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May 07, 2024, 05:41:40 pm
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Offline Weedsmoka

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« on: May 07, 2024, 05:41:40 pm »
Hello everyone!

I will describe it in a few words for those who don't know who I am.  I was a raider back in Myst of Pandaria ( January 2014 ) with my Assassination rogue called Bionic or as the guild gave me the nickname " Prison Kush ", because of the obvious reasons, and participated in the guild progression through entire SoO and farm afterward. 

Currently, I have been playing classic since the first day as Affliction Warlock and Rogue, and I would like to continue with those 2 classes in Cataclysm as well. I migrated somewhat recently to Gehennas since my ex realm where I used to play, became dead ( Earthshaker ).

I just want to thank Richie who spent some time with me, today, and led me here. Also, I would like to send warm regards and hugs to players which I remember from the past. And those players are
Rash, Phoenix, Gaeios, Devilrox, Vorte, Aretum, Safire, Sinfey, and others who I forgot their nicknames and I do apologize for that as my stoned brains forgot the rest of the people.

Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully to see you in-game as well.

Best Regards to everyone.


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