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 Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór

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June 22, 2018, 05:16:53 pm
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Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór
« on: June 22, 2018, 05:16:53 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Nashór
Class/Spec: Warlock (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Jochum Cremers, 23 yo, the netherlands, 3rd year chemistry student


I will play destruction for BfA, played affliction since NH because of the insane difference in damage and survivability.

these are the logs and armory of my main. I'm a dutch US player and currently transferring to the EU.

singletarget rotation: agony/corruption/siphon life > UA UA > reap > drainsoul > drainsoul > reapply dots > ua ua > reap > drain > drain. refresh dots/taplife when having to move for mechanics.

aoe in dungeon > sow on 3 targets > normal seed on 5 targets > apply agony, use slow ring for more damage with high mastery for an easy kite on pelters etc. in nelths when doing a 25 its a requirement.


will have a ret/tank paladin, all spec druids and a warlock ready to go at any time in bfa. trying to keep these 3 max. will have more but probably less relevant alts unless there will be an exceptional class/spec that is needed for mythic progression. i will level this and strive to be the best at it.


I will probably run herb/alchemy no special recipes because of the recent transfer. I'll try to be the guy that will donate flasks/cauldrons/pots to the raid.

Raiding Experience:

all of legion lfr>mythic. Started in panda did atleast everything on heroic. wasn't a mythic raider until legion.

Previous Guilds:

Two strike policy and the poros, left the poros because they halfassed mythic which i couldn't stand then i went to two strike policy for a serious approach to mythic progression.


17:00-00:00 in weekdays, 10:00-02:00 in the weekend.


I have discord, i hope you guys use this, i can swap to teamspeak if it is a must. i'm fluent in the english word as i only played on the US server and had to communicate with americans. My english writing isn't that formidable as you might've noticed lol. I have a microphone and i'm an excellent listener for all your problems

Computer / Connection:

200+ fps 5ms


exorus, dbm, details, angry keystones, savedinstances, weakauras.

Other Games:

league of legends, overwatch, diablo 3, osrs, but mostly on the downlow when WoW is intense current content. I'm the person that plays 8-10h straight when my study lets me and have atleast 3 alts capped on content.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join a guild that is familiar with mythic content which can help me get better at the game. Since i only started mythic raiding in legion i feel like im pretty "fresh" compared to the vanilla people. I'm looking for a chill enviroment where people help eachother out and are always doing content with eachoter say its high m+ (want to get nr 1 server next xpac, which is a long strive but still), heroic alt runs or pvp content.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A well rounded player that is familiar with every spec/class in the game. I can pick up everything and am really flexible as a player. I can sit out, lvl/gear a class that is required for progression that we are missing. I'm up for all content say its carrying alts that we need, doing m+ all day long, doing rated pvp or just messing around and having fun.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Since i just transferred to the EU i've asked friends of mine what was a nice guild to join, i had two friends that knew you by name and a friend that's actually in your guild that said you were a good mythic progression guild.

Last Words?

hope you will consider me for your mythic raid team for battle for azeroth! :)

June 23, 2018, 10:36:38 am
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2018, 10:36:38 am »
Be aware that Iron Edge only raids twice a week which means that you can find much faster progression In more hard-core guilds.
You sound like you spend a lot of time in wow which might make you want to join a 3 or 4 days a week raid,
But as a university student it is usually good to only have two fixed raid days.

Bears like alts!

June 23, 2018, 11:11:42 am
Reply #2

Offline dráani

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2018, 11:11:42 am »
Hello Nashor my names Andy im on of the warlocks in the main raid, first of all an ok application but i have a few questions for you, one is your armory you have linked a level 19 paladin, is this one of your alts you plan on leveling for bfa on eu.
Is it possible to transfer your current us character to eu servers, i didnt think it was but i may be wrong.

About your rotation what is your thinking/planning when you are in a situation where you have 3 shards but low amount of souls, how do you feel about the t21 4set? and also can you tell me your opener on a st fight.
I know its coming to an end of the expansion and warlock is going to change abit but would still like to hear how your knowledge of warlock is in its current state.

Lastly which friend do you have currently in the guild maybe he could speak up and vouch for you.

best of luck
Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life

June 23, 2018, 04:34:05 pm
Reply #3

Offline Nashor

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2018, 04:34:05 pm »
The armory should've been from my warlock on the us realm. It is indeed and unfortunatly not possible to transfer accounts/characters from the US to the EU. This is really sad because of all the achievements, pets, mounts and gear i've earned will all be lost.

I see now that the character i linked is indeed the wrong one, it has the accent in the wrong direction but this will be one of the three characters ill be playing in the next expansion. My main will be my warlock which i will play destruction on: nashòr-destruction. i've only recently boosted this to 110(yesterday) so im still gearing it up.

If i would have three shards with no souls i would either spend two of them then as they are about to end i would use my souls that gather in the meanwhile to make sure i have a higher chance for them to refresh. If i had no certainty on my souls i would spend one UA to make sure the talent and tier 21 are atleast ticking on the boss.

I like the tier 21 set because it is a bigger buff to aoe damage. The randomness of the procs really makes it harder to get the number one spot. With a good opener and procs from both the artifact trait and the tier 21 you can open with 4m-5m damage but if you don't have any procs it will open you with 2-2,5m. This is really awkward at moments. This however mostly evens out at the end resulting in about the same amount of damage.

For single target i would open with my agony/corruption/siphonlife then apply two UAs > reap and then start drain rotation. Opening with three uas might be beneficial when opening with lust but this might leave you starved when haste isn't high enough resulting in not a 100% uptime for the t21 buff.

The friend in the guild is rarespawn/rarespoon, he said he raided with u guys until nighthold where reallife came up and he turned to a casual.

kind regards,


June 23, 2018, 05:31:08 pm
Reply #4

Offline Rarespawn

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2018, 05:31:08 pm »
Hey, i know this guy from Diablo 3, played with him a bit in seasons.
Can't speak for his wow skills but he was very dedicated in D3.

Also appears there is some misunderstanding,
I stopped raiding after Nighthold, but i was in weekend raid not main raid.

June 25, 2018, 04:43:17 pm
Reply #5

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Warlock (DPS) - Nashór
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2018, 04:43:17 pm »
Hi Nashor,

You can poke an officer for an invite. Your official raid trial will start in BfA.

Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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