Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on August 25, 2017, 02:12:10 am

Title: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palânormal
Post by: Applicant on August 25, 2017, 02:12:10 am
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Palânormal
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Jonas, 20, from Germany, my job is basically making the life of disabled people nice by doing acitvities with them etc.


Honestly just been playing dps on this character im at 926 and been on a 2 month break so it would be higher but yeah, ive got a mage and a dh around 900 ilevel

Retpala is probably one of the more easier classes unless you'Re on 15 crusade stacks the rotation is straight foward and basic. i was playing feral before legion so its really not a problem for me. stats are complicated for ret i use askmrrobot and simcraft to check frequently. stack holypower->judgement->spend holypower


ive got a warlock and a dh around 900 ilevel, my old feral in 870 and a fresh 110 warrior


not really no

Raiding Experience:

im 1/9 mythic with my old guild before we stopped. got early curve+scorpyron kill in NH aswell. ive played healer in wotlk and Cata but just dps now

Previous Guilds:

Shock and Awe the only relevant guild i was in, disbanded


i work shifts so my worktimes are varied, attendance wasnt a problem before tho


yup, use ts3 everday, can speak

Computer / Connection:

decent gaming rig, able to stream in 720p, pretty stable connection and good ping


Elvui as UI
Details as Dpsmeter and to check who killed the raid/didnt kick
DBM obvious reasons
Rclootcouncil for loot
Exodusraidtools for notes/food/flaskcheck/raidinspect great addon overall
Weakauras for special mechanics i need to be aware of
some other things like twitch emotes because i think its funny

Other Games:

im 5k mmr in Dota, and then some pubg and random stuff with friends

Why Iron Edge?

Honestly im pretty fucking lost on Kazzak i came here with a friend that currently has no time for wow and now that my guild splitup i dont know anyone here anymore, i check you guys on wowprogres and together with your website looks like you are a nice bunch so why not

What can I offer Iron Edge?

dedicated player with decent experience and competitive drive, a sarcastic and generally fun personality

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

mentioned above

Last Words?

probs to the person who checks all of these applications and then halfwaythrough realises the person just wasted 30minutes of your time lol

Title: Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palânormal
Post by: Vejeta on August 25, 2017, 09:22:13 am
Hi palanormal,,

Thank you for applying to us first of all, can you please dilvuge further into rotations for single target and multiple target fights, the rotation is simple I agree and more so about timing.

I did however notice you are wearing an awful lot of mastery can you advise on why it is that high due to it being a current horrible stat? You don't seem to have much mythic experience across whole of Legion,  was any of your alts your old main?

Last thing being can you please provide some logs so that our melee officer can have a look at them to make a more informed decision.

Good luck on the apply

Title: Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palânormal
Post by: Rash on August 25, 2017, 11:42:31 am
Hi Palânormal!

You seem like a pretty nice guy, but your application is lazy and doesn't really give us much to go on.  You can ignore Vejeta's questions and answer these instead. Think about them carefully and give us reasons why we should let you join our guild and raid. You are free to look at other applications if you need inspiration. Try to make it interesting!

1. What is your history in WoW, when did you start playing, have you taken long breaks and what guilds did you join and what was your experience with them?
2. Why do you want to join Iron Edge, not a guild in general, but Iron Edge specifically? (what do you want from us)
3. What can you bring to us that will make us want to have you in the guild? (What you can bring to us in return)

Looking forward to reading it, good luck!
Title: Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palânormal
Post by: Palanormal on August 25, 2017, 09:40:12 pm
yeah sorry for being a little lazy it was the middle of the night and I didn't feel like writing a lot.

1. I've started in late WotLK, I was playing resto shaman back then on a pretty low pop German server and mainly playing pvp with my friend that was playing warlock at the time. We eventually joined the best guild on the server which was compared to bigger servers still a bad guild, however, we got into the guild by beating the leader multiple times in arena 2v2's and he added me after a while(this was in early Cata). Both of us had almost no raiding experience and we almost instantly got into the main raid(and I became officer/second raid lead) and were able to beat, I think, all bosses on normal, which to us was like winning the Superbowl(i was around 13-14 I think).  Some of the other officers got into a (Real-life) fight and the guild collapsed. I took a break until Pandaria played a mage for a while but didn't really play for long. hopped back in at the end of Pandaria with a ww monk for pvp then stopped again. played WoD only to level up to max and stopped again because I didn't like the Garrison system etc. Late in WoD I came back with a feral, continued into legion with that, realised blizzard forgot to tune that spec to 110 and stopped again. this was an insanely frustrating part because I knew im not a bad player (had some decent numbers but basically playing the piano as a rotation and being relatively low in dps was just annoying. Came back after another break and started playing Pala joined a guild from trade chat and got pretty lucky because I managed to get into mythic raiding with basically no achievements/exp anything to show for. So here I am my guild once again collapsed due to player shortage and people getting poached by better guilds

2. I want a stable guild with solid progress that is not a pushover, that takes itself seriously and won't crumble in hard times(wipessssss), I like raiding 2-3 times a week and think that's enough
given I am a little undergeared since my guild stopped raiding and I cba to pug, I do hope I can get some items, given you think im worthwhile

looks like you guys are just what I'm looking for

3. this part is something that feels weird whatever I type out: im a tryhard, I've got a big teamspirit yet like to banter, I'm pretty sure i can decent logs and i often spend time trying to improve. My Class is not the #1 DPS spec and actually on the lower end but any paladin is a force multiplier for a raid given the manabuff, BOP,Bubble(also cheatdeath) its tomb of soakgeras after all and im confident in taking roles that involve doing mechanics and not doing dps if thats what it takes(did you know you can cheese the murlocs on lady sassdkfsfash by using divine steed? they just despawn)

I hope that's enough information and hope my English is not too bad given it's not my native language and I learned it through Shows/Speaking with people online
Title: Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palânormal
Post by: Rash on August 27, 2017, 11:17:42 am
That's much better, we'll get back to you shortly :)
Title: Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Palânormal
Post by: Rash on August 30, 2017, 07:04:54 pm
Hi Palanormal,

Thank you for your interest in Iron Edge. We've decided that we're not really looking for another retribution paladin to fill out our roster at the moment. I'll update this thread if that should change.

Good luck on your search for a guild!