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 [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Ceberow

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January 25, 2013, 10:21:19 pm
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Offline Ceberow

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[Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Ceberow
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:21:19 pm »
Hello Iron Edge,

Character: Ceberow
Class/Spec: Orc Hunter (Survival)

Personal Info:
My name is Wouter, i am 18 years old and i live in The Netherlands. I am a student of the study: ICT. I live in a house with 4 other student in a city called Eindhoven. I recently moved in, but so far so good.

My main spec is Survival. Why? Simply because i like to play it. And also i got to note its high on the DPS rankings. I feel comfortable to play Survival in WoW. However i also like Marksmanship alot. But seen the DPS it does at this moment i prefer Survival. I can play all Hunter specs effectively however i prefer Survival or Marksmanship. I just generally dont like Beast Mastery that much to be honest.


Ranged characters always had my first attention when playing games. I just like shooting stuff. Thats why i chose to play a Hunter in World of Warcraft. I got much experience playing a Hunter in raids and i know the class well because i played it so much.

I like playing WoW, but multiple characters just arent really my thing. I just cant put my focus on multiple characters at once. I have my Hunter and i want to improve him and not my alts. I do have a level 85 Mage (Shimmer) and a level 78 Warrior(Dikkerd). The rest isn't worth writing down.

My professions are Leatherworking and Engineering. All my professions are level 600 including secondary professions. Those professions provide good enchants for a Hunter. Like the agility on bracers, increased agility on gloves when used and ofcourse rocket boots and goblin glider. My mage has enchanting level 600 so i can make my own enchants which always comes in handy (and saves me some money).

Raid Experience & Previous guilds:
I started my raiding career in WotLK. I raided Naxx, Ulduar(best raid ever), TOC and a little of ICC. When raiding Ulduar i was on my highest level. However i never really finished Ulduar completely. When TOC came out i started to play WoW more casually, my friends quit the game and so did i sort of. Raided a little ICC but soon decided to stop and play some other games. Cataclysm released and i checked it out for some time. Did a little LFR(which i thought had ruined the game back then) and stopped again, i dont have Cata raid experience. Then MoP released and i decided to check it out again, some friends joined me and now i am playing again. I only have done all LFR raids, however i read up on all bosses and i ofcourse know all ins and outs of a fight.

My previous guild is mainly Ryfari. They were allies back in the day and i raided with them for a long time, it was a Dutch raiding guild so we had a really nice raiding group. If i am right the majority of Ryfari did a Server change and are now playing on Frostmane.

I dont have any problems with raiding times/days, at daytime i just am on my school but in the evenings i can make my own plans so basically i am free every night if i want to.

I have a good mic and i am not afraid to talk in a raid. This is not a problem at all.


I use the following addons:
Pitbull, Bartender, Quartz, Elkano Buff Bars, MSBT, Sexymap and Prat.

Well i use some more but those arent really intresting for you guys.

GPU: ATI HD Radeon 5750
CPU: Intel i7 860
Keyboard: Logitech G11
Mouse: Logitech G500
Headset: Steelseries 5Hv2 USB

Other Games:
I played a lot of Call of Duty 2 back in the day. I had a clan with a few friends and we just played a lot of 3v3 or 5v5 wars. I also tried Diablo 3 when it released, at the beginning when i started playing i thought it was an awesome game, now however if i am looking back at it wasnt a great game at all and i was soon bored with it. Also have a PS3 where i play some games on like Elder Scrolls 4, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted etc.

What can i offer to Iron Edge?
I am a friendly and helpfull guy who enjoys to play WoW a lot. I always want to get the best out of things, i like to achieve things in the game. That's why i like achievements a lot. I can take responsibility and dont act childish. I want to be a guy where Iron Edge as a guild can count on. If people need help i will be glad to help them and if IE needs me to do something i will be glad to do it(within reason ofcourse). I can be very professional and wont give up on something, i will never ragequit and will always try to improve in the game on any front.

Where did i hear about Iron Edge?
Well i didn't really hear from you guys. However i am playing on Dunemaul for 4 years(with a lot of pauses). And Iron Edge was always a top notch guild with good people. I remember back in TBC i saw Devlin(if i remember it right) standing in Shattrath with full T6 gear and 2 warglaives of azzinoth. He was the guy i wanted to be in WoW, he was in the guild Iron Edge.

Last Words?
Gear is obtainable, experience is obtainable. Brains you just have or have not.

January 26, 2013, 02:36:48 pm
Reply #1

Offline Yoica

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Ceberow
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 02:36:48 pm »
Your gear and experience a bit low, but generally the quality of an app says as much or more about a player. This is a good app and I wouldn't mind another hunter for our raid team. I'll give it the customary ~24hrs so that others can respond before giving a final answer.

January 26, 2013, 08:35:13 pm
Reply #2

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Ceberow
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 08:35:13 pm »
Hello and thank you for applying to Iron Edge.

As Yoica mentioned, your gear and experience is below average. On the other side you said: "Gear is obtainable, experience is obtainable. Brains you just have or have not."

Your application provides sufficient information to make an overall picture.

We could definitely use another hunter in the raid, and I would not mind you being the hunter.

Good luck with your application.
все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

January 28, 2013, 11:44:20 am
Reply #3

Offline Yoica

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Re: [Casual Raid] Hunter (DPS) - Ceberow
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 11:44:20 am »
Sounds good. Poke me or doomslay for an invite


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