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Raider Recruitment / TOT Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Akalaa (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on Today at 09:48:23 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a TOT Raider.

Character: Akalaa
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Priest (DPS)
Member Type: TOT Raider

Personal Info:

James, 31, UK, Operations Manager for a wind turbine service vessel company in the UK and EU. 1 little daughter, aged 3 and fitting WoW in in as many evenings as I can allow without my partner leaving me.


Shadow Priest - Just always enjoyed it, was Holy Pala main but wanted to experience different mechanics. While my daughter was really little I couldn't commit to tanking comms etc so chose to reroll DPS and enjoyed Shadow.


Holy Paladin - Jaylu
Feral Tank - Maevamoo


Tailor/Ench - Self explanatory really. Didn't reroll Engi on this for BIS due to HPala main before I stopped playing PreICC, and didn't want another alchemist for Cata early game.

Mythic+ Experience:

No interesting stories no, schedule has never allowed me to play hardcore so other than your standard raiding experiences i've not much to share. Quit WoW at Cata first time around, came back during WotlK cata after a few weeks of BC and unfortunately only managed ToGC progression runs.

Previous Guilds:

None relevant.


Yeah, I can be flexible in the evenings.


Yeah, for obvious reasons. Yeah, happy on Disc and do have a mic which i'm willing to use.

System / Connection:

Yes No Good Yes No No No - Can't elaborate too much more! FTTP internet and cap my FPS to 60.


ElvUI - Fairly cluttered but i'll trim it down for raiding. Transferrable between all my chars at present.

Other Games:

Bit of league but can't invest enough time in both, so mainly WoW.

Why Iron Edge?

Enjoyed the post and history/website and brief conversation I had prior to applying.

What I can offer Iron Edge:

Friendly, sociable guy who wants to make the most of any raiding time we can share. Will always come prepared and stay for the duration.

Where I heard about Iron Edge:


Last Words:

Last words are for goodbyes, not hello's!

Hi Jake,

Thanks for applying. I feel like we should play 20 questions to find out your occupation, but we'll ease you in first!
I can't guarantee that raidlogging won't become a thing in cata. Gone are the days where we would be on every night after school... but we're more than just a cata classic guild as you can see!

We're aiming for a 25man roster for cata if we can. You're welcome to join us on this endeavour should you wish it.

Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Pomboo (XR)
« Last post by Shimmar on Today at 09:20:45 pm »
Hey Pomboooooo,

Thanks for applying. You can join as a social for Cata and should you approach us about joining the raid team, we will not hesitate to deny you - such is your wish!

Aww that's great! Thanks a lot!
Hey Daniel,

We are happy to offer you a spot for the Cata raid. We're aiming for a 25-man roster so if you're happy with that, you can poke someone for an invite and join discord.

Hey Daniel!

Thanks for applying and putting in an insightful application! Quite the story and journey you've been on.
We have a spot for a tank open currently so you've picked the right time to apply.

We'll be back to you with a decision soon enough, but in the meantime keep an eye on the application thread for any questions others might have.

Speak soon!
Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Death Knight (DPS) - Griévous (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on May 02, 2024, 07:48:08 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Griévous
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Death Knight (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Jake, 30, cannot disclose (I work though), I have played wow since 2006, mainly as a warrior dps. I played up until cata launch then quit as I was in high school at this time and had to quit or I would have no certified education :D

I came back when classic came around and at that time was off work with the craziness that was covid, I hardcore raided on 2 warriors and 2 rogues.

I skipped tbc because i played on some non legal servers before classic launch and I was on TBC so took a break then came back to play DK in wotlk which I raided every bit of content until my guild killed LK then I took a break.

When I am not raiding, I am fishing as i find it kind of relaxing, if I am not relaxing I am probably doing arena's (have been gladiator a few times but I am older now and don't play that hardcore anymore)

In my off time I play Destiny 2 with close irl friends and overwatch 2.

if you have any other questions please feel free to hit me up, I am leveling my Archaeology up (never did this proffession) so i will be scooting around Kalimdor!

Also very interested in completing glory of the icecrown raider so even if I am not a fit for the guild hit me up if you're doing any of that good stuff just need LK achievements and heroic full clear!



I purposely came back to wotlk because DK was being brought in, I have always wanted to play the class but I was locked in as the warrior during my time back in the day. I was level 70 day 2 of prepatch and I haven't looked back since!

I love the class fantasy of Unholy Deathknight, I love the gameplay of Unholy (I played with a 2h throughout wrath hate me if you want) and now with Cata I get to play one of if not the greatest rendition of Unholy, it is an interesting high skill cap spec that I will enjoy mastering as I go into cata to do content I have never done!


I have a level 80 Paladin, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock and soon Warrior


Engineering and Jewel-crafting, I was min maxing my main for wrath but I enjoyed being able to cut my own gems too as my rogue had herb alchemy to make pots and transmute for me, my Hunter mined for me so yeah I could take 2 crafting professions though I will probably drop Jewel crafting for Mining as I will really only have time to play 1 character come cata

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I have raided all content in classic from MC to ICC ( actually lying I haven't done ruby sanctum in classic but had completed 25hc back in the day, I hate those lazer beams ) PvP experience I have been rank 13 on warrior, I have been Gladiator back when TBC was current content during s3 and s4. My DK in Wrath has been 2k rated in 2 seasons but played with guildies who didn't play much pvp. I am not really sure what else to add here :D

Previous Guilds:

<Core> who I played with partially in classic vanilla, then at the end of tbc, through into wotlk, I left after we had LK down as a lot of life stuff happened, the guild disbanded a few weeks later as I feel almost everyone was as burnt out as I was and sadly it became a raid-logging guild rather than a "Guild"


Great question, to be decided I am unsure right at this moment of time as things are changing about of me work wise but hopefully I'll never be missing a raid, I had 90% attendance with my previous guild missing week rarely


It's the only language I speak sadly

Computer / Connection:

I have a pretty top end machine I built myself, 240fps 12ms ping i'd say i've about a 99% uptime though I do live in the country side which means if a bad storm (maybe once every 3-4 years) my electric or internet can get knocked out but that's pushing it. other than that stable


DBM/Atlas/Details/Diminish(DR tracker)/Dominos/Fojji/Kui/Method raid/dungeon tools/omniCC/Pallypower/Plater/Shadowed unit frames/ Weakaura's - All raid imports with Fojji (guildie bought it and shared with all) Sarthe's DK hud (amazing) Slices UH gargoyle buffs.

A lot of this can and will change as currently Cata is in disarray for what add0ns work and don't

Other Games:

As stated I do play other games, Mostly destiny 2 (Friday night flawless runs in trials of Osiris and raids with the boys Irl friends) I also play Overwatch 2, I dabble in old school Runescape as well for Nostalgia, plus tonnes of single player games, recently played Baudlurs gate 3 (just wow) and have Cyberpunk 2077 to run now that it's not a complete crash site

Why Iron Edge?

Great question, I enjoy being somewhere that isn't just a raid-logging hellscape, i'd like to join a guild that enjoys just being on coms together, meet new people and raid in a relaxed preferably laughing (if you find my Irish banter funny) discord group while doing current or old content.

you guys seem to be an old school group that managed to keep it together through the many storms and if anything that says more about you than a 120 character message spammed into trade chat and your early 2000's style website gives me rose tinted binocular's

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Maximum effort when it comes to performance, I am competitive enough to want to do the best I can possibly do and you will see that with my progression as I master unholy through the expansion.

A good attitude and positive, constructive input. I am very self aware, so when I am doing something wrong, or if explained what it is that I am doing wrong I accept it, adapt and overcome. I am very situationally aware and record myself playing when I am doing new content, as I find it the most effective way to learn what I am doing well and what I am doing wrong.

I am a joker, I enjoy making people laugh even at my own expense, I get involved and I think that's probably the most I can offer when it comes to playing with a guild.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Trade chat - ;D

Last Words?

"Yours... Not mine"

Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Pomboo (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on May 02, 2024, 07:43:46 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Pomboo
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Gonçalo, 28, Portugal, Data Analyst. Been playing wow for roughly 16 years (Started out as a noob in WotLK) and I'm now trying to catch a break from retail with Cata classic.


Survival Hunter - First character I've had and who doesn't like to run around shooting things with a pet.


I have a rogue almost 80 and will probably level a warrior for fun as well.


No recipes as I joined the WotLK train late but will go ahead with engineering most likely

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Been raiding since Cata Firelands started taking it more seriously around SoO with mythic and been getting CE ever since (except for 1 or 2 tiers where I stopped playing)
PvP is boring but I got 2.2K in RBGs once.

Previous Guilds:

Classic - Random Casual guilds, everytime I logged back (used to play for two weeks then go afk for 2-3 months) so I would always come back to a dead guild.
Retail - Sanctum Nocturnos portuguese guild (reference on our little portuguese server)


Usually available every evening.


Yes, yes and yes.

Computer / Connection:

I can play on ultra with no issues.


BigWigs, WA, plater, the rest doesn't really have an impact

Other Games:

Retail, Classic, LoL, TFT, Valorant

Why Iron Edge?

I want a community and not brainless random folks

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Myself, I enjoy playing with the same people regularly so I also like to be available to others.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Trade spam

Last Words?

At the end of the day what I'm looking for as a social is to be able to log in and see the same familiar names playing and just have fun with the community. I will eventually get bored of being a social and beg for a spot on the raiding team PLEASE DENY IT

Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Ripjoerogan (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on May 02, 2024, 05:36:24 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Ripjoerogan
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Death Knight (Tank)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Hello, my name is Daniel Watkins I am 45 years young, and I now live in Sweden (British native). I am retired but I still do photography as a Hobbie that I also get paid for sometimes. I started skateboarding when I was 5 and spend most of my spare time trying to still do it.


I am playing Blood DK, I enjoy tanking a lot and I find with Cataclysm talents and changes it to be a lot more fun than the WOTLK version.


Just my Paladin at level 55 which I made to unlock the Death Knight class.


Mining and Blacksmithing - I took these mostly for the extra sockets for Mastery stacking and since this is a new account too make some gold from mining.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I have played WoW since the original Alpha and I have cleared all raids up to the end of MOP and I have been a 5 time Glad (season 1,3,4,5, and 6) as a Resto/Ele Shaman.

Previous Guilds:

Old school Inner Sanctum on Alliance EU Silvermoon who I left to join SK Gaming on Horde and then back to Inner Sanctum after they disbanded (many, many moons ago).


Available most days and pretty much every time I play is a lengthy session.


I am English have Discord and I can talk and listen.

Computer / Connection:

I have a decent rig and 1000mb connection. I do have the odd random PC restart but it's pretty rare.


I use ELVUI and Weak Auras mostly just because I like the way ELV looks straight out of the box. I use Weak Auras for various things from Bone Shield charges to debuffs and so on.

Other Games:

I used to play a lot of Overwatch at a high level, I was a GM Lucio back in Overwatch 1. Other than that, anything open world/RPG/Die in 1 hit games I play from Far Cry to Elden Ring.

Why Iron Edge?

I saw Hemoroids advertise in general chat and saw the '19 year old' guild line and thought that's pretty cool these days. I saw the photos on the web page and you seem like a mature bunch of folks and overall thats all I want, just a friendly mature guild.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Reliability as a social might not be thought of as important but I still try to play as best I can and I am always up for heroic spams and alt raids, whatever really if I am online, I am down. I think I am a pretty nice guy, I cause no drama, I just want to play the game everything else is not really my business. Always happy to have a banter about the game, Skateboarding, Cameras, and I am a UFC nerd.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Trade spam.

Last Words?

So, maybe a little long winded but I will try to keep it short and sweet.

I played WoW as hardcore as could be for many years all the way through till the end of MOP. I had an accident in real life that left me in a coma and pretty much wrecked me, for a long time I could do nothing. I had to learn to walk again, talk properly every basic thing I had to learn to do again. WoW just died away I couldn't play any games even though I wanted I knew it would be a bad thing to just be fucked up and do nothing but try and play a game. I sold all of my accounts and just cut ties with the game.

After a while I slowy got back to being as normal as I could and started playing with some old friends very casually, I never did anything much to talk about but I was having fun, my ability to play retail was greatly diminished as I have permeant nerve damage in my arm so having to try and do more and more complex rotations and bosses becoming more and more about movement I just started to lose interest as I couldn't physically keep up and when I could fatigue would hit and then it was game over.

For me MOP was the most I have enjoyed this game but I really did enjoy Cataclysm back in the day so I thought I would just play casually and see how I got on and fingers crossed we get MOP. I made a new account last week levelled a Pally to unlock Death Knights and then just got 80 on that and started with my professions. I found I really enjoyed it, and the most important thing was I never really got fatigued as the rotations and mechanics are fairly simple and I am able to keep up, I still have a break every now and then, but I feel fine. Still rusty but It's fun to learn again for sure.

So, there I am in Dalaran smelting 6 million thorium bars and I see the guild advertisement and here we are :)

Raider Recruitment / Re: TOT Raider Application - Priest (DPS) - Rebldots (XR)
« Last post by kodin on April 29, 2024, 05:56:30 pm »
Thats fine,

Once you've sorted your transfer feel free to message an officer for a invite to the guild. And remember to join the guild discord.

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