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 Raider Application - Demon Hunter (Tank) - Andervous

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June 24, 2018, 07:27:38 am
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Raider Application - Demon Hunter (Tank) - Andervous
« on: June 24, 2018, 07:27:38 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Andervous
Class/Spec: Demon Hunter (Tank)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Name: Tristan Henderson
Age: 18
Locatation: South Africa
School: Final year of school, finishing in november
Gender: Male
I am also a musician :)


Tank. I really enjoy playing tank and really enjoy the whole fantasy.

Tank gear score at the moment is around ilvl 900 (this will be talked about later)

For vDH
If there would be no fatal damage occuring withing the next 1min, I would use fiery brand to increase my dps as much as I possibly could. Similarily with other similair abilities, but only when I know I am safe. Spirit bomb gets priority over Soul Cleave when I am not taking huge amounts of damage.
Metamorphosis for panic attacks.


no relevant alts as of yet, but I am planning to have my main being vDH [110], my "main alt" being a BDK [70] and my "alt alt" being any other tank spec that the guild might require of me (I can get there with my 110 boost).


Herbalism and Alchemy.
Alchemy so that I can make my own flasks, as well as make some gold.
Herbalism so that i can provide my Alchemy with the required resources.

Raiding Experience:

I have always been a tank (main tank) for raiding and dungeons.
I did some raiding content in WoD but nothing to call home about.
I mainly started in Legion and have cleared all content on heroic. Currently 3/11M Antorus,

Previous Guilds:

Apotheosis: Left because almost everyone in the guild was not too good, bar a few members. And the guild in general was severely limiting my potential and progress, but considering I was "new" to WoW. I didn't have much of a choice.

Next was OMFG Kittens: This was a good guild, I main tanked here as well, and got 3/11M antorus before the guild decided to take a break.

The no1 issue with all of these guilds was the lack of players. The realm was Kilrogg, and we alwayso struggled to find 20 players, so I decided to reroll to Horde and go to a different realm, Kazzak.


Exams around November, but I can still raid then (mostly)


English is my main language.
I have teamspeak3 and various other voice communication.
I have and do use a working microphone.

Computer / Connection:

No FPS issues with my computer. I have a around 170ms on Kazzak, but I have been at this ping for my whole life and have long since gotten used to it. And i do not disconnect every hour. In fact, I don't disconnect at all :)

Also yes, we have stable internet in South Africa


DBM  - tell me what to do in case i forget to do it myself
GTFO - creates an audio signal that I am standing in bad.
MSBT - battle text which I am thinking of changing as it clusters the text a little.
ElvUI - My UI
WeakAuras2 - To create visual or audio help in performing to the best of my ability

My BDK UI is good, but my vDH UI is still in progress.


BDK UI(a little messy due to MSBT, but i plan on removing it):

Other Games:

I have many games.
League of Legends
And more, but I enjoy WoW the most

Why Iron Edge?

I am looking for a high-end raiding guild that will allow me to perform to the best of my ability with other like minded people.

In my previous guild I out-performed my co-tank so hard that I took aggro over him (he was a vDH and I was a BDK.....)

I do not mind being declined to the current raid team due to my character not being ready yet, but being added as a social, but later progressing to join the raid team would be my short term goal.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A player that is quick to learn mechanics and any class within a very short period of time.
I won't get upset if someone yells at me, it's completely justified most of the time. Especially if I make a mistake (which does not often occur)

eg. If you take a look at my logs, you can see my very good performance with classes that I just recently picked up, and I only properly started in Legion (messed around in WoD a little).

I also try to make the specs that I play perform at the best of their ability by joining discussions with other guild members, forums, and the various discords.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

My case is a little different.

My main characters that I play are on a different realm and faction, but due to the fact that the server is not too great, I decided to reroll to Horde-Kazzak. I know and understand that it is not very convincing to have a fresh ilvl 900 tank trying to sign up as a raider, but rather I would like to advertise the player and not the character. BFA is very close and I know by then all my characters would mostly be ready for the content, but I am not shy to raiding Antorus before it's release.

Unfortunately I took a bit of a break around Feb, so since then my parses on my characters have gone down a bit, so for that reason I request that you would take a look at how I did at the time (I can catch up)

Getting a Faction and Server change for my main character BDK Andervous-Kilrogg (yes i know i used the same name) is too expensive for me at this moment.  
I do not mind being declined to the current raid team due to my character not being ready yet, but being added as a social, but later progressing to join the raid team would be my short term goal.

couldn't find where else to post these:

Thank you for your consideration.

June 25, 2018, 04:39:58 pm
Reply #1

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Demon Hunter (Tank) - Andervous
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2018, 04:39:58 pm »
Hi Andervous,

You are correct that your mythic experience is on the low side. You are free to join IE as a social member, for now, though.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 04:44:31 pm by Rash »
Rash - Holy Priest
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