath)

I might use the free 100 legion boost on any of the following alts come legion:
SHAMMY - Luponic - 66 (just a fun thing to do, like 'em as resto and might play 'em as such chillfully in Legion if I have time)
WARRIOR - Potatorm - 62 (named after potato storm because why not?  Warrior animations seem amazing in legion, and that's all it takes for my eyes to glaze over and drool and snot to flow in excitement).
WARLOCK - Lupodemonic - 6 (yeah, just level 6.  I always liked warlocks and kinda wanna hit one up come legion, but I've never really properly played them to be honest so I don't feel very confident bringing their arse into a progressive style raiding environment.)


No cool special recipes anywhere unfortunately.  I was never a collector at heart, although I wish I was :'(

Main idea behind professions is to match any profession with a gathering profession for Blood of Sargeras (which will be BoP apparently)

DRUID - Skin / Leather
HUNTER - Mine / Jewel
Rest of them - dunno, other varied combinations like herb / alch probably.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Going from most recent to oldest:

I played frost mage with fire off in draenor launch and had a blast.  Fire was a bit weird though due to draenor's insane reliance on gear and fire being an even more gear reliant spec due to its base crit necessity at the time.

I didn't play in MoP, and only participated for the start of Cata since I wanted to see what a WoW launch is like (shitty, that's what :P).  I did join the game late in wrath (end of Ulduar, start of ICC) and we got as far as ICC LK heroic, but didn't quite get his arse down until cata kicked in, which was quite sad.

I don't consider myself a perfect player, but I put solid effort, check my own logs through warcraftlogs, try to mantain solid awareness to counter deadly mechanics, have no problem playing important roles when certain mechanics require people to run around and accomplish off-things while trying to squeeze in damage at the same time and I do specialize in dmg dealing, and I feel I'm pretty good at it, even when the rotations is complex and timing cooldowns can be a bit touch and go.  I tend to do okay.

Between Cata and Draenor, I tried my hand at FFXIV: ARR and was a guild master there with a mate of mine as officer, cleaning all 5 turns of Bahamut's coil (it was quite challenging, but was 8 man only) and we were one of the only 2 guilds I believe who pulled it off (we weren't first D':) on what was practically a dead server (called Lich if you'd like to fact check.  Guild was called Exitium Dei - was quite proud of the naming behind it too :P).  This was probably my best experience raiding, we had a lot of challenges, doubly so as the guild master, but our group, while small was very solid, and the challenges while not insane or impossible were quite hard and tight and it was a genuine blast downing those bastards.  I'm sure any raider can relate.

Previous Guilds:

Lodbroks on Blade's Edge.  This was a local guild (maltese) and it was a blast to be with them, even though their performance was not all that great.  To be honest there were six of them (GM, officers and a couple extras) who were doing real good and pulling their weight but there were way too many slacking to really go anywhere with it (which is typical for maltese, I suffer from it too occasionally :p).  

The main thing though was that it was a nuclear level of fun, everytime someone wiped us we'd all have a laugh while kicking those who are already down for the count, causing us to wipe.  I'm quite proud of having been there, even though in terms of progression there was a lot more I desired I accomplished.

People did eventually leave though when progression was no longer happening, and some leadership decisions felt a little dodgy, but I wasn't in any place to speak cause I was essentially raid logging by the time things had gone very far south.  Never skipped runs and was always willing to pug and do whatever to keep it going until the GM called it and pulled the plug.  It was time.


No exams, no work, but I do have the bike I dedicate time to both ride and clean, and ride again and clean again.  Also going out with mates every now and again.  I obviously respect and understand perfectly that if a raid schedule is set it can never be broken.  That is the law, I never break law.  If I do I don't get caught :o


I'm not a native english speaker but I probably speak it better than my native language and often find myself thinking in english instead of maltese (my actual native language).  I can speak well, although don't got the proper british accent D:

I can use Discord (recent addition, really like it too!), TS3, Vent and even Tin Can telephones if we ever wanna go retro :P

Computer / Connection:

Good pc, built it myself sine I'm a computer engineer (not really, just got a diploma in it after 3 years and can solder a broken speaker, that's about it ._.)

Solid wired network connection of course, good peripherals for gaming.  I did notice that my keyboard gets its Alt stuck for a few seconds and keypresses whenever I launch wow.  Not sure what's causing it.  It does go away and doesn't come back though briefly after launch.  

I am due for a format though, will carry one out before legion comes and upgrade to Win 10 since I had to keep Win 7 for my degree thesis due to possible compatibility issues.


Mostly elvui for almost everything visual (single comprehensive conversion addon, looks fine, way better than stock at any rate and doesn't require a dozen addons just to get less shit on screen) and then a couple extras like Tell Me When for cd tracking.

Addon List:
In-Game Interface:

Other Games:

Used to ping pong through a ton of games before but I've really just phased everything else out nowadays, hurts my eyes yo! :P

Why Iron Edge?

I don't know how to answer these kinda questions, sorry :(

I'm just looking for an okay guild, not too uptight but knows to get shit done when it wants (even though I'm technically applying as social for now since I like to wet my toes before I dive bomb into the pool)

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Me as described up above.  Hopefully my attitude and eagerness came through to some extent.

I'm ok with anything, including a healthy bit of drama as long as people don't get all cloak and dagger about it.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge? forums, trying to look for a guild that didn't look like it was aiming for top world #50, but didn't wanna be left in the dust.  Also accepted socials and understood the importance of kicking back and having some fun with the game.

Last Words?



July 04, 2016, 06:27:00 am
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2016, 06:27:00 am »
Hi Ben

In the paragraph of text that you can to confirm that you have read it says that you have to register on the forum on the second line. There is also a link to it.

When this is done you should visit Irc to get it approved.

Bears like alts!

July 04, 2016, 12:30:21 pm
Reply #2

Offline Luponius

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Re: Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2016, 12:30:21 pm »
Thanks for the approval, managed to miss the part where I had to register after applying but everything worked out in the end.  Feel free to ask any questions :)

July 04, 2016, 08:05:47 pm
Reply #3

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2016, 08:05:47 pm »
For an initial social apply, with poss to become a raider, i gotta say, i like this apply, well written and strucuted. Be proud of that which ever way this application goes.

One of the officers will get back to you soon as possibletm

Good luck

You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

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July 04, 2016, 10:48:39 pm
Reply #4

Offline Luponius

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Re: Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2016, 10:48:39 pm »
Thanks Veje :)

July 05, 2016, 12:48:20 am
Reply #5

Offline Rash

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Re: Social Application - Druid (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Potatoor
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2016, 12:48:20 am »
Hey Luponuis,

Nice application, you can poke an officer for an invite.
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
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