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 Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank) - chiram

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January 15, 2019, 11:45:04 pm
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Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank) - chiram
« on: January 15, 2019, 11:45:04 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: chiram
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank)
Member Type: Raider

Personal Info:

hey my name is enrique usin bravo i'm a 21 born in 1998. I live in Belgium atm ( at the coast) . I'm in accounting school and will be done with that at the end of march.


main spec dps but looking to swap back to healer i raided uldir as a healer took a break from the game to spam some m+ and pvp and swapped dps but have all the healing gear ready to go and the expierence to go with it.
I'm 375 equiped in healer and dps i have the ideal stats for monk healing in raids (crit>mast>haste>vers).
My stat values unbuffed are : 1.4k crit, 600 haste, 242 vers, 830 mastery. for healer
i'm 376 as dps  and 367 tank .

I've played monk since Mop at the start of Siege.
I always focus on effective use of mana to heal for the most effective amount.
Like if a tank is bouncing from 40% to 10% i would use thunder focus tea and envoloping mist for a quick 50k heal + a strong hot instead of panic spamming vifiy like most monk healers do.
for aoe healing i always use my renewing mist on cd if possible with a thunderfocus tea charge and try to stagger them so i get the most out of this ability. then for strong aoe healing essence font and revival as raid cd.


some pvp alts a assasination rogue and enhance/resto shammy


i have jewelcrafting on my alt and alchemy/herbing on monk and max cooking on my monk too same with fishing.

Raiding Experience:

I raided heroic siege before mythic came out did both 25 and 10 man.
I raided highmaul and a bit of blackroock didn't raid much during WoD.
I raided mythic Nighthold got 7 out of 10 kills progressed on both elisande and gul'dan got benched for those fights cuz we needed more holy paladins and i was playing druid at that moment. I took a break during ToS. During antorus i played cassually and did m+ most of the time.
I raided uldir we got 2/8 and wiped on zek at 2% guild fell apart after.

Previous Guilds:

Was a guild with some IRL mates and a 8/8 top 50 raider raidleading on his alt. The guy was a mess good player but a realy shitty personality and created a toxic Environment. One day he didn't bother to show up for raid didn't bother to notify any of us eventough we live realy close nearby. he ignored us.
When we asked what happened he said he didn't feel like raiding that day. Next raid we log on and see he kicked 90% of the guild  and said he couldn't be bothered to raid on 2 characters and disbanded the guild without asking any of us or the officers if they wanted to take over. We were doing pretty good did 4 raids of 2 hours got 2/8 and a close to 3/8.


i'm at school from 7:30 to 16:00 and get home around 17:00. i just have school on weekdays and i'm free during the weekends i have an upcomming intership but don't have any information on that yet but it shouldn't cause any problems  cuz it's an accounting internship and they follow the office hours in Belgium of 8:30 to 17:00


i can speak english no problem dutch i have teamspeak and working mic and i do use it i have been raiding using discord/teamspeak for 4 years.

Computer / Connection:

i have a 980ti intel i7 6700HQ 16 gb of rams and a ethernet connection with a strong 250mbps download and 25 mb upload i get steady a 80 fps on max setings and around 120 fps with raid set up.
i have 9 ping home and 11 world


weakaura/bartender/RCLootcouncil/ exorsus raidtools/ Decursive/  Angry assignments / DBM /simc/ Gnosis
i got weakauras for all cd's and vivify helper and Healthstone/pot tracker to show the cooldowns of healthstone pots for both mana and health and lost of Externals cd's and cc's

Other Games:

I play league of legends / diablo 3 / some singleplayer games like the witcher 3 / some overwatch. But mostly wow and league

Why Iron Edge?

I'm looking for a nice and fair raiding team. the raidning times you offer are great for me.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm an expierenced healer i played healer ever since i started playing wow in MoP and played dps for a while to so i can offer consistent and good healing/ mechanical play with a nice and friendly additude . Warning i'm a bit of a memer but will try to contain that to a minimum i'm a bit of a raidclown but if it's time to focus i get serious.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Trade chat

Last Words?

Nice dog btw FeelsGoodMan good doggo FeelsGoodMan

January 17, 2019, 05:35:39 pm
Reply #1

Offline Lethys

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Re: Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank) - chiram
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 05:35:39 pm »
Hi Chiram,

Nice application, I'm going to offer you a trial starting from the release of the new raid. We currently have a few healers currently on the roster so bench time is a possibility.
If you're all ok for that whisper me or another officer in the guild for an invite.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 07:00:56 pm by Lethys »
Any comments or statements made by Lethys are not representative of Iron Edge as a whole.


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